The ten types of movie: orange and blue, sexy legs, blurry cop…

Lee Steffen’s glorious Twitter thread about “the ten types of movies” (as determined by similarities in their poster art is quite the little design project, building on similar work from the likes of Christophe Courtois and others. (via Kottke)
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Design competition to create graphics to illustrate cybersecurity stories

Illustrating abstract articles is a pain in the ass, and in the age of social media, a post without an illustration is likely to disappear without attaining any kind of readership, which leaves those of us who cover the field endlessly remixing HAL9000 eyes using walls of code, Matrix text-waterfalls, or variations on hacker-in-a-hoodie.
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FAA approves tests of new design for middle seats that are more comfortable and speed boarding

The S1 (AKA the “Slip-Slide Seat”) is a radical rethink of airline middle seats from Colorado’s Molon Labe Designs; it sits a little back of the seats to either side of it, is slightly wider, and has slightly lower arm-rests — and in some configurations, it allows the aisle seat to be slid over it, temporarily widening the aisles and speeding boarding and unloading.
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A smaller jet cowling chair, made from a less-cursed plane

Back in 2017, Andrea wrote about Plane Industries gorgeous chairs made from the cowling of the (now notorious) Boeing 737’s jets; now, the company has followed up with a smaller, more practical chair, this one fashioned from a BAe-146’s jet cowling, still featuring the company’s “high gloss shell and dark Alcantara interior.”
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Halifax! I’m speaking at Atlseccon on April 24 (then Toronto, Ottawa, Berlin and Houston!)

I’m coming to Halifax to give the closing keynote on day one of Atlseccon on April 24th: it’s only my second-ever visit to the city and the first time I’ve given a talk there, so I really hope you can make it!
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