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Bone Grafts


A bone graft transplants bone tissue. Surgeons use bone grafts to repair and rebuild diseased bones in your hips, knees, spine, and sometimes other bones and joints. Grafts can also repair bone loss caused by some types of fractures (broken bones) or cancers. Once your body accepts the bone graft, it provides a framework for growth of new, living bone.

If the transplanted bone comes from another person, it is called an allograft. Most allograft bone comes from donors who have died. Tissue banks screen these donors and disinfect and test the donated bone to make sure it is safe to use. If the transplanted bone comes from another part of your own body, it is called an autograft. Autograft bone often comes from your ribs, hips or a leg.

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The information on this site should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Contact a health care provider if you have questions about your health.