Hi there!

I’m Ronald of MediaRon.

I like to create WordPress Plugin Admin UI’s. Perhaps I can create one for you, too?

Keep scrolling to find out more.

Ronald Huereca

A little about me (skip to Case Studies)

I’ve been developing WordPress plugins since 2007. I’ve been working with WordPress professionally since 2011.

The most popular plugins I’ve been apart of have been BackupBuddy, Easy Updates Manager, and User Profile Picture.

When it comes to WordPress plugins, I strive for simplicity. I love turning what should be a complicated user interaction into a frictionless user experience.

Plugin development is my passion, and if it’s yours too, perhaps we can talk?

Admin UI Best Practices and Philosophies

I attempt to adhere to the following best practices and philosophies when it comes to creating plugin admin panels.

Decisions, not options…

When designing out admin UI’s, I like to stick to the decisions, not options philosophy. Instead of throwing in the kitchen sink, let’s only create options when it makes the user experience better.

When making decisions these are the users we consider first. A great example of this consideration is software options. Every time you give a user an option, you are asking them to make a decision. When a user doesn’t care or understand the option this ultimately leads to frustration. As developers we sometimes feel that providing options for everything is a good thing, you can never have too many choices, right? Ultimately these choices end up being technical ones, choices that the average end user has no interest in. It’s our duty as developers to make smart design decisions and avoid putting the weight of technical choices on our end users.

WordPress Core Philosophy

Don’t make me think

User interfaces should be simple to navigate, intuitive, and accessible.

Usability is simply the idea that a normal person should be able to use your products without finding the process frustrating or annoying. Usability is making sure things work well and are easy to use. Spoons, for example, are incredibly usable.

Interaction Design Foundation

Not every WordPress plugin needs an options page

The best types of plugins are singular-use plugins that just work upon plugin activation. My plugin Slash Edit is a good example of this.

While I do myself no favors pointing this out, please think long and hard about what options you’d like to present the user. Many issues can be solved with great documentation.

Admin UI’s the WordPress way

Admin user interfaces should match the look the behavior of the existing WordPress admin. Sure, you can get really creative with colors and branding, but don’t create an admin panel that requires a user to re-learn the interface.

The Settings API is useful until it isn’t

The WordPress Settings API is useful for straightforward options. When you start getting into multisite, layered options, and wizards, it doesn’t scale up well.

Not every plugin needs a top-level menu

Yes, having a top-level plugin menu increases visibility, but it also clutters up the admin. I try to only use top-level menus when it makes sense to do so.

Launch with Words Logo

Featured Case Study – Launch with Words

There’s no greater satisfaction for me as a creator to work with an engineer who not only sees my vision, but sees me.

– Bridget Willard

Email for File Concept Admin

Email for File is a concept WordPress plugin and I played with several integrations that the plugin would use.

The interfaces below are React-based.

User Profile Picture

With User Profile Picture, the admin UI interaction is about as simple as it gets. After years of iterating, I got it down to a handful of elements.

User Profile Picture Interface
User Profile Picture Interface

Simple Comment Editing

Simple Comment Editing uses a more traditional approach with tabs separating out major areas.

Ultimate Auto Updates Concept Admin

Ultimate Auto Updates is still in development, but it seeks to compete with Easy Updates Manager and Companion Auto Update.

Some pieces of the admin are coded in React, while others are coded with more traditional WordPress layouts with a bit of JavaScript mixed in.

Plugin Info Card

Plugin Info Card sports a custom admin with an intuitive block design as well.

Toggl Integration with Gravity Forms Concept Admin

I have coded an integration with Gravity Forms and mixed in a bit of React for this admin screen.

Custom Query Blocks

This is more of your traditional admin panel with a separate tab for support.

Ready to Begin? Let’s fill out this form.

Alternatively, feel free to schedule a free 15-minute discovery call. You can also email me at [email protected].

Ronald Huereca
MediaRon - Ronald Huereca

Ronald created MediaRon in 2011 and has more than fifteen years of releasing free and paid WordPress plugins.

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