Stephen King-themed, anti-Susan Collins merch from the Maine Democrats

The Maine Democratic Party has teamed up with the progressive sticker-and-more company Bumperactive (previously) to produce a line of Stephen King-themed, anti-Susan Collins merch, with proceeds going to unseat the Republican Senator whose repeated acts of cowardice (especially during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings) demonstrated that she had no commitment to either her stated principles or the people of Maine. There are four graphics in all: “Trump as Pennywise the Clown, Susan Collins in ‘Debt Sematary’, Susan as Jack Nicholson from The Shining, and of course, Stand By ME,” available as tees ($30), posters ($25 or $45 for four) and vinyl stickers ($4 for 2 or all four for $15).
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Kickstarting a deluxe “Dracula” edition in a suitcase full of “primary source materials” from the novel

Josh O’Neill writes, “We’re doing a box set edition of Dracula in which we reconstitute the novel into the primary source documents from which it’s drawn: Mina’s diary, Lucy’s letters, Dailygraph newspaper clippings, even an actual phonograph record from Dr. Seward. It comes in a suitcase. Or a wooden casket or stone crypt, depending on the edition.”
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Corporate Monster: a short, contemporary take on “They Live”

Ruairi Robinson’s short sf/horror film Corporate Monster is a contemporary take on the classic (and still trenchant) 1988 John Carpenter movie “They Live”: in Robinson’s take, a recently fired corporate drone gets an experimental drug that lets him see the truth of his corporate overlords and their enforcer class. It’s beautifully shot and acted, though the whole story arc comes off as a little slight, not sure whether it’s serious or silly (a line that They Live walked beautifully). Worth 16 minutes of your time, to be sure. (via JWZ)

Wil Wheaton’s “Dead Trees Give No Shelter”: terrifying tale, beautifully told

Wil Wheaton’s 2017 standalone novelette Dead Trees Give No Shelter is a beautiful, spooky horror story in the vein of Stranger Things, following Jay Turner as he returns to the small Ohio town where his baby brother was murdered, 20 years before, to witness the execution of his killer.
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Satanic Panic 2.0: The Momo Challenge hoax [TW: Self-harm/suicide]

According to reports from gullible parents’ organizations, police departments, and media outlets, Kids on the Internet are spreading memes featuring an image of “Momo” (actually a sculpture called “Mother Bird” created by Keisuke Aisawa for the Japanese SFX studio Link Factory) that includes explicit self-harm and suicide instructions (the “challenge” in “Momo challenge” is allegedly to get kids to hurt or kill themselves).
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Make: high-end eyeball props, from humans to monsters to gore

Fourth Seal Studios has everything you could possibly want from high-end prop eyeballs, including $40 “camera-ready” eyes (“Gray cores darken the the ‘white’ of the eye and can add a more realistic sense to the overall piece the eyes are being featured in”); $22-40 sculptural eyeballs in a variety of scales; “Undead and Creature” eyes (including Red Lich, Hemorrhage, Goat Eyes, etc); kits for making your own eyes and irises; painting and display stands, and custom eyeballs to order. Check back frequently for discounts on seconds and imperfections. (via JWZ)
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Jeff “Sweet Tooth” Lemire’s new horror comic Gideon Falls is spooky af

Jeff Lemire can do weird-spooky (see, e.g., his Twilight Zonish graphic novel Underwater Welder) and he can do gripping (see his amazing, post-apocalyptic Sweet Tooth), but in his newest graphic novel from Image Comics, Gideon Falls, he shows that he can do spooky-verging-on-terrifying, with a tale of supernatural mystery that combines avant-garde graphic treatments with outstanding writing to create a genuine tale of terror.
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Happy Birthday, Edgar Allan Poe!

Neil Gaiman says Edgar Allan Poe should be read aloud, and he’s right: he recorded this video of him reading “The Raven” in 2016 as part of Pat Rothfuss’s Worldbuilders charity drive. It’s Poe’s birthday today, and I can think of no better way to celebrate it than to listen to it again.
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Fundraising to save Burbank’s horror bookstore Dark Delicacies

Burbank’s amazing quarter-century institution Dark Delicacies is a horror book-, memoribilia- and clothing-store that is a community hub for genre creators, hosting a wonderful stream of events, signings, and even an annual chance to get your photo took with Krampus at a Christmas open-house.
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Cragne Manor, an 84-room horror “exquisite corpse” text adventure that’s a tribute to the classic game Anchorhead

It’s the 20th anniversary of Anchorhead, Michael Gentry’s seminal horror text adventure; to commemorate the occasion, Ryan Veeder and Jenni Polodna worked with 84 developers to create Cragne Manor, a tribute, whose puzzles are ingenious, frustrating and amazing.
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