NZ Green Party MP Chlöe Swarbrick was giving a speech in favour of stricter carbon emissions standards when the 50-year-old National Party Climate Critic Todd Muller heckled her; without missing a beat, she fired back “OK Boomer” and moved on to making a rather good and eloquent point about need for intense action on climate.
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Tag: memes
Teens are filling Tiktok with memes deploring #Life360, a parenting app that tracks teens
Life360 is an app that lets you track a mobile phone user in fine-grained, realtime detail, with options to set alert for things like “is this person exceeding the speed limit?” It’s widely used by parents to track their teens, and this seems to be the summer where it comes into its own, with millions of families around the world relying on it to act as a kind of remote leash for their kids.
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Satanic Panic 2.0: The Momo Challenge hoax [TW: Self-harm/suicide]
According to reports from gullible parents’ organizations, police departments, and media outlets, Kids on the Internet are spreading memes featuring an image of “Momo” (actually a sculpture called “Mother Bird” created by Keisuke Aisawa for the Japanese SFX studio Link Factory) that includes explicit self-harm and suicide instructions (the “challenge” in “Momo challenge” is allegedly to get kids to hurt or kill themselves).
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One More For the Road: The Laugh-Out-Loud Cats are back!
Back in 2007, Adam “Apelad” Koford created a marvellous, funny, weird alternate history for the then-viral phenomenon of LOLcats, running-gag memes of cats whose superimposed dialog had many odd grammatical quirks: the Laugh-Out-Loud Cats,” a pair of comic-strip hobo cats straight out of the 1930s, who found obscure and clever ways to riff on our contemporary LOLcats.
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Distracted Lego boyfriend
Iain Heath writes, “I recreated the ‘distracted boyfriend’ meme using LEGO bricks.” You certainly did, Iain, and very well, too!
Put words between buns!
Youtube Face: the visual vocabulary of broad facial expressions dictated by Google’s Algorithm Gods
You’ve probably seen the Youtube Face; it’s that extreme facial expression (disgust, ecstasy, hilarity, etc) depicted in the thumbnails of Youtubers’ would-be-viral videos, especially reaction videos.
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How to: Poop Emoji hairdo
(via JWZ)
Peasant meme
Doges are done; sneks are so September. What’s next? @Hay_Man’s Peasant Memes!
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Martin Shkreli offers a bailout to ailing 4chan
Meme factory/Anonymous birthplace/alt-right breeding ground 4chan is facing challenges similar to those plaguing all ad-supported sites, but as with all things channish, 4chan’s problems have their own unique and grotesque wrinkles.
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