Home / Residency / General Psychiatry Residency / How To Apply
How to Apply
Application Procedure and Dates
All complete applications must be in ERAS by: September 25, 2024
The Stanford Adult Psychiatry Residency Program interviews applicants for fourteen PGY-1 positions: ten categorical, two research track, and two community/public psychiatry track. We receive about 1,100 applications for these PGY-1 positions and invite about 100 candidates to interview. Although the majority of our past and current residents are U.S. allopathic (MD) medical school graduates, we also consider osteopathic (DO) and international medical graduate applicants.
We base our candidate selection upon a number of factors. In particular, we examine your academic performance (specifically in your psychiatry and medicine clerkships), dedication to clinical care, personal qualities including self-motivation and intellectual curiosity, letters of recommendation, clinical and/or research performance. We look for candidates who we believe will make exceptional colleagues during and after residency.
Visiting Electives
Visiting Elective Clerkships: Stanford Psychiatry is pleased to offer visiting electives on a wide array of services in our program. Some examples of available rotations include: Trauma Psychiatry, Addiction Treatment Services, Psychosomatic Medicine, Geriatric Psychiatry, and Sub-internships on inpatient psychiatry services.
Stanford Clinical Opportunity for Residency Experience (SCORE) program: The Stanford Psychiatry Residency program is proud to participate in the SCORE program.
General Information
The Stanford Adult Psychiatry Residency Program only participates in the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP) through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS).
Within the NRMP and ERAS we offer three tracks:
- Categorical [NRMP Program Code: 1820400C0]:
Main residency match for all PGY-1 applicants.
- Research C [NRMP Program Code: 1820400C1]:
Our research track is for residents interested in pursuing an academic research career that culminates in a NIH T-32 research-training grant. For more information on the research track, please visit our learning page. Categorical residents interested in pursuing research during residency, may do so by through our scholarly concentration.
- Community/Public Psychiatry C [NRMP Program Code: 1820400C2]:
The community and public psychiatry track is for residents who are deeply committed to careers addressing mental health inequities, broadly defined. Modeled upon our existing research track and the UC PRIME model, this new track offers enhanced training and curriculum with an emphasis on mental health equity, cultural psychiatry, public policy, and advocacy in both the East Bay and throughout the Peninsula.
When do I apply?
All complete applications must be in ERAS by: September 25, 2024
We recommend you to submit your completed applications by this date, as our interview schedule fills quickly.
Applications received in ERAS after this date will not be screened or reviewed. No exceptions.
How do I apply for a PGY-2 position?
Currently, our program is full and we do not anticipate any PGY-2 openings. If our program status has changed, contact the residency training office ([email protected]) in late December or early June for an available PGY-2 position in the upcoming academic year. Please include your curriculum vitae (CV) and psychiatry personal statement.