Everyone’s investigating Google for antitrust violations…except California and Alabama

The attorneys general from 48 states, DC, and Puerto Rico are collaborating on a joint antitrust investigation of Google’s dominance in the ad- and search-markets, but two AGs are sitting this one out: California’s Xavier Becerra and Alabama’s Steve Marshall.
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In Alabama, it’s traditional for sheriffs who lose their elections to steal and waste money, destroy public property

Alabama has 67 sheriffs — elected law-enforcement officers who police unincorporated townships where they answer only to voters, not city governments — and 9 out of ten of the sheriffs who lost their 2018 elections have been accused by their successors of engaging in fraud, waste and destruction of public property before leaving office.
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Publisher of Alabama newspaper calls for the Klan to ride on DC with “hemp ropes”

Goodloe Sutton is publisher of the Democrat-Reporter, a newspaper published in the small town of Linden, Alabama, and he is very upset about “Democrats in the Republican Party and Democrats [who] are plotting to raise taxes in Alabama,” so much so that he published an editorial calling on “the Ku Klux Klan to night ride again” to address the issue.
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Sacha Baron Cohen confronts Roy Moore with a beeping “pedophile detector”

Archprankster Sacha Baron Cohen (Ali G, Borat, etc) has a new show called Who Is America? where he disguises himself sits down with US politicians and tries to get them to do something absurd, with some pretty remarkable (and even career-ending) results (though not everybody falls for it).
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10 million pounds of human feces from New York/New Jersey are rotting in railcars stuck in a small Alabama town

Two months ago, dozens of train cars filled with ten million pounds of human shit from waste disposal plants in New York and New Jersey came to rest outside the town of Parrish, Alabama, population 982.
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Alabama Sheriff legally appropriated $750K from prison meal budgets to build himself a beach house, locked up his whistleblowing gardener

Etowah, Alabama County Sheriff Todd Entrekin took advantage of a Great-Depression-era rule that lets the sheriff pocket any “excess” from the budget for prisoner meals (provided he makes up any shortfall from his own finances) and used $750,000 that had been allocated to feed prisoners to build himself a luxury beach house. When his gardener tipped off a Birmingham News reporter, the gardener was locked up in the Sheriff’s jail on mysterious drug charges.
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Woman who accused Roy Moore is homeless after her house burned down, fire investigated as arson

Tina Johnson accused Roy Moore of sexually assualting her in 1991, when she was 28, making her a rare adult to be preyed upon by the delusional pedophile mall-crawler.
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Protesters flood the Senate, calling for a delay in voting on the GOP tax plan until new Alabama Senator Doug Jones is seated

When Massachusetts GOP Senator Scott Brown was elected in a 2010 special election, Senate Democrats agreed to delay a key vote on health care reform until he could be seated, so that the vote would be held by elected officials, not the appointed lame duck who was sitting in the seat that Brown was about to occupy.

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Child molester Roy Moore said he wants to repeal all Constitutional amendments after the first ten, which would revive slavery and end votes for women and black people

Roy Moore, who has been thoroughly endorsed by Donald Trump, said in 2011 that the US government would “solve many problems” by ridding itself of every Constitutional amendment after the first ten — a list that included the 13th Amendment (which ended slavery), the 14th (which gave citizenship to former enslaved people); the 15th (which gave the vote to black men) and the 19th (which extended voting to women).
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Mass incarceration and disenfranchisement of brown people was the key to GOP control in Alabama, but thanks to criminal justice reform, black people can vote against child-molester Roy Moore

During Roy Moore’s judicial bouts — punctuated by frequent removals from the bench for gross misconduct — he was part of the mass incarceration wave in America, which has resulted in millions of black people being thrown in prison on flimsy pretenses for long sentences, while whites in similar situations have gone free.
Continue reading “Mass incarceration and disenfranchisement of brown people was the key to GOP control in Alabama, but thanks to criminal justice reform, black people can vote against child-molester Roy Moore”