The past two years have seen a tremendous shift in the public perception of capitalism and socialism, the character of philanthropy as reputation-laundry rather than generosity, and the nature of wealth as an indicator of sociopathy, not virtue or cleverness.
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Tag: Anand Giridharadas
That billionaire who paid off a graduating class’s student loans also supports the hedge-fundie’s favorite tax loophole
Billionaire Goldman Sachs alum Robert F Smith made headlines when he donated enough cash to pay off the student loan debt of the entire Class of 2019 at Morehouse College; but Smith is also an ardent supporter of the carried interest tax loophole, which allows the richest people in America to pay little to no tax on the bulk of their earnings, while working Americans (like the Morehouse Class of 2019 will be, shortly) pay their fair share.
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Harvard Humanists troll the elites who fund the Harvard endowment by awarding Anand Giridharadas a prize
Anand Giridharadas (previously) is the Aspen Fellow/McKinsey consultant turned anticapitalist gadfly whose brilliant book Winners Take All exposes the “philanthrophy” of the ultra-rich as a form of reputation-laundering with the side benefit of allowing some of history’s greatest monsters to look at themselves in the mirror.
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The plane(t) has been hijacked by billionaires, and we’re all passengers
Anand Giridharadas is the Aspen Institute Fellow and former McKinsey consultant whose book Winners Take All is a must-read indictment of the way that charitable activities are used to launder the reputations of billionaires who have looted and boiled our planet, amassing titanic fortunes while starving the public coffers, and still retaining sterling reputations and massive influence thanks to the trickle of funds they release through “philanthropy.”
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Winners Take All: the Davos Edition (how elites launder looting with phoney philanthropy)
With the World Economic Forum kicking off in Davos, Switzerland — where the super-rich are already decrying Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s massively popular 70% tax-rate on earning over $10,000,000 — it’s a great time to revisit Anand Giridharadas’s must-read 2018 book Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World, in which the former McKinsey consultant and Aspen Institute fellow catalogs the way that the super-rich have starved their host-nations of the funds needed to operate a functional civilization, and then laundered their reputations by dribbling back some of that looted booty in the form of “philanthropic donations” that always seem to redound to their personal benefit.
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