After random surveillance images started to show up on users’ devices, Google blocked Xiaomi from running Assistant or Google Home

Last week, a redditor posted that “When I load the Xiaomi camera in my Google home hub I get stills from other people’s homes!!” The post included video of the user’s tablet showing stills of strangers in their homes, including some of strangers asleep in their bedrooms.
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Kentucky’s former GOP governor pardoned a bunch of rapists and murderers on his way out of office, including a child rapist

Former Republican Governor of Kentucky Matt Bevin pardoned 28 prisoners on his way out of office, including Micah Schoettle, convicted of repeatedly raping a nine year old girl over a two year period, often while her sister was present. Bevin told a conservative talk-show host that he believed Schoettle had been falsely accused and convicted, citing his understanding that child rape survivor’s hymen was intact (a peer-reviewed study of girls who survive rape found that only 2.1% of them had visible damage to their hymens; Bevin told an interviewer “This is perhaps more specific than people would want, but trust me, if you have been repeatedly sexually violated as a small child by an adult, there are going to be repercussions of that physically and medically”).
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“Softbody Tetris”: what if tetronimoes were made of jello?

C4D4U’s SOFTBODY TETRIS V16 is (as the name implies), the latest in a series of “softbody” simulations of Tetris, in which the tetronimoes are rubbery, jelly-like solids that glisten as they wobble into place. It’s an incredibly soothing thing to watch (C4D4U calls them “ASMR for my eyes”) and part of a wider genre of softbody sims. JWZ argues that this “becomes intolerable” upon the “realization that completed rows don’t liquify” but if that’s your thing, you need SOFTBODY TETRIS V9.

Taxpayers spent $10b for Trump’s wall (so far); smugglers are cutting it with $100 saws and $10 blades

Cutting through the vertical bollards in Trump’s “virtually impenetrable” wall takes mere minutes, using a $100 reciprocating saw and “extreme metal cutting” blades that sell for $10-15; once cut, the length of the bollards provides leverage to wall-cutters so they can be easily bent to allow a person to pass through them, and afterwards, the bollards can be replaced and cemented with easy-to-cut putty that border patrol officers often mistake for official repair welds (these welds are only slightly harder to cut through than the putty).
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Le Creuset announces a line of high-end Star Wars cookwear

French company Le Creuset has announced a line of its signature enameled cast-iron cookwear themed after the Star Wars franchise; it’s expensive even by Le Creuset standards, and a few of the pieces are uninspired messes, but the Han Solo in Carbonite roaster ($450), the R2-D2 Mini Cocotte ($30) and the Porg Pie Bird ($25) are positively brilliant. I’m also fond of the Tattoine Dutch oven, but that one isn’t even priced and the company is offering an “opportunity to purchase.” (via Geekologie)

Florida Governor says the FBI told him how the Russians hacked Florida voting machines, but swore him to secrecy

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says that after the Mueller Report was published, the FBI came to him to explain its conclusion that at least two Florida county’s voting machines were hacked by Russians during the 2016 election, but that they swore him to secrecy so he can’t reveal which counties and which machines were hacked.
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Lin-Manuel Miranda rescues New York’s beloved, century-old Drama Book Shop

For more than 100 years, New York City’s Tony-award-winning Drama Book Shop has been a stalwart of the city’s thronging theater community; but like so many independent bookstores, it has struggled (it recently announced that it would have to leave its Times Square location on January 20 due to rent hikes).
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Trump cybersecurity advisor Rudy Giuliani has no idea how the internet works

Rudy Giuliani fatfingered a tweet last week and inadvertently referenced a nonexistent URL (; some clever wag registered the URL and stood up a static landing page that reads “Donald J. Trump is a traitor to our country.”
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A database of instructions for making different paper airplanes

Fold N Fly is a visual database of paper airplane designs, sortable by aerodynamic properties (distance, airtime, etc), and difficulty of folding. Some pretty exotic designs, too! (Thanks, Fipi Lele!)
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Calgary malls caught secretly using facial recognition to characterise shoppers’ age and gender

Calgary’s Chinook Centre and Market Mall — operated by Cadillac Fairview — have been caught running background software that analysed the footage from the CCTVs in the malls’ electronic directories to guess at the age and gender of visitors, without consent or notification.
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