Papers by Elena Sobolnikova

The relevance of this research consists in reconsideration of the main approaches to solving bioe... more The relevance of this research consists in reconsideration of the main approaches to solving bioethical problems based on the religious and ethical principles
of Buddhism. The purpose of this research is to analyze Buddhist principles that can be consistently applied to a range of biomedical problems (euthanasia,
biomedical experiments with animals, etc.). The subject of our research is ethics in the context of medicine, namely the relationship between Buddhism and
medical practice. The research materials are based on many years of teaching the bioethics course at St. Petersburg State University of Chemistry and Pharmacy
and Tyumen State Medical University, as well as on the results of research related to the development of scientific research of bioethical issues. The central question
of modern bioethics about the nature and status of the moral subject in Buddhism is based on the principle of the moral dignity of all living beings: from human life
to the life of animals and, perhaps, even plants. Belief in interspecific rebirth and respect for animal life are typical of Buddhist ethics. In modern ethics, Buddhism
is a teleological ethics of virtue, which postulates a certain end result of life as the implementation of human potential and asserts that this goal should be realized
through cultivation of certain spiritual practices, which implies the rejection of euthanasia, abortion, artificial insemination and other dvanced medical technologies.

Формулы Фармации. Т. 6, № 1., 2024
Очерк посвящен Николаю Петровичу Елинову, выдающемуся ученому с мировым
именем, внесшему существе... more Очерк посвящен Николаю Петровичу Елинову, выдающемуся ученому с мировым
именем, внесшему существенный вклад в развитие медицинской микробиологии, микологии и би-
отехнологии в Российской Федерации. Н. П. Елинов – профессор, доктор биологических наук, за-
служенный деятель науки РСФСР, ректор Ленинградского химико-фармацевтического институ-
та, действительный Член Санкт-Петербургской инженерной и Нью-Йорской академии наук, автор
10 учебников, 8 справочников, 10 монографий, свыше 400 статей в отечественных и зарубежных
журналах, 70 авторских свидетельств на изобретения. Имя профессора Н. П. Елинова широко извест-
но в научном мире благодаря его работам в таких областях, как биология аспорогенных дрожжей,
химия и биотехнология микробных полисахаридов и других. Он создал школу учеников и последо-
вателей, включающую 50 кандидатов и 9 докторов наук. Под его руководством кафедра микробио-
логии заложила основы инженерно-микробиологической подготовки специалистов. В своей работе
ректором ЛХФИ Николай Петрович способствовал организации единственного в стране факультета
по подготовке инженеров-биотехнологов, а вуз занял лидирующие позиции в подготовке специали-
стов фармацевтической промышленности. В 1968 году Николай Петрович стал членом Международ-
ной комиссии по дрожжевым организмам Международного союза микробиологических обществ.
Его имя было включено в книгу «2000 выдающихся учёных к концу 20 века» (1998 г.) Кембриджским
Международным биографическим центром (Великобритания), где он был признан специалистом по
микробиологии и биотехнологии. В данном очерке на основе архивных материалов, публикаций,
статей и воспоминаний коллег раскрыты основные вехи жизненного пути и научных достижений
Николая Петровича Елинова.
Индустриальная Россия: вчера, сегодня, завтра / Сборник научных статей по материалам XV Международной научно-практической конференции (7 июня 2024 г., г. Уфа) / – Уфа: Изд. НИЦ Вестник науки, 2024. – 611 с., 2024
The presence of communicative competence and high professionalism are those skills and abilities ... more The presence of communicative competence and high professionalism are those skills and abilities on the application of which the effective relationship between a doctor,
pharmacist and a patient depends. In this regard, the importance of introducing innovative technologies for the formation of communicative competence in the process of training a future doctor and pharmacist is increasing.

31 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE «THE UNIVERSE OF PLATONIC THOUGHT»: «Plato’s Dialectics: Method, Norm, Self-Knowledge», 0
Plato attached great importance to a special kind of logic and
reasoning — dialectics. A special... more Plato attached great importance to a special kind of logic and
reasoning — dialectics. A special place in the elaboration of
a number of issues related to the methods of conducting academic discussions and the emergence of dialectics is occupied
by the Plato’s Parmenides. The dialectical method created
by Plato, can be described as a kind of informal logic, that
reveals the structure of reality. In the dialogue both questions are solved simultaneously: ontological — how can the
idea of being embodied in the sensory world, and the epistemological — how can the one be the object of knowledge,
since knowledge presupposes the attribution of the one and
identical to itself to another — the subject of knowledge. At
the same time, the correlation of logos determines the involvement of things in them and the mutual connection resulting
from this involvement, the correlation of things themselves.
The conceptualization of the main hypotheses of the Parmenides dialogue in the form of the “dialectic method” leads
to an extensive controversy among followers of Neoplatonism.

Shagi / Steps, 9(3),159– 173. , 2023
This article examines the problem of mystical and religious foundations of morality, which are i... more This article examines the problem of mystical and religious foundations of morality, which are interconnected, first of all,
with the inner world of a person - with duty, conscience, self-esteem.
In what follows two theories of conscience are analyzed, compared
and contrasted: those of the fourteenth-century mystic Richard Rolle
and those of the philosopher Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel. The
main attention is paid to the comparative analysis of the idea of conscience in the mysticism of Rolle and in Hegel’s moral philosophy. If
for Rolle conscience is the voice of the supreme transcendent God, for
Hegel conscience is a generalized voice of significant others transferred to the inner plane, which is conditioned by a person’s political
views or social position. These points of view do not exclude each other: one focuses on how conscience matures, how it is formed on the
basis of mystical aspiration and love for God, while the other focuses
on the mechanism of functioning of a mature conscience, which realizes itself in society in a sense of duty. According to Rolle, conscience
is the beating of an inner intelligence. In the absence of this, we are
unlikely to act upon the knowledge that conscience presents to us.
According to Hegel, conscience is the divine voice with immediate
knowledge of existence. But to goad us into action conscience must
be more than this; its content incorporates an experience with a religious or spiritual quality that is beyond conceptual analysis.
Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, 2018
Globus, 2020
Problems of forming citizenship of students in the framework of modernizing medical education in ... more Problems of forming citizenship of students in the framework of modernizing medical education in the context of the implementation of youth 2 policy in the Russian Federation are among the relevant and most discussed topics. The article draws attention to the methodological prerequisites for the formation of citizenship among young people in medical universities. Based on the analysis, conceptual approaches to the model of such a system are proposed. The personal potential of citizenship is considered as the basis for initiating students to self-education and self-development, the formation of civic orientations and identification in professional activities.

RUDN Journal of Philosophy, 2018
The article begins by defining evil, rejecting proffered negative definitions, for example, evil ... more The article begins by defining evil, rejecting proffered negative definitions, for example, evil is privation, from which little further insight is obtainable, nor progress to be made towards a resolution of the problem, in favor of a more a constructive definition of evil in terms of an abnegation of responsibility for, or commitment to, one's dictions or actions. This is an attitude that is both irrational and unintelligible, enabling a connection to be made between Plotinus' view of evil as unintelligible matter, that is, impassive and inactive nature; and Hegel's view of evil as that which is real and active, but against reason. For Plotinus, evil is formless matter, matter that is unintelligible, separated from the intellect, unlimited because not bounded by conceptual categories; and hence, what is evil is all darkness. For Hegel, for whom the rational is actual and the actual is rational, evil is an irrational perversion of the world's inner essential rationality. But these ideas can be connected, for the purpose of finding a solution to the problem of evil, through a more specific understanding of the concept that we offer; that evil is a failure of commitment, a denial of responsibility for one's actions; and this is in itself both irrational and unintelligible. We can then demonstrate that what that evil, though it certainly exists, is imperfection, and the good, being rational, is already complete and fulfilled and firmly established in the world, and therefore evil cannot possibly oppose it from any position of equivalence; for the good is rational and therefore true, whereas evil is irrational and therefore false.

St.Tikhons' University Review
This article reconstructs cognitive schemes and narrative practices in medieval vernacular Englis... more This article reconstructs cognitive schemes and narrative practices in medieval vernacular English mysticism of the 14th century through the conceptual metaphor of the pilgrimage of the soul. The two-part nature and methodological productivity of this metaphor determines the purpose and structure of the article. In the fi rst section, the legacy of the virtuosos of spiritual work is analysed in accordance with the hypothesis of spatial representation of form proposed by Lakoff and Johnson. The similarity of the doctrines of Roll, Hilton, the author of the “Cloud of Unknowing”, and Juliana of Norwich is determined by the kinesthetic scheme of the source-path-goal based on the experience of moving in space. It allows us to establish a correlation between the area of movement, the starting point of which is the fallen state of man, and the area of the goal, which is to restore the image of God in man. The orientation of this scheme along the time line is realised as a scenario of human transformation on the way to God. The diff erence in the types of introverted pilgrimage is explained by the combination of hierarchical ladder structures with the schemes of the part and the whole, of the centre and periphery, of a receptacle. This enables the spiritual pilgrim to discover the infi nity of soul in God. The second section examines the relationship between mysticism and society in the conceptual optics of Bourdieu and Foucault. English vernacular mysticism of the 14th century refl ects the changing ways of mediation between the individual and the generalised canons of traditional culture. It adapts traditional devotional monastic practices, i.e. Bible reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation to the needs of the laity. In this way, the “island version of modern piety” with its ideal of “mixed life” is formed. The lyrically reinterpreted “grammar of salvation” anticipates the proto-Renaissance concepts of human perfection, restored by the inexhaustible love of God the Father in the Son, and creates the conditions for proto-reformational reconfi gurations of the religious fi eld. Keywords: vernacular mysticism; pilgrimage of the soul; kinesthetic scheme of the path; narrative practices; anti-metaphors; active, contemplative and blended life; R. Roll; author of the “Cloud of Unknowing”; W. Hilton; Juliana of Norwich.

This article reconstructs cognitive schemes and narrative practices in medieval
vernacular Engli... more This article reconstructs cognitive schemes and narrative practices in medieval
vernacular English mysticism of the 14th century through the conceptual metaphor of
the pilgrimage of the soul. The two-part nature and methodological productivity of this
metaphor determines the purpose and structure of the article. In the fi rst section, the
legacy of the virtuosos of spiritual work is analysed in accordance with the hypothesis
of spatial representation of form proposed by Lakoff and Johnson. The similarity of
the doctrines of Roll, Hilton, the author of the “Cloud of Unknowing”, and Juliana
of Norwich is determined by the kinesthetic scheme of the source-path-goal based on
the experience of moving in space. It allows us to establish a correlation between the
area of movement, the starting point of which is the fallen state of man, and the area of the goal, which is to restore the image of God in man. The orientation of this scheme along the time line is realised as a scenario of human transformation on the way to God. The diff erence in the types of introverted pilgrimage is explained by the combination of hierarchical ladder structures with the schemes of the part and the whole, of the centre and periphery, of a receptacle. This enables the spiritual pilgrim to discover the infi nity of soul in God. The second section examines the relationship between mysticism and society in the conceptual optics of Bourdieu and Foucault. English vernacular mysticism of the 14th century refl ects the changing ways of mediation between the individual and the generalised canons of traditional culture. It adapts traditional devotional monastic practices, i.e. Bible reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation to the needs of the laity. In this way, the “island version of modern piety” with its ideal of “mixed life” is formed. The lyrically reinterpreted “grammar of salvation” anticipates the proto-Renaissance concepts of human perfection, restored by the inexhaustible love of God the Father in the Son, and creates the conditions for proto-reformational reconfi gurations of the religious fi eld.
Keywords: vernacular mysticism; pilgrimage of the soul; kinesthetic scheme of the path; narrative practices; anti-metaphors; active, contemplative and blended life; R. Roll; author of the “Cloud of Unknowing”; W. Hilton; Juliana of Norwich.

Основная проблема исследования представлена изучением нормативного
измерения гуманитарного знания... more Основная проблема исследования представлена изучением нормативного
измерения гуманитарного знания в процессе перехода от классического к постнеклассическому типу научной рациональности. В современном гуманитарном знании учитывается взаимосвязь между знаниями об объекте и средствами деятельности, в которой познается объект; учитывается соотнесенность получаемых знаний об объекте не только с особенностью познавательных средств, но и с ценностно-целевыми структурами; эксплицируется связь научных целей с вненаучными, социальными ценностями и целями. Таким образом, взаимосвязь между социальными ценностями и целями становится главным предметом философской рефлексии, поскольку именно она имплицитно определяет характер современных научных знаний и образования в целом.
The main problem of the research is represented by the study of normative measurement of humanitarian knowledge in the process of transition from classical to postnon-classical type of scientific rationality. Modern humanitarian knowledge takes into account the relationship between knowledge about the object and the means of activity in which the object is known; takes into account the correlation of knowledge about the object not only with the feature of cognitive means, but also with the value-target structures; explicates the relationship of scientific goals with non-scientific, social values and goals. Thus, the relationship between social values and goals becomes the main subject of philosophical reflection, because it implicitly determines the nature of modern scientific knowledge and education in general.
Ключевые слова: гуманитарное знание, классический тип
рациональности, постнеклассический тип рациональности, нормативность,
измерение, парадигма, современное образование.
Key words: Humanities, classical type of rationality, postnonclassical type
of rationality, normativism, measurement, paradigm, modern education.

The article begins by defining evil, rejecting proffered negative definitions, for example,
evil ... more The article begins by defining evil, rejecting proffered negative definitions, for example,
evil is privation, from which little further insight is obtainable, nor progress to be made towards a resolution
of the problem, in favor of a more a constructive definition of evil in terms of an abnegation of responsibility
for, or commitment to, one’s dictions or actions. This is an attitude that is both irrational and unintelligible,
enabling a connection to be made between Plotinus’ view of evil as unintelligible matter, that is, impassive
and inactive nature; and Hegel’s view of evil as that which is real and active, but against reason. For Plotinus,
evil is formless matter, matter that is unintelligible, separated from the intellect, unlimited because not
bounded by conceptual categories; and hence, what is evil is all darkness. For Hegel, for whom the rational
is actual and the actual is rational, evil is an irrational perversion of the world’s inner essential rationality.
But these ideas can be connected, for the purpose of finding a solution to the problem of evil, through a more
specific understanding of the concept that we offer; that evil is a failure of commitment, a denial of responsibility
for one’s actions; and this is in itself both irrational and unintelligible. We can then demonstrate
that what that evil, though it certainly exists, is imperfection, and the good, being rational, is already complete
and fulfilled and firmly established in the world, and therefore evil cannot possibly oppose it from
any position of equivalence; for the good is rational and therefore true, whereas evil is irrational and
therefore false.
«Mniejszość i większość Relacje kulturowe na pograniczach» / The collection includes the International Conference by Instytut historii i stosunków międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu warmińsko-mazurskiego w Olsztynie, Olsztynie, 10-15 September 2017, Poland. – P.9-16., 2017
«Mniejszość i większość Relacje kulturowe na pograniczach» / The collection includes the Interna... more «Mniejszość i większość Relacje kulturowe na pograniczach» / The collection includes the International Conference by Instytut historii i stosunków międzynarodowych
Uniwersytetu warmińsko-mazurskiego w Olsztynie, Olsztynie, 10-15 September 2017, Poland. – P.9-16.
23rd World Congress of Philosophy (WCP 2013) Athens, 4 – 10 August 2013, School of Philosophy, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece., 2013
It is accepted that the philosophical practice of the Hesychasm mystics determined the course of ... more It is accepted that the philosophical practice of the Hesychasm mystics determined the course of the Russian Neo-Platonic tradition, which was derived from Byzantine culture and was transmitted chiefly through the Hesychastics.
Человек в пространстве мифов: Материалы межрегиональной конференции. - Омск: ОмГПУ, 2004. - С.17-21., 2004
В данной статье речь идет о возможности выделения коллективных архетипов в мифологическом мышлени... more В данной статье речь идет о возможности выделения коллективных архетипов в мифологическом мышлении, выделения основных понятий и образов, с последующей классификацией их, признание особых "логических законов" в мифологическом сознании. Это дает возможность обосновать положение о существовании рациональности в самых первых актах рефлексии человека. и допускает интерпретацию мифа как одного из рациональных способов обретения единства на основе передачи интерсубъективных смыслов в культуру.
Социальные конфликты в истории России: Материалы Всероссийской научной конференции. Омск, 22 октября 2004г.- Омск: ОмГПУ, 2004, 2004
Своеобразным итогом всей духовной деятельности С.Н. Булгакова является "Апокалипсис Иоанна" – од... more Своеобразным итогом всей духовной деятельности С.Н. Булгакова является "Апокалипсис Иоанна" – одна из последних работ, которую он успел закончить незадолго до своей смерти. Именно этим объясняется пристальное внимание философа к особенностям формирования и понимания Апокалипсиса как последней книги Библии, являющей собой конец истории.
Библейская версия о райском существовании возникает в культурном пространстве Ближнего Востока, г... more Библейская версия о райском существовании возникает в культурном пространстве Ближнего Востока, где издавна бытовало два представления: одно — восходящее к языческой древности и усвоенное апокрифами — луг блаженных; другое — иудео-христианское — истинное Царствие Божие, Небесный Иерусалим. Первое местопребывание — временное (Книга Еноха); второе — вечное (Апок. VI, 9; VII, 9; IV, 4).
Вестник Тобольского государственного педагогического института. - Тобольск, 2004. -№3, 2004
В данной статье дается анализ неклассического типа рациональности, характерного для духовной ... more В данной статье дается анализ неклассического типа рациональности, характерного для духовной мистической традиции. Тип рациональности, к которому принадлежит и мистика, включает в себя
ценностно-рациональные установки, связанные с отношением адепта к системе религиозных авторитетов (канон священных текстов и др.) и с решением "практической" цели — достижения мистиком высшего блага.
The article presents the topic, almost unexplored in the field of gnosiology (the theory of knowledge) - the problem of philosophical rationalization of mystical interpretation, a verbal and non-verbal constituent of an interpretation procedure of translation of mystical images into a rational concept
Ценностные миры в современной философии: компаративистский горизонт: материалы XXVIII конференции Научного центра философской компаративистики и социогуманитарных исследований. Санкт-Петербург: Геликон Плюс, 2012., 2012
Изучение трансперсонального опыта, как факта культуры позволяет по-новому осмыслить проблему соот... more Изучение трансперсонального опыта, как факта культуры позволяет по-новому осмыслить проблему соотношения рационального и иррационального. Способность разума «схватывать» мистические переживания в своей уникальности и непосредственности позволяет удерживать данный опыт в топосе мысли, не давая ему раствориться в бесконечности символики. Благодаря выявлению рациональной составляющей трансперсонального опыта возобновляются попытки синтеза научных и мистических представлений, интерпретации мистических переживаний в контексте философской традиций.
Books by Elena Sobolnikova

Санкт-Петербург 2024 3.1. Late Ancient and Early Christian philosophy: The Patristic philosophy……... more Санкт-Петербург 2024 3.1. Late Ancient and Early Christian philosophy: The Patristic philosophy………………………………………………………... 36 3.2. The Apex of Medieval Philosophy: The Scholastic System of St. Thomas Aquinas…………………………………… 38 3.3. The Renaissance Interlude…………………………………... 55 3.4. Reformation…………………………………………………. 59 3.5. Political thought of Renaissance. Machiavelli………………. 63 3.6. Science………………………………………………………. 65 3.7. Philosophy of Modern Times. Advocates of the Method of Science: Bacon and Hobbes……………………………………… 67 3.8. Rationalism on the Continent: Descartes, Spinoza and Leibniz………………………………………………………. 72 3.9. Glossary……………………………………………………. 96 3.10. Tests………………………………………………………... 97 TOPIC IV. The Enlightenment. German classical philosophy……………. 4.1. The Enlightenment…………………………………………... 4.2. The critical philosophy of Kant……………………………... 4.3. The Transcendental aesthetic………………………………... 4.4. The antinomies of pure reason………………………………. 4.5. Kant's moral philosophy……………………………………. 4.6. German idealism and materialism…………………………... 4.7. Marx and the young Hegelians……………………………… 4.8. The Utilitarian………………………………………………. 4.9. Mill's logic…………………………………………………... 4.10. Glossary……………………………………………………. 4.11. Tests………………………………………………………... TOPIC V. Modern Western philosophy …………………………………... 5.1. Schopenhauer………………………………………………... 4.11. TESTS 1. «Sensations without concepts are blind, and concepts without sensations are empty»: A. Descartes; B. Schelling; C. Kant; D. Helvetius. 2.The central problem of I. Kant's philosophy is-A. study of the driving forces of the development of history; B. analysis of the self-development of the absolute idea; C. finding universal and necessary foundations of knowledge and humanistic values; D. investigation of the ultimate foundations of being. 3. History becomes the object of philosophical analysis in philosophy: A. Marxism; B. Аntiquity; C. Renaissance. 4. Creator and systematizer of dialectics as a philosophical method of cognition in German philosophy: A. Descartes; B. Spinoza; C. Kant; D. Hegel. 5. According to Kant's theory, time and space: A. are the eternal real attributes of the substance; B. are a priori forms of sensuality; C. arise gradually, as the knowledge of the world improves; D. are the inherent properties of individual things 6. DOES NOT apply to the laws of dialectics: A. unity and struggle of opposites; B. the identities of matter and consciousness; C. mutual transfer of quantity and quality; D. negation of negation. 7. The basic laws of dialectics formulated: A. Hegel B. Kant C. Heraclitus D. Marx 8. Hegel believed that the basis of the world is A. absolute identity B. the absolute unconscious C. an absolute idea D. absolute deity 9. Marxism's philosophical roots were thus commonly explained as derived from three sources:
Papers by Elena Sobolnikova
of Buddhism. The purpose of this research is to analyze Buddhist principles that can be consistently applied to a range of biomedical problems (euthanasia,
biomedical experiments with animals, etc.). The subject of our research is ethics in the context of medicine, namely the relationship between Buddhism and
medical practice. The research materials are based on many years of teaching the bioethics course at St. Petersburg State University of Chemistry and Pharmacy
and Tyumen State Medical University, as well as on the results of research related to the development of scientific research of bioethical issues. The central question
of modern bioethics about the nature and status of the moral subject in Buddhism is based on the principle of the moral dignity of all living beings: from human life
to the life of animals and, perhaps, even plants. Belief in interspecific rebirth and respect for animal life are typical of Buddhist ethics. In modern ethics, Buddhism
is a teleological ethics of virtue, which postulates a certain end result of life as the implementation of human potential and asserts that this goal should be realized
through cultivation of certain spiritual practices, which implies the rejection of euthanasia, abortion, artificial insemination and other dvanced medical technologies.
именем, внесшему существенный вклад в развитие медицинской микробиологии, микологии и би-
отехнологии в Российской Федерации. Н. П. Елинов – профессор, доктор биологических наук, за-
служенный деятель науки РСФСР, ректор Ленинградского химико-фармацевтического институ-
та, действительный Член Санкт-Петербургской инженерной и Нью-Йорской академии наук, автор
10 учебников, 8 справочников, 10 монографий, свыше 400 статей в отечественных и зарубежных
журналах, 70 авторских свидетельств на изобретения. Имя профессора Н. П. Елинова широко извест-
но в научном мире благодаря его работам в таких областях, как биология аспорогенных дрожжей,
химия и биотехнология микробных полисахаридов и других. Он создал школу учеников и последо-
вателей, включающую 50 кандидатов и 9 докторов наук. Под его руководством кафедра микробио-
логии заложила основы инженерно-микробиологической подготовки специалистов. В своей работе
ректором ЛХФИ Николай Петрович способствовал организации единственного в стране факультета
по подготовке инженеров-биотехнологов, а вуз занял лидирующие позиции в подготовке специали-
стов фармацевтической промышленности. В 1968 году Николай Петрович стал членом Международ-
ной комиссии по дрожжевым организмам Международного союза микробиологических обществ.
Его имя было включено в книгу «2000 выдающихся учёных к концу 20 века» (1998 г.) Кембриджским
Международным биографическим центром (Великобритания), где он был признан специалистом по
микробиологии и биотехнологии. В данном очерке на основе архивных материалов, публикаций,
статей и воспоминаний коллег раскрыты основные вехи жизненного пути и научных достижений
Николая Петровича Елинова.
pharmacist and a patient depends. In this regard, the importance of introducing innovative technologies for the formation of communicative competence in the process of training a future doctor and pharmacist is increasing.
reasoning — dialectics. A special place in the elaboration of
a number of issues related to the methods of conducting academic discussions and the emergence of dialectics is occupied
by the Plato’s Parmenides. The dialectical method created
by Plato, can be described as a kind of informal logic, that
reveals the structure of reality. In the dialogue both questions are solved simultaneously: ontological — how can the
idea of being embodied in the sensory world, and the epistemological — how can the one be the object of knowledge,
since knowledge presupposes the attribution of the one and
identical to itself to another — the subject of knowledge. At
the same time, the correlation of logos determines the involvement of things in them and the mutual connection resulting
from this involvement, the correlation of things themselves.
The conceptualization of the main hypotheses of the Parmenides dialogue in the form of the “dialectic method” leads
to an extensive controversy among followers of Neoplatonism.
with the inner world of a person - with duty, conscience, self-esteem.
In what follows two theories of conscience are analyzed, compared
and contrasted: those of the fourteenth-century mystic Richard Rolle
and those of the philosopher Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel. The
main attention is paid to the comparative analysis of the idea of conscience in the mysticism of Rolle and in Hegel’s moral philosophy. If
for Rolle conscience is the voice of the supreme transcendent God, for
Hegel conscience is a generalized voice of significant others transferred to the inner plane, which is conditioned by a person’s political
views or social position. These points of view do not exclude each other: one focuses on how conscience matures, how it is formed on the
basis of mystical aspiration and love for God, while the other focuses
on the mechanism of functioning of a mature conscience, which realizes itself in society in a sense of duty. According to Rolle, conscience
is the beating of an inner intelligence. In the absence of this, we are
unlikely to act upon the knowledge that conscience presents to us.
According to Hegel, conscience is the divine voice with immediate
knowledge of existence. But to goad us into action conscience must
be more than this; its content incorporates an experience with a religious or spiritual quality that is beyond conceptual analysis.
vernacular English mysticism of the 14th century through the conceptual metaphor of
the pilgrimage of the soul. The two-part nature and methodological productivity of this
metaphor determines the purpose and structure of the article. In the fi rst section, the
legacy of the virtuosos of spiritual work is analysed in accordance with the hypothesis
of spatial representation of form proposed by Lakoff and Johnson. The similarity of
the doctrines of Roll, Hilton, the author of the “Cloud of Unknowing”, and Juliana
of Norwich is determined by the kinesthetic scheme of the source-path-goal based on
the experience of moving in space. It allows us to establish a correlation between the
area of movement, the starting point of which is the fallen state of man, and the area of the goal, which is to restore the image of God in man. The orientation of this scheme along the time line is realised as a scenario of human transformation on the way to God. The diff erence in the types of introverted pilgrimage is explained by the combination of hierarchical ladder structures with the schemes of the part and the whole, of the centre and periphery, of a receptacle. This enables the spiritual pilgrim to discover the infi nity of soul in God. The second section examines the relationship between mysticism and society in the conceptual optics of Bourdieu and Foucault. English vernacular mysticism of the 14th century refl ects the changing ways of mediation between the individual and the generalised canons of traditional culture. It adapts traditional devotional monastic practices, i.e. Bible reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation to the needs of the laity. In this way, the “island version of modern piety” with its ideal of “mixed life” is formed. The lyrically reinterpreted “grammar of salvation” anticipates the proto-Renaissance concepts of human perfection, restored by the inexhaustible love of God the Father in the Son, and creates the conditions for proto-reformational reconfi gurations of the religious fi eld.
Keywords: vernacular mysticism; pilgrimage of the soul; kinesthetic scheme of the path; narrative practices; anti-metaphors; active, contemplative and blended life; R. Roll; author of the “Cloud of Unknowing”; W. Hilton; Juliana of Norwich.
измерения гуманитарного знания в процессе перехода от классического к постнеклассическому типу научной рациональности. В современном гуманитарном знании учитывается взаимосвязь между знаниями об объекте и средствами деятельности, в которой познается объект; учитывается соотнесенность получаемых знаний об объекте не только с особенностью познавательных средств, но и с ценностно-целевыми структурами; эксплицируется связь научных целей с вненаучными, социальными ценностями и целями. Таким образом, взаимосвязь между социальными ценностями и целями становится главным предметом философской рефлексии, поскольку именно она имплицитно определяет характер современных научных знаний и образования в целом.
The main problem of the research is represented by the study of normative measurement of humanitarian knowledge in the process of transition from classical to postnon-classical type of scientific rationality. Modern humanitarian knowledge takes into account the relationship between knowledge about the object and the means of activity in which the object is known; takes into account the correlation of knowledge about the object not only with the feature of cognitive means, but also with the value-target structures; explicates the relationship of scientific goals with non-scientific, social values and goals. Thus, the relationship between social values and goals becomes the main subject of philosophical reflection, because it implicitly determines the nature of modern scientific knowledge and education in general.
Ключевые слова: гуманитарное знание, классический тип
рациональности, постнеклассический тип рациональности, нормативность,
измерение, парадигма, современное образование.
Key words: Humanities, classical type of rationality, postnonclassical type
of rationality, normativism, measurement, paradigm, modern education.
evil is privation, from which little further insight is obtainable, nor progress to be made towards a resolution
of the problem, in favor of a more a constructive definition of evil in terms of an abnegation of responsibility
for, or commitment to, one’s dictions or actions. This is an attitude that is both irrational and unintelligible,
enabling a connection to be made between Plotinus’ view of evil as unintelligible matter, that is, impassive
and inactive nature; and Hegel’s view of evil as that which is real and active, but against reason. For Plotinus,
evil is formless matter, matter that is unintelligible, separated from the intellect, unlimited because not
bounded by conceptual categories; and hence, what is evil is all darkness. For Hegel, for whom the rational
is actual and the actual is rational, evil is an irrational perversion of the world’s inner essential rationality.
But these ideas can be connected, for the purpose of finding a solution to the problem of evil, through a more
specific understanding of the concept that we offer; that evil is a failure of commitment, a denial of responsibility
for one’s actions; and this is in itself both irrational and unintelligible. We can then demonstrate
that what that evil, though it certainly exists, is imperfection, and the good, being rational, is already complete
and fulfilled and firmly established in the world, and therefore evil cannot possibly oppose it from
any position of equivalence; for the good is rational and therefore true, whereas evil is irrational and
therefore false.
Uniwersytetu warmińsko-mazurskiego w Olsztynie, Olsztynie, 10-15 September 2017, Poland. – P.9-16.
ценностно-рациональные установки, связанные с отношением адепта к системе религиозных авторитетов (канон священных текстов и др.) и с решением "практической" цели — достижения мистиком высшего блага.
The article presents the topic, almost unexplored in the field of gnosiology (the theory of knowledge) - the problem of philosophical rationalization of mystical interpretation, a verbal and non-verbal constituent of an interpretation procedure of translation of mystical images into a rational concept
Books by Elena Sobolnikova
of Buddhism. The purpose of this research is to analyze Buddhist principles that can be consistently applied to a range of biomedical problems (euthanasia,
biomedical experiments with animals, etc.). The subject of our research is ethics in the context of medicine, namely the relationship between Buddhism and
medical practice. The research materials are based on many years of teaching the bioethics course at St. Petersburg State University of Chemistry and Pharmacy
and Tyumen State Medical University, as well as on the results of research related to the development of scientific research of bioethical issues. The central question
of modern bioethics about the nature and status of the moral subject in Buddhism is based on the principle of the moral dignity of all living beings: from human life
to the life of animals and, perhaps, even plants. Belief in interspecific rebirth and respect for animal life are typical of Buddhist ethics. In modern ethics, Buddhism
is a teleological ethics of virtue, which postulates a certain end result of life as the implementation of human potential and asserts that this goal should be realized
through cultivation of certain spiritual practices, which implies the rejection of euthanasia, abortion, artificial insemination and other dvanced medical technologies.
именем, внесшему существенный вклад в развитие медицинской микробиологии, микологии и би-
отехнологии в Российской Федерации. Н. П. Елинов – профессор, доктор биологических наук, за-
служенный деятель науки РСФСР, ректор Ленинградского химико-фармацевтического институ-
та, действительный Член Санкт-Петербургской инженерной и Нью-Йорской академии наук, автор
10 учебников, 8 справочников, 10 монографий, свыше 400 статей в отечественных и зарубежных
журналах, 70 авторских свидетельств на изобретения. Имя профессора Н. П. Елинова широко извест-
но в научном мире благодаря его работам в таких областях, как биология аспорогенных дрожжей,
химия и биотехнология микробных полисахаридов и других. Он создал школу учеников и последо-
вателей, включающую 50 кандидатов и 9 докторов наук. Под его руководством кафедра микробио-
логии заложила основы инженерно-микробиологической подготовки специалистов. В своей работе
ректором ЛХФИ Николай Петрович способствовал организации единственного в стране факультета
по подготовке инженеров-биотехнологов, а вуз занял лидирующие позиции в подготовке специали-
стов фармацевтической промышленности. В 1968 году Николай Петрович стал членом Международ-
ной комиссии по дрожжевым организмам Международного союза микробиологических обществ.
Его имя было включено в книгу «2000 выдающихся учёных к концу 20 века» (1998 г.) Кембриджским
Международным биографическим центром (Великобритания), где он был признан специалистом по
микробиологии и биотехнологии. В данном очерке на основе архивных материалов, публикаций,
статей и воспоминаний коллег раскрыты основные вехи жизненного пути и научных достижений
Николая Петровича Елинова.
pharmacist and a patient depends. In this regard, the importance of introducing innovative technologies for the formation of communicative competence in the process of training a future doctor and pharmacist is increasing.
reasoning — dialectics. A special place in the elaboration of
a number of issues related to the methods of conducting academic discussions and the emergence of dialectics is occupied
by the Plato’s Parmenides. The dialectical method created
by Plato, can be described as a kind of informal logic, that
reveals the structure of reality. In the dialogue both questions are solved simultaneously: ontological — how can the
idea of being embodied in the sensory world, and the epistemological — how can the one be the object of knowledge,
since knowledge presupposes the attribution of the one and
identical to itself to another — the subject of knowledge. At
the same time, the correlation of logos determines the involvement of things in them and the mutual connection resulting
from this involvement, the correlation of things themselves.
The conceptualization of the main hypotheses of the Parmenides dialogue in the form of the “dialectic method” leads
to an extensive controversy among followers of Neoplatonism.
with the inner world of a person - with duty, conscience, self-esteem.
In what follows two theories of conscience are analyzed, compared
and contrasted: those of the fourteenth-century mystic Richard Rolle
and those of the philosopher Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel. The
main attention is paid to the comparative analysis of the idea of conscience in the mysticism of Rolle and in Hegel’s moral philosophy. If
for Rolle conscience is the voice of the supreme transcendent God, for
Hegel conscience is a generalized voice of significant others transferred to the inner plane, which is conditioned by a person’s political
views or social position. These points of view do not exclude each other: one focuses on how conscience matures, how it is formed on the
basis of mystical aspiration and love for God, while the other focuses
on the mechanism of functioning of a mature conscience, which realizes itself in society in a sense of duty. According to Rolle, conscience
is the beating of an inner intelligence. In the absence of this, we are
unlikely to act upon the knowledge that conscience presents to us.
According to Hegel, conscience is the divine voice with immediate
knowledge of existence. But to goad us into action conscience must
be more than this; its content incorporates an experience with a religious or spiritual quality that is beyond conceptual analysis.
vernacular English mysticism of the 14th century through the conceptual metaphor of
the pilgrimage of the soul. The two-part nature and methodological productivity of this
metaphor determines the purpose and structure of the article. In the fi rst section, the
legacy of the virtuosos of spiritual work is analysed in accordance with the hypothesis
of spatial representation of form proposed by Lakoff and Johnson. The similarity of
the doctrines of Roll, Hilton, the author of the “Cloud of Unknowing”, and Juliana
of Norwich is determined by the kinesthetic scheme of the source-path-goal based on
the experience of moving in space. It allows us to establish a correlation between the
area of movement, the starting point of which is the fallen state of man, and the area of the goal, which is to restore the image of God in man. The orientation of this scheme along the time line is realised as a scenario of human transformation on the way to God. The diff erence in the types of introverted pilgrimage is explained by the combination of hierarchical ladder structures with the schemes of the part and the whole, of the centre and periphery, of a receptacle. This enables the spiritual pilgrim to discover the infi nity of soul in God. The second section examines the relationship between mysticism and society in the conceptual optics of Bourdieu and Foucault. English vernacular mysticism of the 14th century refl ects the changing ways of mediation between the individual and the generalised canons of traditional culture. It adapts traditional devotional monastic practices, i.e. Bible reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation to the needs of the laity. In this way, the “island version of modern piety” with its ideal of “mixed life” is formed. The lyrically reinterpreted “grammar of salvation” anticipates the proto-Renaissance concepts of human perfection, restored by the inexhaustible love of God the Father in the Son, and creates the conditions for proto-reformational reconfi gurations of the religious fi eld.
Keywords: vernacular mysticism; pilgrimage of the soul; kinesthetic scheme of the path; narrative practices; anti-metaphors; active, contemplative and blended life; R. Roll; author of the “Cloud of Unknowing”; W. Hilton; Juliana of Norwich.
измерения гуманитарного знания в процессе перехода от классического к постнеклассическому типу научной рациональности. В современном гуманитарном знании учитывается взаимосвязь между знаниями об объекте и средствами деятельности, в которой познается объект; учитывается соотнесенность получаемых знаний об объекте не только с особенностью познавательных средств, но и с ценностно-целевыми структурами; эксплицируется связь научных целей с вненаучными, социальными ценностями и целями. Таким образом, взаимосвязь между социальными ценностями и целями становится главным предметом философской рефлексии, поскольку именно она имплицитно определяет характер современных научных знаний и образования в целом.
The main problem of the research is represented by the study of normative measurement of humanitarian knowledge in the process of transition from classical to postnon-classical type of scientific rationality. Modern humanitarian knowledge takes into account the relationship between knowledge about the object and the means of activity in which the object is known; takes into account the correlation of knowledge about the object not only with the feature of cognitive means, but also with the value-target structures; explicates the relationship of scientific goals with non-scientific, social values and goals. Thus, the relationship between social values and goals becomes the main subject of philosophical reflection, because it implicitly determines the nature of modern scientific knowledge and education in general.
Ключевые слова: гуманитарное знание, классический тип
рациональности, постнеклассический тип рациональности, нормативность,
измерение, парадигма, современное образование.
Key words: Humanities, classical type of rationality, postnonclassical type
of rationality, normativism, measurement, paradigm, modern education.
evil is privation, from which little further insight is obtainable, nor progress to be made towards a resolution
of the problem, in favor of a more a constructive definition of evil in terms of an abnegation of responsibility
for, or commitment to, one’s dictions or actions. This is an attitude that is both irrational and unintelligible,
enabling a connection to be made between Plotinus’ view of evil as unintelligible matter, that is, impassive
and inactive nature; and Hegel’s view of evil as that which is real and active, but against reason. For Plotinus,
evil is formless matter, matter that is unintelligible, separated from the intellect, unlimited because not
bounded by conceptual categories; and hence, what is evil is all darkness. For Hegel, for whom the rational
is actual and the actual is rational, evil is an irrational perversion of the world’s inner essential rationality.
But these ideas can be connected, for the purpose of finding a solution to the problem of evil, through a more
specific understanding of the concept that we offer; that evil is a failure of commitment, a denial of responsibility
for one’s actions; and this is in itself both irrational and unintelligible. We can then demonstrate
that what that evil, though it certainly exists, is imperfection, and the good, being rational, is already complete
and fulfilled and firmly established in the world, and therefore evil cannot possibly oppose it from
any position of equivalence; for the good is rational and therefore true, whereas evil is irrational and
therefore false.
Uniwersytetu warmińsko-mazurskiego w Olsztynie, Olsztynie, 10-15 September 2017, Poland. – P.9-16.
ценностно-рациональные установки, связанные с отношением адепта к системе религиозных авторитетов (канон священных текстов и др.) и с решением "практической" цели — достижения мистиком высшего блага.
The article presents the topic, almost unexplored in the field of gnosiology (the theory of knowledge) - the problem of philosophical rationalization of mystical interpretation, a verbal and non-verbal constituent of an interpretation procedure of translation of mystical images into a rational concept
инкорпорированным в его структуру рациональным знанием, поскольку ему
присущи как определенная целеполагающая деятельность, совокупность
специфических норм, идеалов и постулатов, что и выступает способом
передачи интерсубъективного смысла событий и переживаний в
культурную традицию общества.
Автором выявлена специфика мистического познания, показан тип рациональности, к которому принадлежит мистицизм и ценностно-рациональные установки, связанные с отношением адепта к системе религиозных авторитетов (канон священных текстов и др.) и с решением "практической" цели — достижения мистиком высшего блага. Продемонстрирована трансформация мистических переживаний на основе религиозно-философских идей инвариантного характера в контексте западноевропейской и русской философской традиции.
практической конференции «Индустриальная Россия: вчера, сегодня,
завтра», где нашли свое отражение доклады студентов, магистрантов,
аспирантов, преподавателей и научных сотрудников ВУЗов по
химическим, техническим, экономическим, филологическим,
медицинским и другим наукам. Материалы сборника актуальны для
всех интересующихся перспективными и инновационными
направлениям развития науки и техники, и могут быть применены при
выполнении научно-исследовательских работ, а также в преподавании
соответствующих дисциплин.
reasoning — dialectics. A special place in the elaboration of
a number of issues related to the methods of conducting academic discussions and the emergence of dialectics is occupied
by the Plato’s Parmenides. The dialectical method created
by Plato, can be described as a kind of informal logic, that
reveals the structure of reality. In the dialogue both questions are solved simultaneously: ontological — how can the
idea of being embodied in the sensory world, and the epistemological — how can the one be the object of knowledge,
since knowledge presupposes the attribution of the one and
identical to itself to another — the subject of knowledge. At
the same time, the correlation of logos determines the involvement of things in them and the mutual connection resulting
from this involvement, the correlation of things themselves.
The conceptualization of the main hypotheses of the Parmenides dialogue in the form of the “dialectic method” leads
to an extensive controversy among followers of Neoplatonism.
Keywords: dialectics, logic, categories, Plato, Neoplatonism
Keywords: God, Good, Mind, substance, Monism, neo-Pythagoreanism, Neo-Platonism, Plato, Timaios of Locri
In the late-Antique philosophical tradition, ideas appear that recognize above principles-form (μορφω) and substance (ωσια), which corresponded to the monad and dyad of the Neo – Pythagoreans-a third higher principle that "moves itself and the first in itself", "not just the Mind (vοω), but something better that transcends the mind and is called God". The idea of a single principle of being is most clearly justified in the treatise of Timaios of Locri "On the nature of the world and the soul", where the transition from the pluralism of the neo – Pythagoreans, as a recognition of the dual basis of being, to monism, based on the recognition of a single spiritual principle-God, is noticeable. Seeking to substantiate philosophical monism, Timaios of Locri replaces Plato's ideas with a universal Idea (God) and correlates necessity with space on the one hand, and with Aristotelian substance on the other, which creates a semantic ambiguity: if necessity is opposed to the Mind, then it must belong not to the nature of Good, but to the nature of evil – this is the "logic" that neo – Platonism, the most influential and spiritually "close" to Plato, would follow. Timaios of Locri reflects in line with the Neo-Pythagorean "logic": necessity is not the opposite of Good, it is only the principle of the emergence of secondary "things", which weakens the Neoplatonic versions of the solution of the question of the relationship of substantiate and evil, making this approach a kind of "turning point " in all subsequent ancient philosophy. According to Timaios of Locri, God has the fullness of Good, is the creator of all that is best, orders substance, and creates the cosmos as " the limit of the nature of things."
Keywords: technology, posthuman, cyborgization, transhumanism, anti-aging movement,
is pleased to announce the colloquium
“Plato’s heritage in historical perspective: intellectual transformations and new research strategies”,
which will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia on the 28th and 30th of August 2018.
The colloquium will serve as a platform for the IPS Executive Committee’s mid-term meeting.
внутринаучными, социальными ценностями и целями в процессе познания, что может стать главным предметом философско-научной рефлексии, поскольку именно она имплицитно определяет характер современных научных знаний.
research (men’s research), as a «critical view» of feminist theories in society, which influenced the process of rethinking the problem of male identity, the social and sexual role of men in society, and the transformation of the image of men in culture. The analysis of the main problems of modern «social andrology» is presented: masculinity, male gender role, transformation of the image of a man and the phenomenon of fatherhood, the main models of masculinity in society, their mobility and relativity.
Keywords: men’s studies, masculinity, gender roles, male identity, gender studies,
philosophical anthropology
Eckhart. Eckhart, studying the process of unfolding the One in the “other” and the dialectic of their mutual definition, formulates a system of “logical criteria” to describe the mystical experience in Christianity. In Eckhart’s mysticism, the apophatic (negative) and cataphatic (positive) methods are profoundly different from the traditional methods of knowing the God of Eastern and Western Christianity, according to which God has no name when he is in himself, and God has many names when he appears outside, in the form of actions, as the providence of God. The hypothesis of Plato: “if there is one, then nothing is” (ἓν εἰ μὴ ἔστιν, οὐδέν
ἐστιν) in Eckhart’s mysticism takes on a different meaning: “if there is no God, then nothing is” (Si deus non est, nihil est). Eckhart attaches great importance to the works of Dionysius the Areopagite, and through them to the philosophy of Proclus and Plato, which is manifested in the proximity of themes, motives and intuitions of the philosophical interpretation of mystical experience within the Christian Neoplatonism of the late Middle Ages, which causes Plato’s dialogue «Parmenides» to be perceived as the basis of mistica theoria Platonis.
Keywords: Plato, Parmenides, Neo-Platonism, Christian mysticism, metaphysics, dialectics, Meister Eckhart.
Confucius, which retains its influence in much of Chinese society
today, reveals the central importance that it bestows on the notion of
reciprocity; and the Confucian formulation of one particular rule,
'what you don't desire for yourself, do not desire for others', differs
significantly from the so-called golden rule for moral guidance,
expressed in the Christian gospels: 'do unto others as you would have
them do unto you' (Matthew 7:9-12 and Luke 6:27-31). Both of these
central tenets in the philosophy of Confucius, in particular the notion
of reciprocity, resurface centuries later in the philosophy of Hegel,
revealing some interesting similarities and connections between what
otherwise may appear to be two very disparate philosophies.
Keywords: Confucius' moral philosophy, the golden rule of
morality, reciprocity, Hegel's moral philosophy and philosophy of
Professor Elena Nikolaevna Sobolnikova and I are going to speak on 22 October 2022 at 10:30 Moscow Time. The title of our paper will be:
"Bioethical problems of the moral status of animals".
The Conference will take place on 21st and 22nd October 2022.
The forum aims at discussing the interrelations between science, philosophy, religion, medicine, and nature considered in the light of ecological problems. Special attention in the work of the conference is supposed to be paid to the actual challenges and eco-theological antinomies.
The conference will be held at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of GUMI of Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletov and will be accessible to a wide range of listeners, including students.