Papers by Michael Di Gregorio
This panel brings together approaches in public policy and political theory that address the prod... more This panel brings together approaches in public policy and political theory that address the production of citizens and practices of citizenship. It hopes to foster a conversation between these two fields by focusing on questions that have been central to debates about citizenship, such as who is a citizen and what are a citizen's rights and duties; who counts as a citizen and friend, or as an outsider and enemy; what are the conditions under which "good" citizens are produced, and so on. This panel seeks to destabilize citizenship as a purely rational and administrative exercise of state authority and control. We welcome papers that focus on the affective dimensions of citizenship and how the state mobilizes emotions of love, fear, desire, and empathy to produce systems of inclusion and exclusion.

The end of the Cold War is conventionally understood to have inaugurated a new era in internation... more The end of the Cold War is conventionally understood to have inaugurated a new era in international relations. The most well-known such attempt to provide a new grand theory is Francis Fukuyama's adaptation of the end of history thesis. More recently, Richard Ned Lebow has provided his own attempt at a new grand theory of IR by attempting to bridge theoretical understandings of the individual and the international. In both cases, the theoretical touchstone is a renewed understanding of the ancient Greek concept of thumos. Thumos, understood as political spirit, honour, or esteem, becomes for Fukuyama the source of the human desire to seek recognition in political life, while it becomes for Lebow the source of one's desire to seek political progress and change for the better. In both cases, individual psychology and international order are used to shed light on the other, while maintaining that this connection is fundamentally important for a full understanding of political life, and therefore to necessitate new theoretical interventions for this new political reality. This paper will draw out the shared themes in Lebow and Fukuyama's theories, in the hopes of making clear the enduring problem that "thumos" poses to international theory and politics.
For Rousseau and Schmitt sovereignty is the concept at the center of their formal political theor... more For Rousseau and Schmitt sovereignty is the concept at the center of their formal political theory. Taking its bearings from the Levite d'Ephraim written at the height of Rousseau's persecution, this paper emphasizes the role that emotion, affect, and political psychology play in Rousseau and Schmitt's competing constructions of sovereignty. Both provide thoroughgoing pictures of the psychological and anthropological assumptions that lie beneath the operation and institution of sovereignty. Despite superficial similarities, a systematic comparison of their understanding of sovereignty and its attendant attributes is absent. The reasons for this are of Schmitt's making: Rousseau's depiction of human nature and the natural condition are the antipodes to Schmitt's understanding of the same in his
Papers by Michael Di Gregorio