Johannes Steizinger
I specialize in post-Kantian European philosophy (primarily the German tradition). I am especially interested in political, social, cultural, and aesthetic issues. My areas of competence include ethics, philosophy of race, and Kant. Currently, I am working on three projects:
1) I am writing the short book “Nietzsche on Culture” for the Elements Series at Cambridge University Press, focusing on topics such as the relationship of nature and culture, the relationship of individual and community, and Nietzsche’s vitalist critique of culture. This book is part of a larger project on the topic Cultural Criticism of Capitalism.
2) Together with Thimo Heisenberg (Rice) and Helen McCabe (Nottingham), I am holding a SSHRC Connection Grant on the topic Economic Pluralism: Past and Present, in which we examine widely neglected economic proposals of 19th-century philosophers, exploring how their heterodox insights can help us re-imagine the fundamentals of our economic order. You find a detailed description of this project here: https://economicpluralism.com/
3) My third project focuses on developing a philosophical critique of the ideology of the radical right. I critically examine Nazi ideology and how philosophers contributed to the justification of Nazi racism. I understand my work on the history of racism as a groundwork for a thorough critique of its current forms. A recently published article thus advances a conceptual analysis and a philosophical critique of the identitarian ideology of the so-called New Right. I also plan to develop a concept of fascism that enables to criticize current political developments from a philosophical perspective.
For details about my former projects see:
Here you find two talks of mine, the first is about the concept of Bildung in the German tradition, the second about the dehumanizing strategies of Nazi ideology:
Phone: +1 905-525-9140 ext. 26465
Address: McMaster University
Department of Philosophy
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1
1) I am writing the short book “Nietzsche on Culture” for the Elements Series at Cambridge University Press, focusing on topics such as the relationship of nature and culture, the relationship of individual and community, and Nietzsche’s vitalist critique of culture. This book is part of a larger project on the topic Cultural Criticism of Capitalism.
2) Together with Thimo Heisenberg (Rice) and Helen McCabe (Nottingham), I am holding a SSHRC Connection Grant on the topic Economic Pluralism: Past and Present, in which we examine widely neglected economic proposals of 19th-century philosophers, exploring how their heterodox insights can help us re-imagine the fundamentals of our economic order. You find a detailed description of this project here: https://economicpluralism.com/
3) My third project focuses on developing a philosophical critique of the ideology of the radical right. I critically examine Nazi ideology and how philosophers contributed to the justification of Nazi racism. I understand my work on the history of racism as a groundwork for a thorough critique of its current forms. A recently published article thus advances a conceptual analysis and a philosophical critique of the identitarian ideology of the so-called New Right. I also plan to develop a concept of fascism that enables to criticize current political developments from a philosophical perspective.
For details about my former projects see:
Here you find two talks of mine, the first is about the concept of Bildung in the German tradition, the second about the dehumanizing strategies of Nazi ideology:
Phone: +1 905-525-9140 ext. 26465
Address: McMaster University
Department of Philosophy
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1
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Authored Books by Johannes Steizinger
Articles by Johannes Steizinger
As one of the first modern philosophers, Georg Simmel
systematically developed a “relativistic world view”. In this paper I attempt to examine Simmel’s relativistic answer to
the question of truth. I trace his main arguments regarding the concept of truth and present his justification of epistemic relativism. In doing so, I also want to show that some of Simmel’s claims are surprisingly timely. Simmel’s relativistic concept of truth is supported by an evolutionary argument. The first part of this paper outlines that pragmatic foundation of his epistemology. The second part of the paper shows that Simmel develops what today would be called a coherence theory of truth. He presents his coherentist view that every belief is true only in relation to another one primarily as a theory of epistemic justification. The third part turns to Simmel’s original way of dealing with the (in)famous self-refutation charge against relativism.
Book Chapters by Johannes Steizinger
Moreover, I aim to show that the key motifs of these racist worldviews were prevalent in the scientific and philosophical debates on anthropology in early-twentieth-century Germany. I thus explore the general orientation of both the naturalistic and the anti-naturalistic strand in anthropological thought, unfold the animalizing tendencies of these views, and emphasize their conformity with the key motifs of Nazi ideology. The case of NS should thus exemplify the dehumanizing potential of anthropological theories.
As one of the first modern philosophers, Georg Simmel
systematically developed a “relativistic world view”. In this paper I attempt to examine Simmel’s relativistic answer to
the question of truth. I trace his main arguments regarding the concept of truth and present his justification of epistemic relativism. In doing so, I also want to show that some of Simmel’s claims are surprisingly timely. Simmel’s relativistic concept of truth is supported by an evolutionary argument. The first part of this paper outlines that pragmatic foundation of his epistemology. The second part of the paper shows that Simmel develops what today would be called a coherence theory of truth. He presents his coherentist view that every belief is true only in relation to another one primarily as a theory of epistemic justification. The third part turns to Simmel’s original way of dealing with the (in)famous self-refutation charge against relativism.
Moreover, I aim to show that the key motifs of these racist worldviews were prevalent in the scientific and philosophical debates on anthropology in early-twentieth-century Germany. I thus explore the general orientation of both the naturalistic and the anti-naturalistic strand in anthropological thought, unfold the animalizing tendencies of these views, and emphasize their conformity with the key motifs of Nazi ideology. The case of NS should thus exemplify the dehumanizing potential of anthropological theories.
The Emergence of Relativism will be of interest to those studying nineteenth- and twentieth-century philosophy, German idealism, and history and philosophy of science, as well as those in related disciplines such as sociology and anthropology.
Gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts avanciert Goethe zunehmend zum wichtigsten Autor der deutschen Literatur. Er wird zum privilegierten Gegenstand kultureller Identifikation, gewinnt eine paradigmatische Funktion für die sich formierenden Geisteswissenschaften und wird als Gründungsfigur oder Beglaubigungsinstanz ganzer Disziplinen vereinnahmt. An Goethe lassen sich morphologische Methoden anknüpfen; auf Goethe werden die zentralen Konzepte des ›Lebens‹, der ›Form‹ und des ›Organischen‹ zurückgeführt; die Leben und Werk vereinende ›Gestalt‹ Goethes wird zum zentralen Topos der Geistesgeschichte. Der Band untersucht die diskurspolitische und epistemologische Bedeutung Goethes im Werk so prominenter Figuren wie Dilthey, Simmel, Spengler, Gundolf, Kommerell, Lukács und Thomas Mann.
Since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots has become rampant among students in higher education.
While some might be ambivalent about the impact of generative AI on higher education, many instructors in the humanities scramble to adapt their classes to the new reality and have declared a crisis of their teaching model.
Professors and students alike argue that unrestricted use of generative AI threatens the purpose of an education in disciplines like philosophy, history or literature. They say that, as a society, we should care about this loss of intellectual competencies.
But why is it important that traditional learning not become obsolete — as some predict?
Der völkische Nationalismus ist in rechtsextremen Gruppen weit verbreitet. Mittlerweile wirken völkische Ideen jedoch weit in die bürgerliche Mitte hinein, nicht zuletzt aufgrund der erfolgreichen Strategien der sogenannten „Neuen Rechten“. Die Identitäre Bewegung (IB) spielt in dieser Szene eine wesentliche Rolle und wird zumeist als eine „neurechte Jugendbewegung“ (Bruns et al 2017) definiert. Diese Einschätzung möchte ich im Folgenden näher betrachten. Meine Auseinandersetzung mit der Ideologie der IB umfasst drei Schritte: Im ersten Schritt wird mit dem Konzept des Ethnopluralismus, das Grundmotiv der identitären Ideologie, analysiert. Im zweiten Schritt entfalte ich eine genealogische Perspektive. Deshalb wird hier eine bestimmte Variante völkischen Denkens der 20er und 30er Jahre thematisiert. Ausgehend von einer kulturkritischen Zeitdiagnose entwickelten Philosophen wie Alfred Baeumler (1887–1968), Ernst Krieck (1882–1947) oder Erich Rothacker (1888–1965) eine identitätspolitische Antwort auf die Moderne und sahen diese im Nationalsozialismus (NS) verwirklicht. Der völkische Partikularismus war das Grundmotiv dieser politischen Anthropologie. Meine genealogische Analyse wird zeigen, dass die IB keine „neurechte Jugendbewegung“ (Bruns et al 2017; Hervorhebung J.S.) in einem inhaltlichen Sinne ist. Denn die identitäre Ideologie ist keine Erneuerung, sondern eine simple Wiederkehr völkischen Denkens, das bereits vor 1945 weit verbreitet war. Im dritten Schritt präsentiere ich eine Kritik der völkischen Ideologie, die sich auf das Modell der „ethnokulturellen Identität“ konzentriert.