Sunday, February 22nd, 2015
6:47 pm - Power Rangers Morpher SAO Figures Code Geass Figure & More

2-22 update: Added Bakki The Grappler Viridian Rare DVD Set & Code Geass Lancelot Albion Figure. Rare Anime,Apartment Blowout!:DBZ Coolers Bluray movies, DBZ T3 Complete 4 Wii, Power Rangers Morpher Added, but mostly-Rare Anime 4 Sale & Figures & More. 34+ titles: Card Captor Sakura dvd's vol. 1-4, Gundam Seed Movies 1-3, Bandai out of print eat man 88 dvd set, tmnt oop dvd set, Read or Die Complete DVD Box Set. 100% Feedback seller for 9 years.Newly added: PS4 games. 27 items or so up right now including ultra rare read or die complete set and spiral complete set, wolfs rain, and more. Link to ebay store-http://www.ebay.com/sch/jmacshobbyshop/m.html… Items list- 0) Gundam Seed Movies 1-3 OOP Rare DVD Lot 0-2) Card Captor Sakura vol. 1-4 OOP Rare DVD Lot 1) Final fantasy X and Final fantasy X-2 (Playstation 2, PS2...) 2) Key The Metal Idol DVD Vol. 1 (DVD, 2000) 3) Dragon Knight: Wheel of Time (DVD, 2005) 4) Project Blue Earth SOS - Complete Collection (DVD, 2009) 5) Ultimate Muscle - Vol. 1: A Legend Reborn (DVD, Edited) 6) Bastard!! - Complete DVD Set Rare OOP (DVD, 2001) 7) Evangelion 1.01: You Are (Not) Alone (DVD, 2010, 2-Disc Set) 8) Akira DVD Original Pioneer OOP Rare 9) Macross Plus - The Movie (DVD, 2002) (301484281206) 10) Eyeshield 21: Collection 4 (DVD, 2011, 2-Disc Set) 12) Gundam SEED Movie 1 & 2 DVD Bundle OOP 13) Dragon Ball Z - Dead Zone/Worlds Strongest Ultra Rare Steelbook DVD Edition 15) Dragon Ball Z: The Movies - Cooler's Revenge/The Return of Cooler (Blu-ray) 16) Teknoman Complete DVD Set Collection 18) Serial Experiments Lain - Complete Series DVD LE OOP Box Set Signature SERIES 19) Gantz - Season 1 and Season 2 Complete Series 2 DVD Box Sets OOP RARE Item picture 21) Vandread/Vandread: The Second Stage Complete Collection DVD SET OOP RARE 22) R.O.D. the TV Series Complete DVD Set Limited Collectors Box Set 24) Maria Watches Over Us - Season One (DVD, 2008, 4-Disc Set) 25) Yu-Gi-Oh - Season 5 OOP Original (DVD, 2009) 26) Yu-Gi-Oh - Season 1 (DVD, 2004) Limited Edition) Original Rare OOP & BOX ART
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| Monday, February 2nd, 2015
12:29 am - 2-1-15: Rare Figures Anime Video Games

(2-1-15) Sat Update: Amiibo, Power Rangers Morpher Added, but mostly-Rare Anime 4 Sale & Figures & More. 34+ titles: Best conditioned "Pokemon 1st movie Mewto Strikes Back" with cardboard case mint, Android 18 SH Figuart sealed figure, Card Captor Sakura dvd's vol. 1-4, Gundam Seed Movies 1-3, Bandai out of print eat man 88 dvd set, tmnt oop dvd set, Read or Die Complete DVD Box Set, Spiral DVD Set. 100% Feedback seller for 9 years.Newly added: PS4 games. 27 items or so up right now including ultra rare read or die complete set and spiral complete set, wolfs rain, and more. Link to ebay store-http://www.ebay.com/sch/jmacshobbyshop/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from= Items list- 1) Final fantasy X and Final fantasy X-2 (Playstation 2, PS2...) 2) Key The Metal Idol DVD Vol. 1 (DVD, 2000) 3) Dragon Knight: Wheel of Time (DVD, 2005) 4) Project Blue Earth SOS - Complete Collection (DVD, 2009) 5) Ultimate Muscle - Vol. 1: A Legend Reborn (DVD, Edited) 6) Bastard!! - Complete DVD Set Rare OOP (DVD, 2001) 7) Evangelion 1.01: You Are (Not) Alone (DVD, 2010, 2-Disc Set) 8) Akira DVD Original Pioneer OOP Rare 9) Macross Plus - The Movie (DVD, 2002) (301484281206) 10) Eyeshield 21: Collection 4 (DVD, 2011, 2-Disc Set) 11) Wolf's Rain Complete Series DVD SET W/INSERTS OOP RARE. 12) Gundam SEED Movie 1 & 2 DVD Bundle OOP 13) Dragon Ball Z - Dead Zone/Worlds Strongest Ultra Rare Steelbook DVD Edition 14) Spiral Complete Series Anime DVD SET OOP ULTRA RARE 15) Dragon Ball Z: The Movies - Cooler's Revenge/The Return of Cooler (Blu-ray) 16) Teknoman Complete DVD Set Collection 18) Serial Experiments Lain - Complete Series DVD LE OOP Box Set Signature SERIES 19) Gantz - Season 1 and Season 2 Complete Series 2 DVD Box Sets OOP RARE Item picture 21) Vandread/Vandread: The Second Stage Complete Collection DVD SET OOP RARE 22) R.O.D. the TV Series Complete DVD Set Limited Collectors Box Set 24) Maria Watches Over Us - Season One (DVD, 2008, 4-Disc Set) 25) Yu-Gi-Oh - Season 5 OOP Original (DVD, 2009) 26) Yu-Gi-Oh - Season 1 (DVD, 2004) Limited Edition) Original Rare OOP & BOX ART
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| Tuesday, December 9th, 2014
1:37 am - Anime Figures, Comic Figures, and Wrestling Figures Sealed

12-8 Update: Grand Theft Auto V sealed brand new for ps4, 3 new animes. Epic Rare OOP Anime 4 Sale,Figures, and more. Make sure to click Item list link. Lots of Watchers for weeks. If you have questions on prices or buying multiple things, please contact jmacshobbyshop on ebay. 10 year 100% feedback seller. 9pm-Midnight EST Mostly Sundays, Sometimes Saturdays, All Buy IT Now. 25+ items for sale. I've lowered the prices as far as they can go solo, but group deals is another story, so Plz feel free to message me on ebay, i see watchers on every auction. Buy During The Time You Want :). Stuff Must Go Fast, Share With Friends, Making space for my apartment. Combine ship, putting items in one box as well for cheaper shipping, lowered prices as much as I could.Added: Megaman NT DVD's, Macross, and more. I have a sealed brand new, Sailor Mercury SH Figurart figure for any Sailor Moon Collectors,Rare Anime DVd's, Marvel Legends Figures, WWE Wrestling Figures, and Video Games, i'm 100% feedback for 10+ year seller :)- *Full List: http://www.ebay.com/sch/jmacshobbyshop/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
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| Sunday, November 16th, 2014
7:03 pm - Sealed Comic Anime Wrestling Figures 4 Sale

10 year 100% feedback seller. 9pm-Midnight EST Mostly Sundays, Sometimes Saturdays, All Buy IT Now. Buy During The Time You Want :). Stuff Must Go Fast, Share With Friends, Making space for my apartment. Combine ship, putting items in one box as well for cheaper shipping, lowered prices as much as I could.Added: Megaman NT DVD's, Macross, and more. I have a sealed brand new, Sailor Mercury SH Figurart figure for any Sailor Moon Collectors,Rare Anime DVd's, Marvel Legends Figures, WWE Wrestling Figures, and Video Games, i'm 100% feedback for 10+ year seller :)- *Newest Addition: http://www.ebay.com/itm/291291731454?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 *Full List: http://www.ebay.com/sch/jmacshobbyshop/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
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| Thursday, October 23rd, 2014
9:52 pm - Marvel Legends Figures & Wrestling Figures & Anime Figures & More 4 Sale 100% Feedback Ebay Seller
| Monday, October 9th, 2006
9:43 pm - More McFarlane Toys
| Tuesday, August 29th, 2006
6:40 pm - McFarlane toys auction
| Friday, February 17th, 2006
7:10 am

So, I'm selling off my Spawn Ladies. Most of them are still with card or in their original packaging, but I can't say the packaging is all that ideal -- some minor damage. It would be a great start-up collection for anyone, a fill in for any that you might have missed, or a great time to get some of the early ladies that you could actually take out of the box and display.
( Take a lookCollapse )
Just comment if you're interested or you want more details on each figure/condition. I'd be happy to work with you on any of these singularly or as a whole. I love my ladies, but I have all of them on display, and I just don't have the room to keep the boxed ones. It's time to share the love, y'know :) Thanks
(1 comment | comment on this)
| Thursday, February 9th, 2006
4:00 am - Evolutions
| Friday, December 30th, 2005
9:49 am
| Tuesday, December 27th, 2005
5:25 pm

So i looked to see if anyone else posted this, and noone has... what the hell is up with mcfarlanes new "cyber" toys. i use the word "new" loosley seeing as how they are just repaints of the horrible selling Spawn Interlink line.
They didnt sell well the first time - what makes them think they can repackage this shit and sell it again under a different name with gobs of teal paint splattered on them?
Between this and all the "reborn"/repaints coming out, Im starting to think they don't have any originality left in the entire toy division.
(4 comments | comment on this)
| Sunday, November 6th, 2005
| Thursday, October 27th, 2005

Hey guys,
I'm selling off the lower torso to the ML10 SENTINEL.
I only wanted Mystique and am just looking to get the price of the figure back,
$8.00 DLVD via PayPal gets it to you.
my PayPal email is [email protected]
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| Thursday, September 29th, 2005
4:17 pm - Tortured Souls

I have a complete set of the first Tortured Souls series. I'm tempted to sell them on Ebay now, but I don't know if the value will go up significantly in time. Do you think they're valuable enough to hang on to for years to come? They're all mint condition.
(2 comments | comment on this)
| Sunday, September 25th, 2005
8:54 pm - Ebay

I'm so pissed. The company in Arizona hasn't recieved my money order for the napoleon dynamite figures, and now they're threatening to report me to ebay. I mailed the money order on the 12th of september, and I sent them an email to tell them that, they didn't acknowledge it, of course, and the itemized bill with the correct, complete address came after I mailed the money order, and I didn't mail the money order until a week after the auction ended!!!!!!!! So the reason it hasn't arrived, is because it probably has an incorrect address. And I keep emailing and explaining, and all they do is write back every so often "have not recieved money" I JUST EXPLAINED WHY!!!!!!! God, they are so STUPID!!! They're russian or something, their english isn't the greatest. I ALWAYS pay on time for ebay items, I don't want their stupidity to wreck that.
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| Sunday, September 18th, 2005
10:58 pm

Oh thank God I finally found you guys! Though I am ridiculed and jokes are made at my expense because of my toy obsession, even though I've tried to explain that McFarlane toys are works of art, not toys. I live in BC, we do not get many mcfarlane toys here at all, so my collection is limited. Me and my dad between us have edward scissorhands (a christmas gift I gave him), the T3 box set (it was between that and the alien queen box set, I am still kicking myself about not getting it) that I also bought Dad for a different christmas. I have Real world Neo, a Christmas gift from my dad, Niobe, he has Morpheus sitting right here on the comp tower. I bought the sentinel, and fighting neo and fighting smith for my ex boyfriend (for christmas, when we were together) that sentinel was amazing! I have just ordered all 5 Napoleon Dynamite figures off ebay. My big dream was to get the 12 inch predator, and I wanted it for last christmas, and me and my mum were at the toys r us and I showed her (her reaction; "Eww, what do you want that for?") then I got distracted by something and she went back to buy it and it was gone. Never to return :( When the money comes in, I hope to order a lot of the alien vs predator toys off ebay, as well as an entire lot of 11 x-files figures, and the newest little red hiding hood (meow!). I am one of those "display" people, so I do take the toys out of the wrappers, and people like to be mad about that.
(10 comments | comment on this)
| Thursday, August 18th, 2005
8:33 am - New guy and a qucik question

Really qucik qustion, oh I am new here by the way, but does anyone know when/if the hanging spawn (The cover is issue #30) is to be relased? And if it is where can I get one?
Thanks for the help guys.
(2 comments | comment on this)
| Tuesday, August 9th, 2005
| Wednesday, June 8th, 2005
7:20 am - Wizard World Philly '05 pics
| Monday, May 2nd, 2005
1:51 am