Research has shown that one of the avenues to make aware of once experiences, appreciations and b... more Research has shown that one of the avenues to make aware of once experiences, appreciations and blessings is through writing a gratitude journal or memoir. By journalizing our thought by hands or electronically, it may help us focus them, according to psychologist Robert Emmons, who says that he does this routinely to remind himself; it makes apple of time to understand the meaning and importance of people and events. It has been found that one should go for a depth in writing rather than breadth, because this will help one to enjoy what one appreciates, and what to keep in journals. Documentations of our experiences, appreciations, thanks and blessing are forms of projecting or showing our gratitude to the present inhabitants and the future generations (Metzer, 2009). It has come to my awareness through research and numerous readings that one of the best ways to show appreciations and blessings of our life is by psychologically recording our thanks, experiences and making them known by writing a journal or journalizing (Skinner, 2007).
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 2022
Is there a relationship between time spent learning using technology and fatigue or boredom dimin... more Is there a relationship between time spent learning using technology and fatigue or boredom diminishing the learning experience? The societal factors of using technology are an important area of the education system in the world. Who really are learning? Does technology provide the necessary ingredients or proper ways for education of all in the society? A look into what constitute the means and how adult education can be improved is explored and emphasized in this work. The justification of adults' predicaments are discussed accordingly. The presumption as to who really are adults is also confirmed.

This paper explore what computers are, their usages and their functionalities. Computers can be u... more This paper explore what computers are, their usages and their functionalities. Computers can be used to learn or comprehend the understanding of all subjects, be it physics aerobics, swimming, biology, mathematics, agriculture, chemistry, business administration or commerce, just to name a few. In education, computers are used toproject information to individuals in the classrooms or anywhere education is taking place, in churches, homes, schools, conference halls and so on. It is also used to convey the logic of a subject or behind a topic. Computers play an important role ineducating our mind. With the usage of computers, we are able to learn, we are able todevise new ways of doing things. The use of computers in education allows us to convey instructions or ideas by allmeans. Globalizations of the entities comprising the learning processes are thecomputer configurations in actual facts.
Are outdated traditional education, information technological infrastructure, problematic issues ... more Are outdated traditional education, information technological infrastructure, problematic issues in providing quality leadership education in many of our instittutions today? With this into considerations, are these issues vital in order to stabilize the political and economic embroidery of our institutions or organizations, and its psychological and sociological awareness? What are really to be taught in our institutions to educate the present and the future leaders in the society? It is found that education may be the training of the mind to perform desire functions or to perpetuate the modality of obtaining an end or result. Actually, the accessibility of leadership education by learners may tend to be hindered by unavailability of enough technical, economical and motivational supports.

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 2021
Are there ways people can better utilize technology to suit their needs in the society of ours? I... more Are there ways people can better utilize technology to suit their needs in the society of ours? It has been inferred that without technology, our lives would be miserable. The societal factors of using technology are an important area of the technical education system in the world. Are we really learning and using technologies to our advantage? Does technology provide the necessary ingredients or proper ways for the education of all in the society? A look into what constitutes the means and how technology education can be improved and be implemented is explored and emphasized in this work. The justification predicaments are discussed accordingly. The presumption as to how technology affects our lives is also confirmed. It is discovered that we learn by quantum thinking, which means by looking at the world in a new way; and learning in a safe and secure environment. It may also be inferred that people and not technology determine what is to be learned (Knowles. 1980). Technology education creates a foundation for the success of professionals. The technology education of the professionals may be formal or informal. The combinations of formal and informal education are the major fundamental of professionalism. The education obtained through informal education is the day-today observations or scanning of the environment or societal activities of the population. Informal education maybe Classified as knowledge or education obtained out of the classroom or out of the congregation of people. It is the education acquired through the exploration of various paraphernalia of possible educational documentation or situations. The formal education obtained by many professionals is classroom-based; these may be through seminars or conferences. The basis for educating the professionals is to update their skills because of changes in the society: Thus; this shows the purpose and the need for strategic educational planning (Knowles, 1980). With thorough explorations of various studies, we may conclude that the relationships between the time spent using technology, fatigue, or boredom is to justify the learning experience.
This issue is embracing the creation of partnerships with establishments worldwide for the provis... more This issue is embracing the creation of partnerships with establishments worldwide for the provisions of life embodiments to graduates. At moment, there may be lack of friendship or partnership with establishments to create incentives for newly graduates of so many colleges and universities (Hirsh & Weber, 1999). Partnership with external companies will surely bring enormous grants to the colleges and universities and it will also encourage friendly establishments to provide incentives and perks to colleges, universities and alumni. It may be concluded that the advantages of creating rapport with external congruent is the comraderies and also compromises that will be achieved because one never knows where one may find oneself. It is justified that life takes you everywhere (Kejawa, 2011).

Nearly thousands of scientific experiments are performed both on humans and animals every year in... more Nearly thousands of scientific experiments are performed both on humans and animals every year in the United States (Gregory, 1999). Does Science enormously play a role in the well-beings of individual in the society? Research has found that science education is through motivation and satisfying the needs of humans. The scientific world is part of an elongated human development. This can be substantiated with the use and evolution of TECHNOLGY and SCIENCE (Minton, 2004). Education of the entities that comprise the need to achieve the goal of TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE which are important issues of today. Research has shown that scientific education is some conglomerate beliefs of individual minds. Education in general is through motivation and satisfying the needs of humans. The scientific world plays a role in human development. This can be substantiated with the use of evolution of TECHNOLOGY. Education of the entities that comprise the need to achieve the goal of TECHNOLOGY and SCIEN...
Due to social, economical, physiological and technological changes in our environment, the School... more Due to social, economical, physiological and technological changes in our environment, the School District of Palm Beach County is preparing to satisfy the learning needs of the adult learners by developing Artificial Intelligence courses that will enable them to adapt to changes in their environment. This calls for the implementation of an artificial intelligence systems curriculum as one of the preparation and several measures of adult student learning. The research question is: "What should be included in a curriculum for adult learners to acquire knowledge and to improve and transfer their knowledge?" The research question was answered by a thorough review of literature on the subject of intelligence systems.
In the society of ours, is it true really that computers and information technology have contribu... more In the society of ours, is it true really that computers and information technology have contributed immensely to the way we learn? After observing and reading various educational paraphernalia and scanning the environment research has shown that the educational systems have greatly been impacted by computers and information technology. With the growth of technology, the ways we learn have been improved tremendously. Innovative technologies have contributed to the innovation of learning in the education arena and outside. The traditional ways of conveying instructions to learners have been augmented with the use of computers information technologies. The educational system of our institutions is mandated today to using computer technologies to teach.
Part of the Adult and Continuing Education Commons, Adult and Continuing Education Administration... more Part of the Adult and Continuing Education Commons, Adult and Continuing Education Administration Commons, Community College Education Administration Commons, Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Curriculum and Social Inquiry Commons, Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, Educational Leadership Commons, Educational Methods Commons, Educational Psychology Commons, Education Economics Commons, Gifted Education Commons, Higher Education Administration Commons, Humane Education Commons, Instructional Media Design Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Online and Distance Education Commons, Other Education Commons, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons, Special Education Administration Commons, and the University Extension Commons
International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, 2021

International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 2020
Research has shown that technology research development modalities are the qualitative and quanti... more Research has shown that technology research development modalities are the qualitative and quantitative projections of the management outcomes. Since there are enormous entities of development, involve in the evolvement of results. Therefore it must be stated clearly at the early stage what is expected of research. That is, a hypothesis must exist. It has been made known that technology management research rests solely on the common awareness of its solitude. It is very important to have innovative goals as to the disposal of the results. To develop a product is an important part of technology management research and preparedness for surviving in society. Technology development research is part of sailing through life. The research involvement is based on the philosophical ideologies of sociological, economic, psychological, and political stability in society.
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 2020
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 2019
Is there a relationship between time spent learning using technology and fatigue or boredom dimin... more Is there a relationship between time spent learning using technology and fatigue or boredom diminishing the learning experience and Adult education? The societal factors of using technology are an important area of the education system in the world. Who really are learning? Does technology provide the necessary ingredients or proper ways for education of all in the society? A look into what constitute the means and how adult education can be improved is explored and emphasized in this work. The justification predicaments are discussed accordingly. The presumption as to who really are adults is also confirmed.
Are outdated traditional education, distance education, information technological infrastructure,... more Are outdated traditional education, distance education, information technological infrastructure, partnerships and financial resources common problematic issues facing many of the educational institutions in our world today? With this into considerations, are these issues vital in order to stabilize the political and economic embroidery of an institution or organization, and its psychological and sociological awareness? What is it that is to be learned and thought in our institutions and, what really is lifelong education; and how is to be carried out in the society of ours? It is found that education may be the training of the mind to perform desire functions or to perpetuate the modality of obtaining an end or result. Actually, the accessibility of distance education by lifelong learners may be hindered by unavailability of enough technical and economical supports.

Dr. Iwasan Kejawa, 2023
This work explore what computers are, their usages and their functionalities. Computers can be us... more This work explore what computers are, their usages and their functionalities. Computers can be used to learn or comprehend the understanding of all subjects, be it physics aerobics, swimming, biology, mathematics, agriculture, chemistry, business administration or commerce, just to name a few. In education, computers are used to project information to individuals in the classrooms or anywhere education is taking place, in churches, homes, schools, conference halls and so on. It is also used to convey the logic of a subject or behind a topic. Computers play an important role in educating our mind. With the usage of computers, we are able to learn, we are able todevise new ways of doing things. The use of computers in education allows us to convey instructions or ideas by all means. Globalizations of the entities comprising the learning processes are the computer configurations in actual facts. Computers are of the prolefiration of the present, past and the future

Prof. Dr. Iwasan D. Kejawa, 2018
Nearly thousands of scientific experiments are performed both on humans and
animals every year in... more Nearly thousands of scientific experiments are performed both on humans and
animals every year in the United States (Gregory, 1999). Does Science enormously
play a role in the well-beings of individual in the society? Research has found that
science education is through motivation and satisfying the needs of humans. The
scientific world is part of an elongated human development. This can be
substantiated with the use and evolution of TECHNOLGY and SCIENCE (Minton,
2004). Education of the entities that comprise the need to achieve the goal of
TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE which are important issues of today. Research has
shown that scientific education is some conglomerate beliefs of individual minds.
Education in general is through motivation and satisfying the needs of humans.
The scientific world plays a role in human development. This can be substantiated
with the use of evolution of TECHNOLOGY. Education of the entities that comprise
the need to achieve the goal of TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE are important issues
of studies in our world today.
Prof. Dr. Iwasan D Kejawa, 2018
The societal factors of Adult Education are an important area of the education system in the worl... more The societal factors of Adult Education are an important area of the education system in the world. Who really are adults? Does technology provide the necessary ingredients or proper ways for education of all adults in the society? A look into what constitute the means and how adult education can be improved is explored and emphasized in this work. The justification of adults predicaments are discussed accordingly. The presumption as to who really are adults is also confirmed.

Prof. Dr. Iwasan D. Kejawa, 2020
Research has shown that modalities of technology research development are the qualitative and the... more Research has shown that modalities of technology research development are the qualitative and the quantitative projections of the management outcomes. Since there are enormous entities of development involve in the evolvement of results, therefore it must be stated clearly at the early stage what is expected of research. That is, hypothesis must exist. It has been made known that technology management research rests solely on the common awareness of its solitude. It is very importance to have innovative goals as to the disposal of the results. To develop a product is an important part of technology management research and preparedness of surviving in the society. Technology development research is part of sailing through life. The involvement of research is based on the philosophical ideologies of sociological, economical, psychological, and political stability in the society. The globalization of ethical prowess remained is an important aspect of research development in the society (Kejawa, 2014). The facts that technology research development is an important issue are surrounded by the ideologies of individualism (Kejawa, 2013)
animals every year in the United States (Gregory, 1999). Does Science enormously
play a role in the well-beings of individual in the society? Research has found that
science education is through motivation and satisfying the needs of humans. The
scientific world is part of an elongated human development. This can be
substantiated with the use and evolution of TECHNOLGY and SCIENCE (Minton,
2004). Education of the entities that comprise the need to achieve the goal of
TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE which are important issues of today. Research has
shown that scientific education is some conglomerate beliefs of individual minds.
Education in general is through motivation and satisfying the needs of humans.
The scientific world plays a role in human development. This can be substantiated
with the use of evolution of TECHNOLOGY. Education of the entities that comprise
the need to achieve the goal of TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE are important issues
of studies in our world today.
animals every year in the United States (Gregory, 1999). Does Science enormously
play a role in the well-beings of individual in the society? Research has found that
science education is through motivation and satisfying the needs of humans. The
scientific world is part of an elongated human development. This can be
substantiated with the use and evolution of TECHNOLGY and SCIENCE (Minton,
2004). Education of the entities that comprise the need to achieve the goal of
TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE which are important issues of today. Research has
shown that scientific education is some conglomerate beliefs of individual minds.
Education in general is through motivation and satisfying the needs of humans.
The scientific world plays a role in human development. This can be substantiated
with the use of evolution of TECHNOLOGY. Education of the entities that comprise
the need to achieve the goal of TECHNOLOGY and SCIENCE are important issues
of studies in our world today.