Cyberspace allows individuals to create representations of themselves that bear little or no similarity to their offline identities. Internet users can create a multitude of “avatars” for themselves, from video game identities to message... more
This article interrogates an American self-identity predicated on a model of absolute difference from the Taliban (good versus evil, etc.) by exploring affinities between their respective ideologies. The place of " woman, " within and... more
Supporters of Stand Your Ground laws claim that these laws are necessary to protect public safety, but all available credible evidence indicates that these laws seriously undermine public safety. As the brainchild of the National Rifle... more
President Obama's praise of empathy as a valuable judicial trait triggered a shamefully partisan misrepresentation of both the concept of empathy and the nature of our judicial system more generally. In this manufactured debate, the Right... more
In 2005 Florida passed the nation’s first so-called stand-your-ground law. By 2014 stand-your-ground laws had been passed in thirty-three states, transforming the legal landscape of self-defense. These laws significantly alter the... more
In 1990, Angela Harris wrote an article that interrogated the limitations of feminist legal theory. Nearly a quarter of a century later, the insights and challenges Harris offered in Race and Essentialism in Feminist Legal Theory continue... more
Sexual harassment is a complex and evolving practice. The rise of sexual discrimination in cyberspace is only one of the most recent and most striking examples of the phenomenon's increasing complexity. Sexual harassment law, however, has... more
In the debate over how to regulate cyber harassment, there those who believe that cyber harassment is a serious phenomenon (condemners) and those who think cyber harassment is not a serious phenomenon (defenders). What condemners often... more
If a man in prison says that he was made " to feel like a woman, " this is commonly understood to mean that he was degraded, dehumanized, and sexualized. This association of femininity with punishment has significant implications for the... more
This book review evaluates Janet Halley's hedonics of critique, a theoretical approach that prioritizes the celebration of pleasure over harm - harm that Halley claims Feminism has not only unduly emphasized but has in many cases created... more
Proponents of Stand Your Ground laws cynically exploit the image of vulnerable women to defend expansions of self-defense doctrine, despite the fact that such laws actually reinforce and exacerbate existing gender divides in self-defense... more
Free speech defenders generally treat bad speech – hateful, offensive, obscene speech – as a necessary evil, not something that should be celebrated in itself but an inevitable byproduct of a system that protects expressive flourishing.... more
Today, everyone is watched. While surveillance is not new, “mass surveillance” is a relatively recent phenomenon. The mainstreaming of surveillance has helped spark an antisurveillance, pro-privacy movement that extends across legal... more
My contribution to the volume Law and Lies begins with the observation that America is built on a lie. That lie inheres in its foundational text, the Constitution of the United States, which begins in the false claim to speak of and for... more
This book review essay considers the Guantanamo Bay detention facility both before and after it became the focus of international attention. Brandt Goldstein's 'Storming the Court: How a Band of Yale Law Students Sued the President - and... more
A meditation on what two paintings, Gustave Courbet's L'Origine du monde and Kasimir Malevich's Black Square reveal and conceal about women and sex, through the lens of psychoanalytic and post-structural theory (Slavoj Zizek, Jacques... more
Theodor Adorno's condemnation of the culture industry's attempt to erase the sensitivity to and memory of suffering is especially appropriate to contemporary cultural representations of sexual violence. The deadening (literally... more
While both men and women can, and do, use violence against each other, men's violence against women is far more common, less justified, and more destructive than women's violence against men. One of the reasons for this asymmetry is that... more
This is the thesis I submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.Phil. in European Literature at Oxford University in 2001. It is an investigation of the body in the works of the Austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann and... more