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This is an awesome adventure! And congrats on the Ennie nomination! Much deserved!


I've lived in Cleveland since the '80s and still can't get out. Good luck, folks. You're fucked. 

Will this be available at Gencon? Definitely going to pick it up if it is! Otherwise I'll just order it.

Hey! I’ll be around Indy with some of these in hand but they won’t be at a particular booth since I didn’t have time to set that up prior to the nominations. Best bet is to follow on twitter @L__Dean and I’ll post where I’m at during the show!


I ordered a physical copy because it seems rad as heck and it just showed up and I wanted to drop by and say that it is! it's rad as heck! and also congrats on the ennie nom!

hell yeah thanks for playing


Congrats on the nom!!!

thank you!


Congrats on the ENnie nomination for Best Adventure and Best Free Game!

thank you! 

Would Dread be a good match?


could be!

Military action isn't generally my thing, but I might make an exception for this one.

Just need to find some Expendable Assets for this mission!


A demon queen and a ticking clock for a Presidential rescue? What more could you ask for? 

Oh, you could ask for "a ride home?" I dunno, rides home are for closers, pal. Are you a closer? Can you get it done?


As a Clevelander, I can assure you, dear reader, that this is the best module ever written about the city. Also, it appears to be a hell (no pun intended) of a lot of gruesome, over-the-top fun.


I ran this for my friends and it was really fun! They were able to successfully extract the president from DEMON FUCKED CLEVELAND with only 30 minutes to spare. One of my friends, in typical him fashion, stayed behind and seduced the demon queen before getting blown into oblivion. Overall, good, demony fun!

I wound up using a super modified version of Blades in the Dark because I do not like stats and battlemaps and whatnot. I might post the adjusted playbooks somewhere if I feel like it.

Here's a slideshow that I used to introduce my players to the premise/setting! Feel free to steal/modify for your own game. :)


holy shit this rules

I purchased the physical pamphlet.  I did not get confirmation the shipping information went thru.  Do you see it on your end?

(1 edit)

Itch is a little wonky in that department but yes, I’ve got your info and that will make its way to you asap. Thanks for your support!

HUH, i guess the church ladies were right Rock and roll IS the devil's music (since Cleveland is where the rock and roll hall of fame is :P)