Bernie Sanders remains one of the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination for the 2020 presidential elections, but you’d hardly know it from the media narrative, which consistently downplays, ignores or misstates Sanders’ campaign platform and his achievements in favor of establishment candidates and even other trustbusters like Elizabeth Warren.
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Tag: reddit
Reddit’s wonderful “Change My View” forum launches its own independent website
Change My View (previously) is a wonderful subreddit founded by a Scottish highschooler named Kal Turnbull as a forum where people can conduct honest inquiry and debate, where the house-rules ensure that there is an open-minded willingness to have your views changed, and where those changes are marked with a Δ (delta) symbol.
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The Real Santa: grimly hilarious comedy short
Filmmakers turned a writing prompt from Reddit user WaFromWa into a stellar short film whose premise includes Santa as a deadly, covert super-assassin. Superb! (via JWZ)
Superb makeup transformation from young woman to elderly genius
Frustratingly, this video has no data about the identity of the incredible genius featured therein. Who is she?
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Reddit takes a stand against the EU’s plan to break the internet
Reddit has posted a punchy, impassioned warning about the likelihood that it will no longer be able to function if the EU’s plan to mandate copyright filters and limit linking to news without permission goes through.
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Homebrew game-controller
Redditor Ch8s3 created this custom game controller by creating a new case, seating the mainboard in it and soldering new LEDs on, then swapping out the buttons for dremeled-out shell-cases from a Luger 9MM, a Remington 20, and a 12 gauge Hornady 50 caliber. It’s beautiful work.
Anatomy of a Reddit cryptocurrency spam-factory
A guy named “Aaron” has been pitching Reddit moderators and other influential Redditors on their participation in a lucrative scam to inflate the popularity of posts about different cryptocurrencies, using massive farms of bots that post and upvote through a network of proxies that make them seem like they’re distributed all over the world.
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Join me and the Electronic Frontier Foundation today for a Reddit AMA about how copyright law can censor security research
Have you ever wanted to talk with the Electronic Frontier Foundation about the risks of talking in public about security issues, especially in connected Internet of Things devices? Today, you’ll get your chance.
A next-gen, multi-switch Useless Machine that unswitches your switches in order
Coffeeman 500’s Useless Box – Multi Switch project is an open-source hardware project that’s an ambitious variant on the beloved “Useless Machine” — 2010, 2010 (Lego)), 2010 Political edition), 2011 (HOWTO), 2012 (politics), 2013 (fancy), 2013 (advanced) (vs human), 2016 (most useless), 2017 (vs twisty vase).
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Just look at these bananails.
Just look at them. (Thanks, Sean!)