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Creating Impact Through Philanthropy

Our Department’s ability to have impact depends on the ideas, good will, and philanthropy of individuals, foundations, and corporations who join with us to bring innovative solutions to life in a field with complex challenges and enormous impact across the lifespan and around the world.

At Stanford, philanthropy is not a transaction. It is an opportunity to identify shared hopes and dreams, and make them come true. The potential for creating good is magnified by working together. Our development team helps us:

  • Build capacity in perpetuity through endowment for professorships, faculty scholar awards, fellowships, research and programs
  • Link basic, translational, and clinical sciences in the name of innovation and acceleration
  • Grow the department’s seed grant program to rise all boats
  • Advance early stage ideas and promising projects at critical stages
  • Educate the next generation of clinicians and scientists in neuroscience-informed clinical solutions
  • Engage the public to join with us to create a better future

Ways of Giving

There are a a variety of convenient ways to give to the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University's School of Medicine, and more information can be found here: https://medicalgiving.stanford.edu/

These include:

  • Online gifts through Stanford’s secure website:
  • Gifts by check or wire transfer if more convenient for you.
  • Gifts of securities may receive a charitable tax deduction for the full market value of the securities and avoid capital gains tax.
  • Pledges allow you to fulfill your commitment at a comfortable pace.
  • Planned gifts and bequests: Stanford’s team of gift planning experts can help you select from a wide variety of tax-wise giving strategies.
  • Tribute gifts are a meaningful way to honor someone of great importance to you.
  • Leverage your giving through your employer’s matching gift program.

Our development professionals can help you determine the best strategy for your situation and how to create the impact of greatest importance to you. We encourage you to take advantage of their expertise.

To speak with a development professional regarding any of the above, please contact:

Stanford University Medical Center Development

Lyra Ghose
(650) 862-5324
[email protected]

Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health

Allison Mitchell
(202) 494-3101
[email protected]

“We like building things in partnership. Our family’s philanthropy to the department goes back three generations. Our current efforts launched a new era for addiction medicine at Stanford.”

Liesl and Charles Moldow established the expendable Women’s Hope and Healing Fund and more recently the endowed Liesl Pike Moldow and Charles Moldow Family Fund.

“I was looking for an institution that has the concentration of firepower and long-term commitment to crack difficult problems. That’s why I decided to establish the Esther Ting Memorial Professorship at Stanford.”

Dr. George Ting established a professorship in memory of his 18-year-old daughter.

“We were most fortunate to experience firsthand an innovative treatment study in the Department of Psychiatry at Stanford that we deemed miraculous. We have committed to help advance this research -- through financial assistance from all resources we can convince -- so that this world-changing mood disorder discovery can help as many people as possible.”

Deirdre and Clark Lehman established the Neuromodulation Research Fund for an early career clinician-scientist.

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