Major brands’ ads are showing up on climate deniers’ Youtube videos

Update: an earlier version of this article had the relationship between the ads and the videos reversed. We regret the error

Some of Youtube’s most expensive advertising is being run against climate denial conspiracy videos, with ads from major brands like “Samsung, Uber, Nintendo, Showtime, Harley Davidson, and Warner Bros” as well as Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund showing up on videos promoting conspiracy theories that deny climate change.
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Doctors who take pharma industry freebies prescribe more of their benefactors’ drugs

Doctors who accept pharma industry gifts (which can range from free coffees to lavish dinners to six-figure speaking fees) claim that they’re not influenced by these bribes/gifts, which is possibly why doctors are taking more pharma bribes than ever.
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Leaks reveal how the “Pitbull of PR” helped Purdue Pharma and the Sacklers ignite the opioid crisis

Propublica has obtained a tranche of leaked internal communications between the Sackler family’s Purdue Pharma, makers of the lethal opioid Oxycontin, and Dezenhall Resources, known as “The Pitbull of Public Relations,” whose previous client roster includes Enron CEO Jeff Skilling, Exxon and other “beleaguered corporations,” who masterminded a “blame the victim” strategy that apportioned responsibility for Oxycontin’s mounting death toll on the people who became addicted to it — not the Sacklers and Purdue, who falsified science, bribed doctors, and made billions from an epidemic that has now claimed more American lives than the Vietnam War.
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“Hope literacy,” “functional denial” and other ways to keep going in this difficult time

Earth Island News’s interview with climate scientist and activist Susanne Moser is excellent, especially on how “hope literacy” (understanding different the flavors of hope) and “functional denial” (“being fully aware and conscious and not denying the gravity of what we’re creating” while still getting the work done) can allow you to retain your mental equilibrium in these difficult and often terrifying times.
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“The Tragedy of the Commons”: how ecofascism was smuggled into mainstream thought

Garrett Hardin’s 1968 Science essay “The Tragedy of the Commons” is one of the most widely assigned readings in the past ten years’ worth of university syllabi; notionally, it describes how property that is held in common is prone to overuse and exhaustion, while privatization creates an owner who has an incentive to serve as a wise steward over the resource.
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A new biography reveals the Koch brothers’ very early role in creating organized climate denial

The Koch brothers are quite an enigma: on the one hand, they owe their vast fortune to extremely long-range planning: Charles Koch is famously contemptuous of entrepreneurs who take their companies public, believing that the public markets insist on such short timescales that they undermine real growth; and he grew his father’s hydrocarbon empire by investing heavily in automation systems with extremely long amortization schedules.
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Trump’s new climate czar has repeatedly and unrepentantly compared efforts to reduce CO2 to Hitler’s slaughter of 6,000,000 Jews

William Happer — a physicist and former Princeton professor — already serves on Trump’s National Security Council as deputy assistant for emerging technologies; but now he’s been promoted to chair of a climate review panel charged with discrediting the National Climate Assessment.
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Paolo Bacigalupi’s “A Full Life”: climate apocalypse with a side of intergenerational warfare and science denial

Paolo Bacigalupi’s (previously) A Full Life is a new short story in MIT Technology Review that traces the hard young life of Rue, whose family has to move and move again as climate disasters destroy the places they try to make their homes: the water for their ecologically sound farm dries up, then Austin becomes unlivable when heatwaves spike rolling blackouts, then Miami is washed off the map by a string of floods that overwhelm the levees built to “American standards” that were cooked by US oil lobbyists, and then life in New York comes to an end when a global financial crisis wipes out the last family member with any money — an uncle who was an investment banker who ends up losing all the money he made shorting Miami when the crash comes.
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Peak Indifference: are we reaching climate’s denial/nihilism tipping point?

I use the idea of peak indifference to describe the moment when activists no longer have to try to convince people that a problem is real (the problem does that itself, by ruining ever-more-people’s lives), and then the job switched to convincing people that it’s not too late to do something about it (if the day you finally decide to take rhino population declines seriously is the day they announce there’s only one rhino left, there’s a powerful temptation to shoot that rhino and find out what it tastes like).
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Study suggests that Flat Eartherism spread via Youtube

The rise in a belief that the Earth is flat is bizarre and somewhat frightening, a repudiation of one of the most basic elements of scientific consensus. Texas Tech University psych researcher Asheley R. Landrum attended a 2017 flat earth convention and interviewed 30 attendees to trace the origins of their belief in a flat earth, finding that Youtube videos were key to their journey into conspiracy theories; her findings were bolstered by a survey of more than 500 participants.
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