Papers by Zsófia Biró
Bulla Aurea: The Hungarian Golden Bull and its European parallels, 2024

Colony 01 Establishing Colonies on Other Planets, 2024
Except for a brief mention at the beginning, the paper deals with the technical and legal aspects... more Except for a brief mention at the beginning, the paper deals with the technical and legal aspects of space exploration and, to a lesser extent, the energy sources used in the conquest of space. The idea of energy from space is not new. As early as 1923, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky envisioned a system based on mirrors placed in space to send amplified sunbeams back to Earth. A bit later, in 1941, the famous science fiction writer Isaac Asimov came up with a similar idea (ESA 2022a), and in 1975, the physicist Gerard K. O'Neill took the idea one step further, bringing it even closer to the present day: he had already written that "manufacturing facilities in high orbit could be used to build satellite solar power stations from lunar materials" (O'Neill 1975: 943). If we look at the 20 th century space science fiction literature, we can see that the various ways of producing energy that appeared in novels, which seemed impossible and futuristic at the time, are beginning to materialise, or are already partially operational. It might be worth picking up today's science fiction literature to get a more accurate picture of our own future. This paper has a similar goal: to show what kind of energy production and supply opportunities will exist during the exploration and eventual colonisation of space at different locations and distances.
A közép-európai régió és a nyugati hatások: A tradicionális jog alakváltozásai, 2023
![Research paper thumbnail of Az Európai Zöld Megállapodás és szakpolitikáinak hatásai az energiaszektorra: az elektromos töltőinfrastruktúra fejlődése Közép-Kelet-Európában - egy bizottsági jelentés elemzése. [The impacts of the European Green Deal and its policies on the energy sector: the development of the...]](
A klímaváltozás hatásaiból eredő kihívások: válogatott tanulmányok a globális éghajlatváltozás jogi, politikai, gazdasági és társadalmi vonatkozásairól, 2022
On 11 December 2019, the European Commission announced the European Green Deal, the European Unio... more On 11 December 2019, the European Commission announced the European Green Deal, the European Union's new growth strategy, marking a new era in the history of the EU. Among its policies, the strategy includes Sustainable Mobility policy, in which the EU expects to have 13 million zero-or low-emission vehicles and nearly 1 million electric charging points by 2025. More recently, the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy envisages 30 million zero-emission vehicles and 3 million charging points by 2030 in order to meet the CO2 reduction targets. Directive 2014/94/EU provides the regulatory framework, but implementation in the Member States is far from uniform. The achievements and shortcomings of the implementation of the legislation so far are highlighted in the Report from the Commission on the application of Directive 2014/94/EU and in the staff working document of this report: Detailed Assessment of the Member States Implementation Reports on the National Policy Frameworks for the development of the market as regards alternative fuels in the transport sector and the deployment of the relevant infrastructure. In addition to a brief presentation of the relevant policies, the study aims to provide an overview of the current situation in the V4 countries, and Hungary's other neighbours: Austria, Slovenia and Croatia, on the progress achieved in the field of electric infrastructure and the regulatory context, through an evaluation of the Commission's report and working document.
Jogtörténeti Szemle, 2022

In the 11th century initially the king of Hungary exercised the judicial power in his royal court... more In the 11th century initially the king of Hungary exercised the judicial power in his royal court, either personally or by appointed judges. The king's first delegate was the palatine (palatinus), who, as the handler of the royal seal, adjudicated on behalf of the king. At first, the palatine was authorized to judge only in the royal court. From the era of Saint Ladislaus, the royal court had a real judicial organization, where instead of the king, the palatine did the adjudication, so he was able to deal with cases of the nobles as well, by the right of delegation. After a while, his judicial power got wider: Saint Ladislaus’s III/3. and king Kálmán’s I/37. edicts say, that “when the palatine left the court, he could not take the royal seal with him and from then on, he could only judge in his own right, exclusively in the cases of nobles from the royal court, except when the nobles willingly brought their cases to him and accepted the palatine as their arbitrator. From the 13t...

Marketing & Menedzsment, 2021
A TANULMÁNY CÉLJA Tanulmányomban a MOL 2030-as stratégiájának várható hatásait vizsgálom a vállal... more A TANULMÁNY CÉLJA Tanulmányomban a MOL 2030-as stratégiájának várható hatásait vizsgálom a vállalat tulajdonosi értékére nézve. Vajon a MOL Group képes lesz megfelelő vállalatértéket generálni, ha eljön a fosszilis korszak vége vagy ő sem menekülhet az eljövendő időszak elől? ALKALMAZOTT MÓDSZERTAN A vállalatértékeléshez szükséges kutatási módszertan kiválasztásánál figyelembe vettem a vonatkozó szakirodalmakat, nemzetközi standardokat. Ami minden esetben közös, hogy módszertanilag leginkább megfelelőnek a diszkontált cash flow módszert tekintik. Az egyes DCF modellek közül pedig az equity cash flow modellt választottam, hiszen a tulajdonosi értéket az ECF modell adja közvetlenül eredményként. A MOL 2030-as stratégiája négy, a tulajdonosi érték szempontjából lényeges beruházást említ: finomítók fejlesztését, műanyag és műgumi gyárakat és a Fresh Corner lánc bővítését. Továbbá kiemeli, hogy az elektromos autók is visszaszoríthatják a hagyományos üzemanyagok értékesítését. Ezért e str...

Praefectio is a truly complex legal institution. Initially, it was considered as an extraordinary... more Praefectio is a truly complex legal institution. Initially, it was considered as an extraordinary and exceptional act of the king, which was totally contradictory to the customary law and the jus regium. As a result of its practice, the monarch got to beholden nobles, the noble father achieved the survival of his bloodline by this legal institution, and also the bona hereditaria remained in his family’s possession. The husband of the praefecta was usually one of the king’s favoured obligee, and their children have been able to inherit the bona hereditaria from paternal as well as maternal side. However, it turned out from the decrees, that the sovereign not just allowed a change in the order of succession, that was contradictory with the customary law, but he considered these estates since they at first escheated to his Holy Crown, and only after that the king gave them to the praefecta, as nova donatio. Moreover, after Sigismund of Luxembourg, the praefectio’s contradictory charact...

Studia Iuridica, 2019
The article examines the evolution of the Hungarian Public and Constitutional Law from 1301 until... more The article examines the evolution of the Hungarian Public and Constitutional Law from 1301 until the Austro-Hungarian compromise in 1867. The topic is highly relevant, because the year 2017 marked the 330th anniversary of the 1st and 2nd Act of 1687, which state that the Habsburgs are the only and true heirs of the Hungarian throne; it also marked the 150th anniversary of the Austro-Hungarian Compromise. Furthermore the current Fundamental Law says that “We honour the achievements of our historical constitution and we honour the Holy Crown, which embodies the constitutional continuity of Hungary’s statehood and the unity of the nation”. The main chain of thoughts of the article presents the crown-ideology and the Doctrine of the Holy Crown, the Rákos field resolution of 1505, the Acts 2 and 3 of 1687, the Pragmatic Sanction, Acts 10 and 12 of 1790, the public law aspects of the April Laws of 1848, and the laws on the Austro-Hungarian Compromise. The article presents the fundamental...
Napjainkban az a szerencse ér minket, hogy hazánkban a nők és férfiak teljes mértékben egyenjogúa... more Napjainkban az a szerencse ér minket, hogy hazánkban a nők és férfiak teljes mértékben egyenjogúak, legalábbis a jog szerint mindenképpen, de nem mindig volt ez így. A tanulmány arra a kérdésre keresi a választ, hogy-a biztosított jogokat tekintve-hol lenne kedvezőbb nőként élni, közelebbről az ókori Rómában, vagy a hajdani Magyar Királyságban volt-e kedvezőbb helyzete a "gyengébbik nemnek". Elsőként rögzítendő, hogy a célszerűség érdekében a munka csak a legtöbb joggal rendelkező "női állapotokat" vizsgálja, így a szabad (liber), római polgár (civis Romanus), önjogúakat (personae sui iuris), illetve hatalomalattiakat (personae alieni iuris) a családi állapotok bizonyos esetei miatt, továbbá hazánkban a magyar nemes nőket (nobiles) a fiúsításra (praefectio) is kiterjedően. Az értekezés megállapításai a továbbiakban rájuk értendőek.
Epidemiológiai vizsgálat a húgyuti fejlődési rendellenességek (renalis a/dysgenesis, polí/ multic... more Epidemiológiai vizsgálat a húgyuti fejlődési rendellenességek (renalis a/dysgenesis, polí/ multicystáscystás vesedysplasia, obstruktiv húgyuti rendellenességek és exstrophias húgyhólyag/cloaca) kórokainak feltárása érdekében, a Magyarországi Veleszületett Rendellenességek Eset-Kontroll Felügyelet (Hungarian Case-Control Surveillance of Congenital Abnormlalities) anyagában. A vizsgálat fő céljai:
Periodical / Journal by Zsófia Biró
JURA, 2023
A 18. századi felsőbírósági reformtól az 1869. évi 4. törvénycikkig * I. Az 1723-as bírósági refo... more A 18. századi felsőbírósági reformtól az 1869. évi 4. törvénycikkig * I. Az 1723-as bírósági reform és hatásai
Iustum Aequum Salutare, 2022
![Research paper thumbnail of “A nádor bíráskodása a királyi udvarban” [The judicial power of the palatine in the king’s court]](
Acta Universitatis Szegediensis: Forum: Publicationes Doctorandorum Juridicorum X. , 2020
With the rapidly developing technological developments, data has become a very important trade se... more With the rapidly developing technological developments, data has become a very important trade service unit, while the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been insufficient so far in the regulations on this matter. The fact that data also contains personal information makes WTO unreliable for the European Union (EU), which recognizes privacy and private life as a fundamental right, which pushes the EU to insist on its own data protection law in cross-border data transfers. In this article, we will question the role of the WTO obligations and principles on the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and trade-restrictive data localization measures, and examine whether GDPR can justify itself with the GATS' General Exceptions Article XIV. Finally, we will conclude our work with recommendations and evaluations for better implementation at the multinational level.
![Research paper thumbnail of “A nádor bíráskodása a királyi udvarban” [The judicial power of the palatine in the king’s court]](
Acta Universitatis Szegediensis: Forum: Publicationes Doctorandorum Juridicorum X., 2020
In the 11th century initially the king of Hungary exercised the judicial power in his royal court... more In the 11th century initially the king of Hungary exercised the judicial power in his royal court, either personally or by appointed judges. The king's first delegate was the palatine (palatinus), who, as the handler of the royal seal, adjudicated on behalf of the king. At first, the palatine was authorized to judge only in the royal court.
From the era of Saint Ladislaus, the royal court had a real judicial organization, where instead of the king, the palatine did the adjudication, so he was able to deal with cases of the nobles as well, by the right of delegation. After a while, his judicial power got wider:
Saint Ladislaus’s III/3. and king Kálmán’s I/37. edicts say, that “when the palatine left the court, he could not take the royal seal with him and from then on, he could only judge in his own right, exclusively in the cases of nobles from the royal court, except when the nobles willingly brought their cases to him and accepted the palatine as their arbitrator.
From the 13th century the palatine was delegated apart from the royal court as well, and finally from the 14th century he practiced the essence of his judicial power from the countryside. In 1342 there was a shift: the palatine’s adjudication in the countryside came to its end, and from then on, he dealt with cases only in the forums of the royal court.
The palatine’s position was fulfilled by the articles of 1485, so called “The Palatine Articles”: Mathias I appointed the palatine as the supreme judge of the country and gave him additional, important authorizations to power-exercising.
![Research paper thumbnail of “A MOL 2030-as stratégiájának pénzügyi megvalósíthatósága és hatása a tulajdonosi értékre” [The financial viability of MOL’s strategy 2030 and its effect on shareholder value]](
Marketing & Menedzsment 54/4, 2020
The financial viability of MOL’s strategy 2030and its effect on shareholder value
THE AIM OF THE ... more The financial viability of MOL’s strategy 2030and its effect on shareholder value
THE AIM OF THE PAPER In my paper, I examine the expected effects of MOL’s 2030 strategy on the company’s shareholder value. Will MOL Group be able to generate a suitable corporate value, if a shift in fossil era comes, or cannot deal with the upcoming future?
METHODOLOGY I took into consideration the relevant literature and international standards. What always common is that the DCF method is the most methodologically appropriate. Within the DCF method I chose the ECF model, because the shareholder value directly derives from it.MOL’s 2030 strategy mentions four investments that are essential for shareholder value: develop-ment of refineries, plastic and artificial rubber factories and expansion of the Fresh Corner chain. It also underlines that electric cars could repress the sale of conventional fuels. I am therefore exam-ining the effects of these strategy elements and the growing number of electric cars individually, as well as collectively on the shareholder value, at the present value 2017.
MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS According to my analysis, the possible shift in the use of fossil fuels will not affect the implementa-tion of the strategy, the effects of investment projects and the fact of spreading e-vehicles, together have an increasing impact of 2.93% on shareholder value. However, contrary to MOL’s expecta-tions, individual projects will not all be reimbursed by 2030, reimbursement can only be stated with an attention to the whole strategy.
RECOMMENDATIONS My testing method can be generalised within the industry, since in developed economies oil com-panies face the same trends, only company-specific parameters need to be correctly inserted. For projects that are not reimbursed at MOL until 2030, it is recommended to define a longer time frame.
Keywords: company valuation, energy industry, strategy analysis, shareholder value, ECF model
Papers by Zsófia Biró
Az Országgyűlés elnöke a felsőoktatásban részt vevő hallgatók számára kiírt pályázattal is hozzá kívánt járulni az Aranybulla 800 éves évfordulójának méltó megünnepléséhez.
Az 1. helyezést Biró Zsófia, a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem hallgatója érte el Az Aranybulla a történeti alkotmány egyik alappillére című pályamunkájával.
Golden Bull 800 competition
The President of the National Assembly also wanted to contribute to the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the Golden Bull by launching a competition for students in higher education.
Zsófia Biró, a student at the National University of Public Service, won 1st prize with her entry entitled The Golden Bulla is a pillar of the historical constitution.
Periodical / Journal by Zsófia Biró
From the era of Saint Ladislaus, the royal court had a real judicial organization, where instead of the king, the palatine did the adjudication, so he was able to deal with cases of the nobles as well, by the right of delegation. After a while, his judicial power got wider:
Saint Ladislaus’s III/3. and king Kálmán’s I/37. edicts say, that “when the palatine left the court, he could not take the royal seal with him and from then on, he could only judge in his own right, exclusively in the cases of nobles from the royal court, except when the nobles willingly brought their cases to him and accepted the palatine as their arbitrator.
From the 13th century the palatine was delegated apart from the royal court as well, and finally from the 14th century he practiced the essence of his judicial power from the countryside. In 1342 there was a shift: the palatine’s adjudication in the countryside came to its end, and from then on, he dealt with cases only in the forums of the royal court.
The palatine’s position was fulfilled by the articles of 1485, so called “The Palatine Articles”: Mathias I appointed the palatine as the supreme judge of the country and gave him additional, important authorizations to power-exercising.
THE AIM OF THE PAPER In my paper, I examine the expected effects of MOL’s 2030 strategy on the company’s shareholder value. Will MOL Group be able to generate a suitable corporate value, if a shift in fossil era comes, or cannot deal with the upcoming future?
METHODOLOGY I took into consideration the relevant literature and international standards. What always common is that the DCF method is the most methodologically appropriate. Within the DCF method I chose the ECF model, because the shareholder value directly derives from it.MOL’s 2030 strategy mentions four investments that are essential for shareholder value: develop-ment of refineries, plastic and artificial rubber factories and expansion of the Fresh Corner chain. It also underlines that electric cars could repress the sale of conventional fuels. I am therefore exam-ining the effects of these strategy elements and the growing number of electric cars individually, as well as collectively on the shareholder value, at the present value 2017.
MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS According to my analysis, the possible shift in the use of fossil fuels will not affect the implementa-tion of the strategy, the effects of investment projects and the fact of spreading e-vehicles, together have an increasing impact of 2.93% on shareholder value. However, contrary to MOL’s expecta-tions, individual projects will not all be reimbursed by 2030, reimbursement can only be stated with an attention to the whole strategy.
RECOMMENDATIONS My testing method can be generalised within the industry, since in developed economies oil com-panies face the same trends, only company-specific parameters need to be correctly inserted. For projects that are not reimbursed at MOL until 2030, it is recommended to define a longer time frame.
Keywords: company valuation, energy industry, strategy analysis, shareholder value, ECF model
Az Országgyűlés elnöke a felsőoktatásban részt vevő hallgatók számára kiírt pályázattal is hozzá kívánt járulni az Aranybulla 800 éves évfordulójának méltó megünnepléséhez.
Az 1. helyezést Biró Zsófia, a Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem hallgatója érte el Az Aranybulla a történeti alkotmány egyik alappillére című pályamunkájával.
Golden Bull 800 competition
The President of the National Assembly also wanted to contribute to the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the Golden Bull by launching a competition for students in higher education.
Zsófia Biró, a student at the National University of Public Service, won 1st prize with her entry entitled The Golden Bulla is a pillar of the historical constitution.
From the era of Saint Ladislaus, the royal court had a real judicial organization, where instead of the king, the palatine did the adjudication, so he was able to deal with cases of the nobles as well, by the right of delegation. After a while, his judicial power got wider:
Saint Ladislaus’s III/3. and king Kálmán’s I/37. edicts say, that “when the palatine left the court, he could not take the royal seal with him and from then on, he could only judge in his own right, exclusively in the cases of nobles from the royal court, except when the nobles willingly brought their cases to him and accepted the palatine as their arbitrator.
From the 13th century the palatine was delegated apart from the royal court as well, and finally from the 14th century he practiced the essence of his judicial power from the countryside. In 1342 there was a shift: the palatine’s adjudication in the countryside came to its end, and from then on, he dealt with cases only in the forums of the royal court.
The palatine’s position was fulfilled by the articles of 1485, so called “The Palatine Articles”: Mathias I appointed the palatine as the supreme judge of the country and gave him additional, important authorizations to power-exercising.
THE AIM OF THE PAPER In my paper, I examine the expected effects of MOL’s 2030 strategy on the company’s shareholder value. Will MOL Group be able to generate a suitable corporate value, if a shift in fossil era comes, or cannot deal with the upcoming future?
METHODOLOGY I took into consideration the relevant literature and international standards. What always common is that the DCF method is the most methodologically appropriate. Within the DCF method I chose the ECF model, because the shareholder value directly derives from it.MOL’s 2030 strategy mentions four investments that are essential for shareholder value: develop-ment of refineries, plastic and artificial rubber factories and expansion of the Fresh Corner chain. It also underlines that electric cars could repress the sale of conventional fuels. I am therefore exam-ining the effects of these strategy elements and the growing number of electric cars individually, as well as collectively on the shareholder value, at the present value 2017.
MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS According to my analysis, the possible shift in the use of fossil fuels will not affect the implementa-tion of the strategy, the effects of investment projects and the fact of spreading e-vehicles, together have an increasing impact of 2.93% on shareholder value. However, contrary to MOL’s expecta-tions, individual projects will not all be reimbursed by 2030, reimbursement can only be stated with an attention to the whole strategy.
RECOMMENDATIONS My testing method can be generalised within the industry, since in developed economies oil com-panies face the same trends, only company-specific parameters need to be correctly inserted. For projects that are not reimbursed at MOL until 2030, it is recommended to define a longer time frame.
Keywords: company valuation, energy industry, strategy analysis, shareholder value, ECF model