South Dakota’s HB 1057 (“The Vulnerable Child Protection Act”) was introduced by Rep Fred Deutsch [R-04/605-882-3323/@freddeutsch/<a href="mailto:[email protected]] on Tuesday with 40 cosponors, fast-tracked for a vote on Friday. It makes providing any gender-confirmation therapy to trans teens a Class 4 felony.
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Tag: american taliban
Bill from Missouri’s Rep Ben Baker threatens librarians with prison sentences for allowing minors to read books banned by town committees
Under Missouri House Bill 2044 — the “Parental Oversight of Public Libraries Act” — each town will elect a committee of five local people (librarians are not permitted to serve) who will take local submission for books to ban. If they choose to ban a book, any librarian who allows a minor to check out or read that book will face up to a year in prison, and their libraries will be de-funded.
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Kentucky’s Whitefield Academy expels student for wearing a rainbow shirt in a Facebook photo
The Whitefield Academy is a “Christ-centered, college-preparatory school for grades PreK-12 fostering a passion for learning, others ahead of self, and the living and active Jesus.” That is to say, it’s a school for religious maniacs.
Margaret Atwood’s “The Testaments”: a long-awaited Handmaid’s Tale sequel fulfills its promise
Woman who accused Roy Moore is homeless after her house burned down, fire investigated as arson
Tina Johnson accused Roy Moore of sexually assualting her in 1991, when she was 28, making her a rare adult to be preyed upon by the delusional pedophile mall-crawler.
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Roy Moore’s scandal is just the tip of American evangelical Christianity’s child bride problem
When Alabama GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore was accused of sexually molesting children as young as 14, his fellow hardcore evangelicals shrugged at the scandal — it was “common knowledge” that Moore had a fondness for young teens.