Papers by Fr. Philip LeMasters
Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 2018
The experience of Orthodox Christians in the Middle East in responding nonviolently to religious ... more The experience of Orthodox Christians in the Middle East in responding nonviolently to religious persecution provides a little-known example of peacemaking in situations of conflict between religious communities. Since the rise of Islam, Christians in this region have typically endured a tolerated status that imposes various restrictions on their religious, political, and economic freedoms. Practices of interreligious dialogue, nonviolent response to enemies, and philanthropic outreach to the needy are characteristic of communities of Eastern Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, and Coptic Orthodox Christians throughout the Middle East. Their spokespersons advocate for societies in which all citizens, irrespective of religious identity, have equal status and live together in peace.
The Wheel, 2018
This paper places the spiritual and moral gravity of taking human life in war within the context ... more This paper places the spiritual and moral gravity of taking human life in war within the context of the Eucharistic theology and practice of the Orthodox Church.
Eucharist and holy matrimony are foundational practices of the Orthodox Church, obviously celebra... more Eucharist and holy matrimony are foundational practices of the Orthodox Church, obviously celebrated with great frequency. Unfortunately, many communicants and spouses do not perceive their deep interrelation and profound spiritual significance. In a time when popular practices and attitudes concerning marriage and sexuality reflect contemporary cultural trends far more than Orthodox teaching, a crucial calling of the parish is to draw on the resources provided by these sacraments to enable husband and wife to make their common life a sign of the salvation of the world.

Originally published in Worship 77/5 (September 2003): pp 408-425. Portions of the essay were pre... more Originally published in Worship 77/5 (September 2003): pp 408-425. Portions of the essay were presented at the Orthodox Peace Fellowship's North American conf erence in the summer of 2002. T he author is Prof essor of Religion and Chairman of the Department of Religion and Philosophy at McMurry University, Abilene, Texas. His f ourth book, "Toward a Eucharistic Vision of Church, Family, Marriage, and Sex", was published by Light & Lif e in 2004. Other essays and reviews have appeared in St. Vladimir's Quarterly Review, T heology Today, Worship, Perspectives in Religious Studies, and T he Christian Century. He serves as deacon at St. Luke Antiochian Mission in Abilene, Texas. Anyone who has ever attended an Orthodox worship service has heard petitions f or peace. In the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, the f irst petitions of the Great Ektenia are f or "the peace f rom above, and f or the salvation of our souls" and "the peace of the whole world...
jettisoned, and some metaphors will be found devoid of power. Yet, there is also great potential ... more jettisoned, and some metaphors will be found devoid of power. Yet, there is also great potential for ever more rediscovery and renewal of insights long forgotten in the two millennia that have passed since she offered her fiat, and began to point the way to Christ for us all. 52 52 In the brief interval between this article's initial writing and its publication here, the aforementioned "rediscovery and renewal of insights" has resulted in two very promising Marian studies from Evangelical sources.
Moral discourse on war and peace often gives primary attention to questions of whether participat... more Moral discourse on war and peace often gives primary attention to questions of whether participation in warfare is justified and, if so, how it should be conducted. 1 Such discussions are tragically necessary in a world inclined toward armed conflict. The liturgical and moral vision of the Orthodox Church, however, calls for greater emphasis on the challenges of making and sustaining peace than on those of making war. 2 By drawing on a variety of historic and contemporary sources, this essay argues that commitment to a dynamic praxis of peace is fundamental to Orthodox
Auslegung: a Journal of Philosophy, 1988
Books by Fr. Philip LeMasters
Light & Life Publishing, 2004
This book places marriage and sexuality within the context of the Eucharistic worship, spirituali... more This book places marriage and sexuality within the context of the Eucharistic worship, spirituality, and theology of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Talks by Fr. Philip LeMasters
Papers by Fr. Philip LeMasters
Books by Fr. Philip LeMasters
Talks by Fr. Philip LeMasters