Papers by Dragos Marian Radulescu
Social Science Research Network, 2011
Knowledge Horizons - Economics, 2016
In society there were always a number of rules of behavior, which were aimed at setting limits in... more In society there were always a number of rules of behavior, which were aimed at setting limits in terms of human behavior. These rules of behavior, creation of society, were imposed on its members, for better coexistence. The main feature of these rules was that the creation of the company, their violation was sanctioned all of society through sanctions verbal, which took the form of contempt, reprimand, the opprobrium public or even isolation or expulsion of the guilty in society and less by physical sanctions. However there are cases when social infringement of those rules is punished physically, like Romanian proverb saying that "beating is take from Heaven" or "where the mother gives rise", instead of providing verbal penalties for persons found guilty.

Knowledge Horizons - Economics, 2015
Since ancient times people have made the trade, the need for those goods which they could not pro... more Since ancient times people have made the trade, the need for those goods which they could not produce. Whether it is in kind or barter exchange or payment of goods with different amounts of money depending on their value, such activities were creating conflicts. Conflicts whose solution must be found quickly, because the lack of goods and trade could create problems in society. Such people, in the absence of a judgment of a State authority (either does not exist initial or later was too expensive and take too long until a definitive solution) resorted to various means of resolving conflicts, of which we will highlight whereas, mediation and arbitration. This study aims to investigate the efficacy of the two procedures to resolve conflicts arising between professionals and there are advantages and disadvantages for those who use mediation or arbitration.
Knowledge Horizons - Economics, 2013
In modern society where life takes place within human communities large and a very brisk rhythm, ... more In modern society where life takes place within human communities large and a very brisk rhythm, it is easy to show conflicts, and among those living in the same building disputes likelihood is even greater. And, if often disputes between neighbors are not serious, sometimes they can easily turn into criminal offenses, including disorder of possession by the other persons, which prevents the use of a building by its legal owner. This article aims to examine how mediation, an alternative dispute resolution can help resolve such conflicts by making communication between the parties and find a compromise to resolve the situation occurred.
The price is one of the elements over which the company can action rapidly and, in most of the ca... more The price is one of the elements over which the company can action rapidly and, in most of the cases, according to its own interests, but within the framework of the existent ecological crisis, the fundamental right to a healthy and balanced environment establishing the strategies of the company for the price must content their perception for the environment The fundamental right to a healthy and balanced environment, consecrated on the national and on the international plan, too, acquires new connotations and valences, being at the basis of the accomplishment of some economic, social and cultural rights of the human being, enriching, in the same time, their content.
The Romanian Economic Journal, 2012
In a context of fundamental human right to a healthy environment should be analyzed and other fun... more In a context of fundamental human right to a healthy environment should be analyzed and other fundamental rights guaranteed by the constitution on which alone their interpretation in the context of environmental protection is in accordance with the principles of sustainable development of society. And the most important is the right to education because education can be achieved only through public awareness on environmental role in sustainable development. This study aims to explore the role of environmental education on the sustainable development of society.

Research Papers in Economics, 2012
Protecting the environment is essential to the quality of life for present and future generations... more Protecting the environment is essential to the quality of life for present and future generations, and the current challenge is the combination of environmental protection with economic growth continues in a way that is sustainable. Companies and NGOs role in protecting the environment is part of the sustainable development strategy promoted by the state to civil society pressure, requiring NGOs to be consulted by industrial companies to work with environmental impact. The concept is today known as social responsibility (CRS) and implies greater attention to organizations in decision making concerning environmental protection. Thus, today, foreign partners are more concerned than ever about the manner in which managers run their businesses, particularly in certain industries, with a major impact on the environment. This study aims to highlight the involvement of the Romanian society in protecting the environment as part of sustainable development.
Knowledge Horizons - Economics, 2016
In this context of globalization of business and the struggle for markets and clients, transnatio... more In this context of globalization of business and the struggle for markets and clients, transnational companies are obliged to develop internal powers for the creation, cultivation and management of relationship high-level with governmental bodies sophisticated, influential and relevant for the Company. For this reason, companies will be unable to develop these skills without deep knowledge and updated economic diplomacy.
In human society has existed, throughout his evolution and development, various conflicts between... more In human society has existed, throughout his evolution and development, various conflicts between its members, but regardless of the reason peoples always tried to find the best solution to resolve, peacefully, their problems. In modern society there is an attempt to combine between courts of justice with jurisdiction over the administration of justice and mediation. Thus we believe that resolving disputes through mediation is becoming increasingly used in Romania, due to low cost and rapidity with which a solution was obtained. Citizens have the possibility to choose to resolve disputes through mediation, without giving up the opportunity to address to the court, if is not satisfied with the result of mediation. This study attempts to discover the impact it has on declaring as unconstitutional the compulsory mediation inform about the benefits of mediation.

International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 2012
Fundamental human right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment as a relatively new la... more Fundamental human right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment as a relatively new law, contained in the third generation, the "rights of solidarity" is not expressly established major international treaties, such as "Universal Declaration of Rights human "(adopted by the UN in 1948)," European Convention on human Rights "(1950) or" International Covenants on human Rights "(1966), because at the time of their adoption of the ecological crisis is not broke, so there was no question right there in the environment. Therefore the only solution found its recognition by the European Court of Human Rights, who used the technique "indirect protection", which allows the extension of protection of rights recognized by the European Convention rights are not provided for this. Thus, by the "attraction" and under cover art. Article 8. (1) of the European Convention, which recognizes "the right of everyone to respect for...

Challenges of the Knowledge Society, 2012
In modern society, located in a continually growing population, one of the main problems is relat... more In modern society, located in a continually growing population, one of the main problems is related to the exploitation of natural resources, a source of richness limited and usually non-renewable. That is the exploitation of Rosia Montana, where an old gold mine continues to produce interest for what might be called "gold fever" in Romania. But, unlike the ancient and medieval times, where such operations were encouraged as a development factor, today environmental protection and sustainable development theory says that such mining destroys the nature and the community are serious demage, even if part of the local community wants to work, further mining, considering it a way of life and a reliable source of income. Thus we have two opposing positions camps: those who want to protect nature and those who want to exploit it, and in such a dilemma can not get out only with mediation Mediation is the only one who can bring the same opponents at the negotiation table, in the presence of specialized environments, and fully impartial stranger to conflict, to find a common solution to resolve the conflict, thus brains "peace" sustainable, that can be subsequently implemented. This study aims to review the advantages and the role that mediation can bring it into such a sensitive issue, as the Rosia Montana

Romanian Statistical Review Supplement, 2012
Conflict in a society such as the present, where disputes are born every minute, whether it is mi... more Conflict in a society such as the present, where disputes are born every minute, whether it is minor conflicts inherent in community life, or it is a major conflicts involving large groups of people, communities or even states, it takes more effort to restore peace. Appeal to the court or an authoritarian leader to judge and decide who are right, is not a long term solution because there will always be dissatisfaction with the solution found. Thus alternative methods are needed to restore the natural order, moving into the conflict to find a compromise solution to please all parties. And one of the methods that can do this is mediation, seen as a quick and confidential way of resolving conflict and finding a viable solution. This study aims to present the main techniques used to obtain the desired result in mediation: a durable peace between the parties.
Knowledge Horizons Economics, 2013
In or modern society the school has become a place full of conflict, where the lack of concrete m... more In or modern society the school has become a place full of conflict, where the lack of concrete moral guidelines make pupils and teachers to react violently in the moment they consider that their rights are affected. The absence of belonging to a well-defined social class, with strong principles and a clear organization, makes many pupils, especially those from poor or dysfunctional families to break all the rules to achieve a higher social status. But there are displaced behaviors that belong to pupils from affluent families, that believe they can do anything without be punished because their parents money resolving any problem that may occur. Between these behaviors are caught other pupils who are trying to find their own way in life. This study aims to examine the problems appeared in school in order to find new ways to fight against this.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2015
Of all the social norms the custom is one that best identifies with the concept of social norm, d... more Of all the social norms the custom is one that best identifies with the concept of social norm, due to its specific features. Custom or popular tradition is a creation of society, being born of the desires and aspirations of every people, the pains, sorrows and his experiences in the struggle waged for survival, the defeats and victories held by history. The custom is what was intended, along a story more or less tumultuous, to reveal all the qualities and defects due to its conservative nation, a perfect identification with where was born and formed and especially, the extraordinary possibilities to adapt to hardships weather, which showed ("the forest is brother with Romanian" poet observes, that "eternity was born in the country", and Romanians do not let their ancestral land whatever the vicissitudes of history).

International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 2014
Human society has known, throughout its development conflicted between its members for various re... more Human society has known, throughout its development conflicted between its members for various reasons, but have always sought solutions that they be defused capable, irrespective of the causes and reasons they generated. Currently, we are witnessing at a combination of its own methods of state institutions competent in the administration of justice and the institution known as mediation. In this context, we can say that alternative conflict resolution methods classic act of justice is becoming increasingly attractive and searched in Romania, due not so great a financial aspect, but especially for speed solving cases. People have the possibility to choose to resolve their conflicts by using the mediation, without abandoning the option of the courts of justice. This study attempts to discover the impact that have the declared as unconstitutional the mandatory compulsory informing about mediation.
Introducere in studiul dreptului si statului. Curs universitar
The healthy environment is one of the most important problems of our century, because of the huma... more The healthy environment is one of the most important problems of our century, because of the human activities impact on the fragile balance between man and environment in which they live. In all countries, including Romania, the problem is especially serious because millions of people suffer in one way or another, from environmental damage (chemical pollution, noise, ecosystems degradation…), because they don't know they have the right to live in a healthy environment. To be able to maintain and exercise their right, to respect and to enforce this requirement, individuals must be educated and have access to information, take part in decisions and to access to justice in environmental matters. This article, therefore, proposed to introduce the main ways of information and education the Romanian consumer on his right to a healthy environment.
Papers by Dragos Marian Radulescu