Remembering the Awhatukee House of the Future, a “shining home of dreams” that became a $3 tourist trap

In 1979, construction concluded on the Awhatukee House of the Future, a $1.2m model home in the new Phoenix suburb of Ahwatukee Village, co-built with input from Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin Associated Architects and equipped with 10 networked Motorola processors that retailed for $30,000.
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After random surveillance images started to show up on users’ devices, Google blocked Xiaomi from running Assistant or Google Home

Last week, a redditor posted that “When I load the Xiaomi camera in my Google home hub I get stills from other people’s homes!!” The post included video of the user’s tablet showing stills of strangers in their homes, including some of strangers asleep in their bedrooms.
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Vulnerabilities in smart electric plugs give attackers a staging point for scanning and attacking your whole network

If an attacker takes control of a device inside your network — by exploiting a defect in it or a mistake you made in configuring it or by tricking you somehow — then they can do all kinds of bad things, like scanning your local network for other vulnerable devices, attacking them and taking control over them.
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The Internet of Shit: a godsend for abusers and stalkers

People who help domestic abuse survivors say that they are facing an epidemic of women whose abusers are torturing them by breaking into their home smart devices, gaslighting them by changing their thermostat settings, locking them out of their homes, spying on them through their cameras.

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