Giving Opportunities

Your support of medical research across Stanford Medicine is more important than ever. We want to know where your passion lies.

Welcome to our featured Giving Opportunities page, which can be sorted by medical specialty and faculty. If you are interested in a giving opportunity that is not found here, please reach us at 650.725.2504 or [email protected] and we will gladly put you in contact with the appropriate medical giving staff.



Endowment Support

Breakthroughs in understanding, detecting, and curing disease begin with research and education. By establishing an endowed fund, you enable ongoing, dependable financial support to advance biomedical discoveries, innovations in patient care, and training of future leaders in medicine for generations to come.

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Med Challenge Gift

Medical student debt is a national challenge. Stanford has a long history of helping the best and brightest study here, regardless of socioeconomic status. Now thanks to a transformational challenge gift, we have an even greater opportunity to offer incoming students who may not have been able to consider it otherwise, the ability to realize their dream of graduating with a Stanford University medical school degree.

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Biomedical Innovation Initiative

A collection of philanthropic investments in disruptive research, visionary faculty, and promising young scientists. Discover the kinds of innovation that philanthropic support can fuel.

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Transforming Cancer Care

Transforming Cancer Care

An effort to completely re-imagine the delivery of cancer care and shape the future of cancer science with the help of philanthropy.

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Cardiovascular Institute

A selection of giving opportunities to support the Cardiovascular Institute, an interdisciplinary research institute spanning multiple schools across Stanford University, one of the largest institutes of its kind in the U.S.

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Leanne Williams, PhD - Precision Mental Health

Reducing the global impact of mood disorders and other psychiatric disorders by using personalized neuroscience to translate insights about an individual person’s brain into accelerated real-world care, improving and potentially saving patients’ lives.

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Stanford Center for Memory Disorders

The Stanford Center for Memory Disorders is dedicated to helping patients and their families in the hard fight against cognitive decline. Our physicians lead an interdisciplinary team that works together to help maintain quality of life for as long as possible.

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Presence. The Art and Science of Human Connection

A new center fostering research, dialogue, and multidisciplinary collaboration to produce measurable and meaningful changes in health care.

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Stanford Center for Innovation in Global Health

Stanford physicians, scientists, faculty, and students travel to all regions of the world, crossing continents to increase health, well-being, and equity in health care—identifying solutions that last.

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Stanford Multidisciplinary Cutaneous Lymphoma Program

An interdisciplinary team of dermatologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and experts in blood stem cell transplantation working to identify key genetic alterations in patients’ diverse manifestation of disease.

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Stanford Movement Disorders Center

This center provides comprehensive evaluations and care by a multispecialty team that works to maintain quality of life for people with movement disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Lewy body dementia, among others.

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Stanford Experimental Therapeutics Hub

Led by noted psychiatrist and neurologist Nolan Williams, MD, the Stanford Experimental Therapeutics Hub is being established following the success of a groundbreaking therapy for treatment-resistant depression Dr. Williams developed at the Brain Stimulation Lab, called SAINT.

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The Immunometer Project

A project to establish biomarkers and create a test to measure the health of an individual's immune system, providing an early warning of problems and allowing for corrective action.

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Women's Heart Health Program

Paving the way in investigating sex differences in cardiovascular health and pioneering new treatments for women with heart disease with the help of philanthropy.

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Skin Cancer: Stopping the Most Common Cancer

Sun exposure is the primary cause of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma, the three most common types of skin cancer. We can protect ourselves, but prevention isn’t always enough. At Stanford, the world’s leading scientists are on the case.

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The Oro Lab - Therapeutic Reprogramming for Genetic Skin Diseases

The Oro Lab is harnessing the regenerative power of stem cells to find better, more definitive solutions to the genetic diseases that affect more than 250 million people worldwide.

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Stanford Arrhythmia Center

A new center and research program revolutionizing the diagnosis, treatment, and care of arrhythmia patients at Stanford and around the world.

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Byers Center for Biodesign

Byers Center for Biodesign

Bringing together promising young innovators to investigate, inspire, and implement solutions to create a healthier world through design.

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Mary M. and Sash A. Spencer Center for Vision Research at the Byers Eye Institute

A new center supporting innovative vision research and interdisciplinary collaborations to create new diagnostics and therapeutics that will change patient care.

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Addiction Medicine

Through fundamental science and innovative clinical research, Stanford scientists mapping the circuitry of the brain and generating new, transformational knowledge about addiction and strategies for treatment.

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Biomedical Faculty Endowments

Endowments enable our biomedical faculty to pursue their most innovative research ideas. They protect visionary projects and give faculty the flexibility to tackle unexplored questions, leading to new insights about health and disease.

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Global Ophthalmology

Globally, 217 million men, women, and children are visually impaired. Another 36 million cannot see at all. Reaching out across borders and oceans, Stanford is developing new technologies and training the next generation of vision care specialists to give people everywhere access to proven vision treatments that transform lives.

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Next-Generation Surgical Care for Head, Neck, and Thyroid Cancers

An effort to maximize quality of life and minimize side effects for head and neck cancer patients through multidisciplinary research in prediction, diagnosis, treatment, and surgery.

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Pioneering Solutions for Depression and Bipolar Disorder - The Stanford Mood Disorders Center

This center mobilizes Stanford's diverse expertise to overcome mood disorders through innovation and compassion. Its comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to mood disorders integrates signficant basic science research with innovative clinical care and training for future physician-scientists.

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Stanford Multiple Sclerosis Center

A diagnosis of mutliple sclerosis, an unpredictable inflammatory condition of the central nervous system, is terrifying and life-altering. Yet, Stanford researchers are making discoveries that are flipping the existing paradigm on its head—changing our understanding of multiple sclerosis remarkably.

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Stanford Initiative to Cure Hearing Loss (SICHL)

Stanford has assembled an interdisciplinary team of scientists, engineers, and physicians drawing upon expertise from many different domains for the shared purpose of curing hearing loss. This research initiative seeks to devise treatments that repair the damaged inner ear and restore lost hearing, quiet tinnitus, and improve balance.

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Clinical Excellence Research Center

The first university-based research center exclusively dedicated to cost-saving innovations in clinically excellent care. CERC seeks more affordable ways to deliver better care for conditions consuming the bulk of the country's health-care spending.

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Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine

With a high level of collaboration among investigators across campus, the Stanford Center for Sleep Sciences and Medicine integrates research and treatment to advance our fundamental understanding of sleep and sleep disorders.

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Pancreatic Cancer Pipeline

Growing deep in the abdomen, pancreatic cancer is notoriously difficult to detect and treat. This multidisciplinary effort drives progress at all phases of the translational pipeline to predict, prevent, and cure it.

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Discovery Innovation Awards

Discovery Innovation Awards support early-stage research projects that could exponentially accelerate our understanding of human biology – and our ability to predict, prevent, and cure disease.

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Breakthroughs in Neurosurgery

Working in interdisciplinary partnerships, the Steinberg Lab develops unique neurosurgeries that successfully restore function lost to complex diseases and paralyzing injuries.

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Tass Lab

Dr. Peter Tass’s lab is using novel approaches and unique expertise to develop innovative treatments and therapies for nerve disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and tinnitus. One such treatment is Coordinated Reset (CR), a promising therapy for a vast array of brain disorders.

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Steinberg Lab - Restoring Neurological Function Using Stem Cells

Gary Steinberg, MD, PhD, is using an innovative approach to help stroke patients move once-paralyzed limbs, regain their ability to speak, and resume daily activities. This approach relies on the newly discovered power of stem cells to spark regeneration of neurons and networks in the brain that control our ability to perform day-to-day tasks.

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Early Detection/Prevention of Disease at the PHIND Center

Current healthcare is primarily focused on treating late stage disease. The new PHIND Center is shifting the focus to catching disease before it even starts, developing radical new technologies and strategies that detect disease early and tailor interventions to stop it.

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CARE - Center for Asian Health Research and Education

CARE focuses on research, education, and community outreach for health issues specific to Asians and Asian Americans. The Center examines multiple factors that affect the health of Asian ethnic groups while aiming to bring precision health to individuals.

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Precision Autoimmunity Initiative

The cause of autoimmune disorders are often unknown and their cure is incomplete. This Initiative brings together investigators from multiple disciplines to molecularly define the subtypes of the disease and create targeted, next-generation therapeutics.

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Wipe Out Melanoma

Every hour someone in the U. S. succumbs to melanoma. Survival hinges on access to early diagnosis and treatment: if melanoma is caught and treated early about 99% of patients survive. This initiative connects with patients across California to promote early detection and save lives.

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Epidermolysis Bullosa

EB is a rare genetic disorder affecting as many as 50,000 children in America, causing skin to become so fragile it blisters and falls off at the slightest touch. Stanford's first-in-class therapy using a patients’ own cells to grow and graft corrected skin is the first real treatment to alleviate patients’ pain and suffering.

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LGBTQ+ Health Program

A pioneering program that integrates four key disciplines—clinical care, research, education, and advocacy—into one holistic, comprehensive care model to ensure the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ patients.

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The Khavari Lab: An Opportunity for Impact

The Atlas of Regulatory Variants in Disease (ARVID) is an effort to decode the genomic language of disease risk, addressing the top causes of human mortality to develop personalized strategies for disease prevention, intervention, and risk reduction.

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Stopping Cancer Before It Strikes: Early Detection at the Canary Center

The Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection aims to advance research discoveries to allow cancer to be caught early—and, ultimately, to stop it before it even starts.

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The Microbiome: The Next Frontier of Precision Medicine

Through a multidimensional approach, we can see how certain foods affect a person’s microbiome and immune system in real time and in turn employ dietary changes to prevent and treat disease.  

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Noninvasive and Precise Acute Pain Management Using Focused Ultrasound

The Anderson Lab's long-term goal is to develop focused ultrasound (FUS)  into a device used for nerve blockade to improve acute pain management in people without the need for pain medications, especially opioids.

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The CHIP Clinic at Stanford Medicine

Stanford’s CHIP Clinic is dedicated to studying all forms of clonal hematopoiesis, but particularly those that could have the potential to lead to blood cancers and other pathologies.

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Stanford Health Care Tri-Valley

Supporting family medicine is a long-term sustainable investment in the Tri-Valley community. Your support helps fund the next generation of medical professionals and reduce the primary care provider shortage in the area, while improving health access, quality of care, and the well-being of our communities. 

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More than Skin Deep

The same principles that mediate health and disease in the skin—regeneration, homeostasis, immunity, and inflammation—drive health and disease in other parts of the body. There’s more to skin than you think. We can see it on the surface, but the lessons we can learn from it run so much deeper. Stanford Dermatology is a leader in world-class research that is shaping the field of medicine.

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RNA Medicine at Stanford

It took a global pandemic to catapult 60 years of work in the field of RNA medicine into the spotlight, when an RNA-based vaccine was implemented in less than a year. But the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is just the tip of the iceberg for the therapeutic possibilities that RNA affords. Under Dr. Howard Chang’s pioneering leadership, Stanford launched the RNA Medicine Program in 2021 to accelerate the discovery and translation of RNA science to benefit patients.

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