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Are You Eating Enough Fruits and Vegetables?

How many cups of vegetables should most adults eat each day?

The correct answer is two and a half cups. For the healthiest diet, eat a variety of vegetables every week. Choose vegetables from each subgroup: dark green, red and orange, beans and peas, starchy vegetables, and other vegetables such as mushrooms and bean sprouts.

How many cups of fruit should most adults eat each day?

The correct answer is two cups. One cup of a fruit such as diced melon, sliced bananas, or grapes; one cup fruit juice; or one-half cup dried fruit all count as one cup of fruit. For the most nutrients, enjoy a variety of fruit every week. Choose fresh, dried, frozen, and canned fruit.

How much of your plate should be fruits and vegetables?

The correct answer is one half. According to the USDA’s guidelines for a healthy diet, half of your plate should be fruits and vegetables. Another quarter should be protein, such as meat or beans, and the final quarter should have grains, preferably whole grains.

Canned fruits and vegetables are not nutritious.

The correct answer is false. Canned fruits and vegetables are a good option when you can’t buy fresh. And they’re easy to add to any meal. Look for products that don’t have sauce or added sugar, and choose those that are low in sodium when possible.

It’s best to buy fresh fruit and vegetables in season.

The correct answer is true. When available, buying fresh fruits and vegetables in season will help you get the most flavor from your produce at the lowest price. Look for fresh fruits and vegetables in your local grocery store or visit your nearest farmers market.

Fruits and vegetables contain which of the following nutrients?

The correct answer is all of the above. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with the vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy. And the fiber in fruits and vegetables helps make you feel full faster, so you don’t overeat.

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce your risk of disease.

The correct answer is true. Eating a diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables may help lower your risk of some chronic diseases and certain types of cancer. In addition, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can help you maintain a healthy weight.

Drinking fruit juice is just as nutritious as eating the whole fruit.

The correct answer is false. Fruit juice doesn’t contain the fiber that whole fruit does. And because it's concentrated, it's also higher in calories. While it’s fine to get some of your fruit from juice, try to choose whole fruit or fruit slices.

Most servings of fruits and vegetables have fewer than 100 calories.

The correct answer is true. Their low calorie count makes fruits and vegetables a perfect snack in between meals. Choose an apple for 72 calories, a cup of blueberries for 83 calories, a cup of carrots for 45 calories, or a cup of grapes for an even 100 calories.

Dried fruit and fresh fruit have the same amount of calories per cup.

The correct answer is false. Dried fruit is more calorie-dense than fresh fruit. For example, a cup of grapes has the same amount of calories as a half cup of raisins. When eating dried fruit, remember that a half-cup counts as a full serving.

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