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Managing Type 2 Diabetes Quiz

What can diabetes treatment help you do?

The correct answer is all of the above. Managing your diabetes involves keeping your blood sugar at your goal level. This will improve your energy and is the best way to prevent strokes, heart attacks, and health problems such as eye, foot, nerve, and kidney damage diabetes can cause.

To manage diabetes, you need to learn how to:

The correct answer is all of the above. It may take several months to learn the basic skills. Your doctor or diabetes educator can help. Always keep learning about diabetes, its complications, and how to control and live with the disease. Stay up-to-date on new research and treatments.

You should test your blood sugar:

The correct answer is it depends on if your diabetes is controlled. Many people with type 2 diabetes check their blood sugar once or twice a day. If you keep your blood sugar under control, a few times a week may be enough. Ask your doctor what your blood sugar goals should be and how often to test it at home.

Your doctor can give you a blood test to check the overall control of your diabetes.

The correct answer is true. For most people, the hemoglobin A1c test shows the average level of blood sugar (glucose) over the previous 3 months. It shows how well you are controlling your diabetes. You and your doctor will discuss the correct range for you. For many people the goal is to keep your level at or below 6.5 - 7%.

Which situation does NOT require you to test your blood sugar more often?

The correct answer is taking a nap. All the other situations listed above may affect your blood sugar, so it's best to test more often. Keep a record of your blood sugar readings and share it with your doctor. This will be a big help if you are having problems controlling your diabetes.

How many days should you wait before calling your healthcare provider when your blood sugar level is higher than your goal?

The correct answer is 3 straight days. Any number of things can affect your blood sugar, and your health care provider can help you identify what may be causing the problem.

Testing your blood sugar helps you:

The correct answer is all of the above. By testing your blood sugar, you can see how food, activity, or illness affects it. Then you can adjust the foods you eat or your diabetes medicine as needed to help keep your blood sugar at your goal level. Also ask your health care provider which high or low blood sugar readings mean you should call right away.

What should your LDL, or bad, cholesterol level be if you don't have any heart problems?

The correct answer is less than 70 mg/dL. Managing your cholesterol can help you prevent heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage. Most people with diabetes should keep their LDL below 70 mg/dL. If you already have heart disease, the lower target of 55 mg/dL may be better. Ask your doctor what your LDL target is. Also learn how to shop for and cook foods that are low in fat and healthy for your heart.

Which is a good blood pressure goal for most people with diabetes?

The correct answer is lower than 130/80 mm/Hg. If your blood pressure is 130/80 mm/Hg or above, your doctor may want to prescribe medicine to help you lower it. Check with your doctor to see what your blood pressure target is.

Which of the following will NOT help keep your feet healthy:

The correct answer is getting a monthly pedicure. Only trained healthcare providers should care for your feet if you have diabetes. Caring for your feet is an important part of managing diabetes. So be sure to tell your doctor if you notice a cut, ingrown toenail, or break in the skin.

If you have diabetes, how often should you see your doctor?

The correct answer is every 3 to 6 months. You should also see your dentist every 6 months and your eye doctor once a year. Stay in close contact with your health care providers. That way, any minor health problems get treated quickly before possibly becoming more serious.

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