Note: The core game was made in a week for the Brackeys Game Jam 2022.2. It has received QoL patches but not much else.



LMB Interact/Advance Dialogue

RMB Zoom

P - Pause Game


Your parents are heading to a fancy dinner and have to leave you behind. It's not a big deal, you're old enough to take care of yourself now. It's simple, just do the chores your parents left for you and the night will be all yours... or will it?


This game is a short, atmospheric horror demo/prototype that dumbs down the gameplay and turns up the scares. How will you handle the obstacles laid before you? Will you stumble and become a victim, or be brave, and leave freely?


This is my first game submitted to Itch and my first game jam submission. There are many aspects about this game that I would love to improve on, but as of writing this, it's 5:00AM and I just want to get this uploaded and drink to celebrate. So, I hope you enjoy this short game. If it wasn't obvious already, I was heavily inspired by games like Fears To Fathom and the Puppet Combo titles. Really cool developers/games, you should check 'em out. Anyways, congratulations to all my fellow Brackeys Game Jam participants, and thanks to Brackeys for teaching me so many helpful things.

PS: I forgor 💀 to mention that all the low poly models were sourced from here.


PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(98 total ratings)
Made withUnity
Tags3D, Atmospheric, Creepy, Horror, Low-poly, PSX (PlayStation), Psychological Horror, Short, Singleplayer, Unity
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Windows 76 MB

Development log


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I found it really funny and think you should continue with more like this and get more detailed with the story. W Game

Format's a bit stale and the gameplay/story are kinda buns. But I like to think I improve with each new game so if you follow you'll be first to know about new projects. Thanks for playing 👍

Please leave it to me on the phone 😓😓

this game is bogus it scared my son to death! 1 star! im speaking to your mother!!!

It was fun kinda anticipated where the killer is coming from.

(1 edit) (+2)

This game becomes inherently more funny if you start commentating it with sass. "What the hell do you mean check the list again there's only 4 things can we not *ucking count?" "Well I guess I'm going to eat this whole pizza by myself like a *ucking fat arse" "Nobody's home go *uck yourself" "Welp time to play Valorant now that I'm do- HOLY SH-" Also haha door physics go brrrrr.


Probably what the protagonist is thinking tbh. Thanks for playing.


Nice short horror game with a cool aesthetic. I gotta ask though... what the heck is up with the appliances in this house?!?!?! Washing machine in the kitchen next to the stove/oven?! Fridge in the dining room?! TV on the GROUND in the master bedroom? What????


This question is so valid but so funny to me. I modeled the house layout 1:1 to my actual old house. The washing machine placement is exactly how it was in the house, but other things such as the TV on the ground were more just time-saving things. In real life it was on a stand lol. We did have a fridge in the conservatory too. Maybe it was an us thing, or maybe just a UK thing idk. Thanks for playing.


lol i was so scared the first time i played this. i played it again just now and i kinda speed ran it cus i was scared

Good strategy tbh

(1 edit) (+1)

Great game!! Loved the jump scares. Really enjoyed it. Go play it if you haven't already!! Mediasaur

Happy you enjoyed it.

Thank you!!! Mediasaur


Jogo bom , só não entendi a motivação da pessoa manca no nosso protagonista .

Olá, estou usando o Google Tradutor, então isso pode não fazer sentido. Fico feliz que você tenha gostado do jogo. A história e os personagens foram um pouco esquecidos. Não tenho esse jogo em alta conta, mas estou gradualmente evoluindo minha jogabilidade e história. Espero poder impressioná-lo no futuro. Tenha um ótimo dia!

Obrigada e você também tem um ótimo dia .


i played it without sound and looked away for one second and still shit myself whenn he suddenly came into the room my heart is still beating fast omg

Sounds like you won't be doing that again.


*did it again 


exactly my experience first time playing lol


That's very cool!

Nah you're cool mate.


this game was really fun to play and crazy jumps but click here to see my reaction if u like the content pls levae a comment and a like on the vid and sub ^^

Glad you enjoyed. good luck with YT.


played this on a 3 scary games.

really enjoyed it, atmosphere was there with a nice scare!

Keep up the good work!

Thanks, more on the way.


Oh f*ck this game's great !!!

You shivered me up !!


Glad I could shiver you up 👍

(1 edit) (+1)

Hilarious potato graphics, but you got me 


Ayy if it works, it works :)


Hi! Play your game and its SO COOL!!! 

Thanks for playing :)


Thank you for the game!


im really scared pls heolp


This game is so awesome!



i can't eat the pizza :(


Try the cutting board 👍


my lord and savior


The game is nice and all, but when you pause the game there is no way to return back to the game, I hope you would fix that..

and the doors movement is nice but if it swings twice then closes it would be nicer and less distracting..

and thanks :)


Thanks for the feedback, Sarah. Will look into it 👍

I went ahead and tested both builds and the 'P' key should work fine in pausing and un-pausing the game. Let me know if that's not the case for you. However, it's likely a design mistake as there's no specific instruction to un-pause the game.


is there a 3rd plant? bc I cant find it




We had fun, reminded me of the lockdowns, Thanks for the game!! Please make more! We will check out Polaris.

Glad you had some fun. Good luck with the streams 🙏


enjoyed the multi-endings - game starts at 16:40


Rare to see the hero ending. Good job on that one.


thank you, it was the most enjoyable haha


It was fun, spooky, but just a few things: The swinging doors really werent it. They were a bit janky and kept swinging even after passing through one a while ago.
Also, it wasnt really quite clear what to do with the items, such as the pizza. Otherwise it was a nice experience! :D

Thanks Nourie. I've made a list of player feedback and a patch is in the works. Can't remember if doors were planned to be changed as people were divided on it but I'll take your opinion into account. Either way I'm happy you played and had fun. 


those door were crazy! but good game none the less!! keep up the amazing work!!

Solid video mate. Keep chasing dreams bro


struggling to eat the pizza

Be sure to put it on the cutting board first


Thank God, I was just about to ask that question!


This was an amazing game, sure got some scares, my friend edited this vid btw! had a good time with this one hehe

Some stellar voice acting there. Thanks for playing 🙏


Bet He Regrets Not Wanting A Babysitter Now lol


great game

i didnt pay attention and thought this was a "silly" home alone game, color me surprised and spooked as hell when that man appeared out of no where to deliver me a bad ending... thanks devs for making me yelled like a kid.

Sounds like you had an extra spooky experience. Thanks for playing.

(1 edit) (+1)

Dont let them get you

get little game very well made for a little indie game


We fell in love with this game! thank you!!  





i liked this game, the doors swinging around were funny but i tried to hide in the closet and couldnt get in:(


a delightful little experience! the gameplay loop is easy enough to get both endings fairly quickly. kudos!

Kind words. Thanks for playing.

(1 edit)


For anyone interested about Home Alone or future games.


Good game!

Happy you enjoyed it, good luck with your YT career.


I wasn't able to finish the game and one of the doors cliched out over all the game needs to make it easier to know what you need to do despite all of that I still liked the game great work.    

(1 edit) (+1)

I'll add it the fix list. Thanks for your feedback :)


why did i jump out of my chair and hit my head when one of the jumpscares popped up- p

PS: great game, luv it!

PSS: also I love the other games too

Thanks, more horror on the way. 👍


very nice game ;D

Y thank u


This game was fun. Wish I played for the secret ending, didn't know about it until after recording lol, but still was a great time. 

Glad you had fun with it. You'll get it next time 💪

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