Human speech averages 150 words/minute, but human thoughts run more like 400 words per minute. Steve Rousseau decided to try “podfasting” (listening to podcasts at faster-than-normal speed) at progressively higher speeds to see whether he could consume more of the internet-mattress-subsidized high-quality audio bubble as he could before that bubble burst.
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Tag: spoken word
Uncovering two lost comedy albums from cult comic Dick Davy, who once championed civil rights and antiracism
Jason Klamm from the Comedy on Vinyl podcast (previously) writes, “In late 2018, I uncovered the true identity of comic Dick Davy. Since starting his archive, I’ve come across some real gems, but in August, one find took the cake. His niece, Sharon, mailed me two records that had been sitting in a box, and it turns out these are unreleased acetates of material no one has heard in almost sixty years. I had Firesign Theatre archivist Taylor Jessen transfer and do a quick clean-up of them. This episode discusses their contents and what their future might be.” (MP3)
Michael Moore just launched a new podcast and it’s great, full of hope and anger
I just got back from a longer-than-usual family holiday during which I did much less work than I usually do when I’m off (I recommend both to you!), but one exception I made was tuning into Michael Moore’s outstanding new podcast, Rumble, which Moore records from his apartment, usually with a special guest (I tuned in when I saw that he’d done an episode with the wonderful Anand “Winners Take All” Giridharadas (previously).
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My annual Daddy-Daughter Xmas Podcast: interview with an 11-year-old
Every year, I record a short podcast with my daughter, Poesy. Originally, we’d just sing Christmas carols, but with Poesy being nearly 12, we’ve had a moratorium on singing. This year, I interviewed Poe about her favorite Youtubers, books, apps, and pass-times, as well as her feelings on data-retention (meh) and horses (love ’em). And we even manage to squeeze in a song!
From Enron to Saudi Arabia, from Rikers Island to ICE’s gulag, how McKinsey serves as “Capitalism’s Consigliere”
On this week’s Intercepted podcast (MP3) (previously), host Jeremy Scahill (previously) takes a long, deep look at the history of McKinsey and Company, whose consultants are the architects of ICE’s gulags, a failed, high-cost initiative to curb violence at Rikers Island that used falsified data to secure ongoing funding — a company whose internal documents compare management consultants to “the Marine Corps, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Jesuits” and whose government contracts bill out freshly hired, inexperienced junior consultants at $3m/year.
Continue reading “From Enron to Saudi Arabia, from Rikers Island to ICE’s gulag, how McKinsey serves as “Capitalism’s Consigliere””
Harry Shearer interviews Uber’s smartest critic: Hubert “Bezzle” Horan
Hubert Horan (previously) is a transport industry analyst who has written more than 20 essays for Naked Capitalism as well as two peer-reviewed scholarly articles explaining why Uber is a “bezzle” — that is, a scam that can’t possibly ever make money, no matter how much it preys on drivers, ignores passenger safety, and destroys safe, regulated taxi businesses. Harry “Mr Burns” Shearer interviewed Horan (MP3) on the latest episode of his radio show, Le Show. It’s a fantastic interview that quickly gets to the meat of Horan’s critique of Uber, and then digs into both the ridiculous defenses that Uber and its defenders mount of its possible sustainability, and the social circumstances that allowed Uber to bezzle $21b from its investors in just a few years, while still attracting more investors. (Image: Tarcil, CC BY-SA, modified) (via Naked Capitalism)
Talking with the Left Field podcast about Sidewalk Labs’s plan to build a surveilling “smart city” in Toronto
We’ve been closely following the plan by Google sister company Sidewalk Labs to build a surveilling “smart city” in Toronto; last week, I sat down with the Out of Left Field podcast (MP3) to discuss what’s going on with Sidewalk Labs, how it fits into the story of Big Tech, and what the alternatives might be.
Talking Adversarial Interoperability with Y Combinator
Earlier this month while I was in San Francisco, I went over to the Y Combinator incubator to record a podcast (MP3); we talked for more than an hour about the history of Adversarial Interoperability and what its role was in creating Silicon Valley and the tech sector and how monopolization now threatens adversarial interop and also how it fuels the conspiratorial thinking that is so present in our modern politics. We talk about how startup founders and other technologists can use science fiction for inspiration, and about the market opportunities presented by challenging Big Tech and its giant, massively profitable systems.
Library Socialism: a utopian vision of a sustaniable, luxuriant future of circulating abundance
SRSLY Wrong is a “research-based comedy podcast” run by a pair of Canadian fellas with a background in radical politics, occupy, and the Pirate Party; in a three part series, hosts Aaron Moritz and Shawn Vulliez; in a series of three long podcast episodes (1, 2, 3), the pair elucidate and elaborate a utopian vision for the future that they dub “Library Socialism.”
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Talking about Disney’s 1964 Carousel of Progress with Bleeding Cool: our lost animatronic future
Back in 2007, I wrote a science fiction novella called “The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrrow,” about an immortal, transhuman survivor of an apocalypse whose father is obsessed with preserving artifacts from the fallen civilization, especially the Carousel of Progress, an exhibition that GE commissioned from Disney for the 1964 World’s Fair in New York, which is still operating in Walt Disney World.
Continue reading “Talking about Disney’s 1964 Carousel of Progress with Bleeding Cool: our lost animatronic future”