Kentucky’s Whitefield Academy expels student for wearing a rainbow shirt in a Facebook photo

The Whitefield Academy is a “Christ-centered, college-preparatory school for grades PreK-12 fostering a passion for learning, others ahead of self, and the living and active Jesus.” That is to say, it’s a school for religious maniacs.

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Kentucky’s former GOP governor pardoned a bunch of rapists and murderers on his way out of office, including a child rapist

Former Republican Governor of Kentucky Matt Bevin pardoned 28 prisoners on his way out of office, including Micah Schoettle, convicted of repeatedly raping a nine year old girl over a two year period, often while her sister was present. Bevin told a conservative talk-show host that he believed Schoettle had been falsely accused and convicted, citing his understanding that child rape survivor’s hymen was intact (a peer-reviewed study of girls who survive rape found that only 2.1% of them had visible damage to their hymens; Bevin told an interviewer “This is perhaps more specific than people would want, but trust me, if you have been repeatedly sexually violated as a small child by an adult, there are going to be repercussions of that physically and medically”).
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Kentucky’s governor insisted that investment bankers could provide broadband. He was wrong.

When Steve Beshear was governor of Kentucky, he told experts to go fuck themselves and instead allowed the Australian investment bank Macquarie Capital to manage Kentuckywired, a program to build out broadband to rural Kentuckians.
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One of the poorest, most desperate regions in Appalachia is experiencing an economic miracle thanks to fiber run by a New Deal-era co-op

Kentucky’s Peoples Rural Telephone Cooperative came out of a local electrification co-op set up during the New Deal, and in 1949 it was expanded into a telephone co-op with more federal infrastructure money. Today, the PRTC has used Obama FCC funding to expand into public broadband delivery, wiring up all of Jackson and Owsley Counties, some of the poorest places in America, using a mule called “Old Bub” to haul fiber through inaccessible mountain passes and other extremely isolated places.
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​Twitter is awash in disinformation bots tweeting lies about the Kentucky gubernatorial election results

It’s a preview of just how badly things could go in 2020: the Kentucky gubernatorial race was narrowly decided for the Democratic candidate Andy Beshear, but the monumentally unpopular Trumpist incumbent Matt Bevin will not concede, and instead, he is repeating the Trumpist lie that “voter fraud” caused him to lose his office.
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AOC is going to Kentucky

First AOC gave a great speech about how the Green New Deal was good for workers, including coal workers; then she accepted GOP Rep Andy Barr’s invite to visit the coal-miners in his Kentucky Appalachian district; then Barr disinvited him, citing her “incivility” in her response to the racist attacks on Rep Ilhan Omar; then it transpired that Barr has no coal mines in his district, but it doesn’t matter, AOC is going anyway: “Luckily, we still have open borders with Kentucky, we are free to travel there. We hope to visit and have a town hall, listen to concerns of workers in Kentucky.”

Perhaps the reason @RepAndyBarr rescinded his invitation for AOC to visit the coal mines in his district is that there are none?

Earlier this week, Kentucky Republican Congressman Andy Barr withdrew his invitation for Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to visit a coalmine in his district (made after AOC defended the Green New Deal as being better for working people, including coal miners, than GOP denial inaction on climate change).
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Republican lawmaker who dared AOC to come visit coal miners in his constituency gets scared, withdraws offer

Late last month, Rep. Andy Barr [R-KY] “invited” Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to visit the coal miners in his Appalachian district, by way of rebuttal to her brilliant response to the charge that the Green New Deal was a rich, city-person’s luxury, taking no account of working, poor and rural people.
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Voting systems in Wisconsin and Kentucky are running FTP. Seriously.

FTP — the “file transfer protocol” — is a long-supplanted Unix tool for transferring files between computers, once standard but now considered to be too insecure to use; so it’s alarming that it’s running on the voting information systems that will be used in elections in Wisconsin and Kentucky tomorrow.

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Trump radicalized teachers, now Republicans are saying they won’t vote for the party anymore

The teachers’ rebellion is a global phenomenon, and though it’s been brewing for a long time, the public was a lot more skeptical of teachers’ demands when they were striking in Democratic strongholds under a Democratic president.

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