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In this professional integrative work we aim to analyze the potentiality of the virtual classroom interaction in the instances of connection with the evaluations of the students of the Department of Bibliography and Selection of texts,... more
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En el marco de las Iniciativas de Acceso Abierto (OAI), se reseñan los caminos recorridos a nivel nacional por la Biblioteca y Servicio de Documentación del INIDEP (Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, Mar del... more
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Theses submitted for obtaining academic degrees are important sources of primary research information but are not usually published and frequently difficult to find. The INIDEP (National Institute of Fisheries Research and Development)... more
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Este trabajo se distribuye bajo una licencia Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Usted es libre de copiar, distribuir y comunicar públicamente esta obra a terceros, bajo las siguientes condiciones: Reconocimiento-Debe reconocer los... more
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    • Humanities