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Smoking Myths & Facts Quiz

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of COPD.

The correct answer is fact. Smoking causes about 80% of all COPD cases. The more you smoke, the higher your risk of COPD. Other risk factors for COPD include secondhand smoke, pollution, or being exposed to certain fumes and gases at work.

Quitting smoking doesn't help once you have COPD.

The correct answer is myth. There is no cure for COPD, but quitting smoking can help your lungs work better and lower your risk of dying from COPD. If you smoke, talk with your doctor about ways to quit.

Smoking both marijuana and tobacco increases your risk of COPD.

The correct answer is fact. People who smoke both marijuana and tobacco have almost three times the risk of COPD compared with those who don't smoke. Experts aren't sure why, but they think smoking marijuana makes it easier for tobacco to damage the lungs.

Most people can quit smoking on the first try.

The correct answer is myth. Most people try to quit about seven times before succeeding. Using quit smoking aids can help. These include counseling, prescription medicines, and nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers, and nasal spray -- some of which also require a prescription. Talk with your doctor about your options.

Smokers have more COPD flare-ups than nonsmokers.

The correct answer is fact. Flares-ups are the most common reason that people with COPD have to go to the hospital. Having flare-ups causes your lungs to get worse more quickly. Call your doctor if your COPD symptoms get noticeably worse.

Men's lungs are more likely to be damaged by smoking than women's.

The correct answer is myth. In fact, women's lungs are more likely to be damaged by smoking. This may be because of differences in genes or hormones. However, women who stop smoking get their lung function back more quickly than men. All smokers should try to quit. If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor.

Smoking is not addictive.

The correct answer is myth. The nicotine in cigarettes and other tobacco products can cause the same kind of addiction as cocaine or heroin. When you smoke, the nicotine enters your lungs, gets absorbed into your bloodstream, and travels to your brain.

How you smoke can affect how much nicotine gets into your body.

The correct answer is fact. You may take in more nicotine if you inhale deeply into the lungs and take a lot of puffs. This is because nicotine gets absorbed into your body through the lining of your mouth and as well as your lungs.

When you quit smoking, your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal levels.

The correct answer is fact. Smoking raises your heart rate and blood pressure, and stopping helps them come back down. When you quit, you'll have less carbon monoxide in your blood, so it can carry more oxygen to your body. Your senses of taste and smell will improve.

Taking a puff of a cigarette can reduce your craving for more.

The correct answer is myth. One puff of a cigarette will make your craving stronger. Instead, look for other ways to satisfy your craving, such as chewing sugarless gum or eating a piece of fruit or other low-calorie snack. Take walks or ride a bike. Exercise helps relieve the urge to smoke.

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