Papers by surendra sawardekar

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2023
The leaf of Piper betle L. is eaten raw and is well known for its taste. There are numerous metho... more The leaf of Piper betle L. is eaten raw and is well known for its taste. There are numerous methods of eating the leaf specially during various occasions. In general people tend to consume the leaf (paan) after dinner. An extensive range of researches on a Piper betle L. leaf suggest better health benefits. Due to its enrichment in the essential components the leaves of Piper betle L. is known to be effective in terms of clinical aspects too. The current research experiment is completed to analyze the nutritional aspect of the leaf of Piper betle L. Study shows a good impression on the nutritional aspect such as carbohydrate, protein, total fats, dietary fibre, moisture content, ash content and the energy value (k. cal.) with the enrichment of vitamin A (Retinol) in the plant leaf. The research provides an effectiveness for consumption of Piper betle L. leaf.
International Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technologynd , 2022
The Piper betle L. plant leaves contain aroma. A strong sense of aromatic constituents determines... more The Piper betle L. plant leaves contain aroma. A strong sense of aromatic constituents determines the enrichment of an essential oil components to be present in a plant part. The extracted oil by hydro-distillation method was analyzed through GC-MS method. A total 19 volatile components qualitatively and quantitatively by GC-MS. The research experiment of detecting components is observed to be effective to utilize in the food and cosmetic industry in the field of research and development aspects. The presence of compounds shows the phytochemical foundation for the use of extracted oil in the field of applied food industry and cosmetic industry. The research successfully concludes on identifying the components effective for the applications for a wide range of research experiments.
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2022
Marine ecosystems are adjacent to the city of Mumbai. The discharge from the city affects the phy... more Marine ecosystems are adjacent to the city of Mumbai. The discharge from the city affects the physical properties, which in turn affect the whole ecosystem. The current research was carried out to assess water quality and also the physical characteristics of waters surrounding the city. The Salinity was checked; additionally, the values of pH, Dissolved Oxygen and Electrical conductivity of the water samples have also been measured. The Winkler's method was adopted to measure dissolved oxygen. The study concludes that coastal waters at some sites are more acidic, have increased oxygen and show various changes throughout the length of the coast of Mumbai.

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2022
Traditional farming practices are a boon from ages for the human cycle to live their livelihood. ... more Traditional farming practices are a boon from ages for the human cycle to live their livelihood. The substrate provided by the land availability contains various types of soil as a media for agricultural practices. Different types of soil and the climatic conditions define the suitability of the type of plant feasible to cultivate. In recent years, substrate other than soil is on high demand in cultivation practice. The current research is completed to understand the efficacy of soilless culture media: Coco-peat over soil cultivation for the plant of "Vigna aconitifolia". The experimental research work successfully results an increase in the production of plants in soilless medium: Coco-peat than the one in soil medium condition. However, One Way ANOVA and a Student's t-test (paired) both shown results of Alternative hypothesis (H1) to be accepted while null hypothesis(H0) to be rejected. The research statistics conclude coco-peat (soilless) medium to be effective and one of the better alternative source for the cultivation of pulses in the field.

Polyalthia longifolia Sonn. a well-known Asian originated plant species is cultivated widely for ... more Polyalthia longifolia Sonn. a well-known Asian originated plant species is cultivated widely for multipurpose commercial products. The plant is grown for beautification aspects along the roadside and gardens. The plant is specifically used for medicinal purpose in large quantity in India. Since the medicinal properties is profoundly used the activity of broadening the research aspect for nutritional or medicinal property becomes and important theme to explore and study. The current research is carried out to analyze and study the amount of Vitamin-C in the leaves of Polyalthia longifolia leaves. The leaves dried at different temperature were tested to estimate Vitamin-C. The research successfully concludes the wide difference between the presence of Vitamin-C in the leaves of Polyalthia longifolia Sonn. due to a variation in temperature of used for drying.

Sesbania grandiflora L. an indigenous species native to Asian, South-Asian nations widely used fo... more Sesbania grandiflora L. an indigenous species native to Asian, South-Asian nations widely used for innumerable purpose. The plant is accepted for its vast use for an economic benefit from environmental valuation to human livelihood. Nation such as Indonesia, Philippines cultivate this plant for economical purpose. The plant is also known to be useful for manufacture of paper and pulp. Thus, cellulose and fibres generated from various sources from this plant is highly valued in developing the economy. Moreover, the seeds of Sesbania are indeed utilized for consumption purpose. The current research is carried out to testify the amount of Dietary fibre in the seeds of Sesbania grandiflora L. Researches have shown the plant leaves enriched with high amount of nutrient content, hence the seed of the plant too forms an attractive theme to search out and study experimentally for the various nutritional sources. The research carried out for evaluation of dietary fibre successfully concludes the quantity and its consumption on a daily basis in a diet.

Sesbania grandiflora L. is one of an important plant in the field of agriculture and forestry. It... more Sesbania grandiflora L. is one of an important plant in the field of agriculture and forestry. It plays a major role in benefiting the nutritional content to the living entity. The seeds are edible and is consumed as it is enriched for its nutritional properties. The seeds are well-known for a protein content. The current research is carried out to analyze some total proteins in the seeds of Sesbania grandiflora L. The seed is the rich source of storage of nutritional properties, hence the prior aim of the study was targeted for completion of analysis for its protein content by Kjeldahl method. The study successfully concludes the quantification of protein content which can be used as per the prescribed data provided for daily consumption. The research satisfies Sesbania seeds which can be included in a daily meal for its nutritional value of protein content.

Nutritional value counts more when it comes to the consumption of any food material. Whether it m... more Nutritional value counts more when it comes to the consumption of any food material. Whether it may be a plant or meat the beneficial content utilized from such is of a prior importance. Among many such vegetables; seeds form a rich source in providing the a supportive or a supplementary diet in a daily consumption for a fulfillment of required amount of nutrients. From many such plants, Sesbania grandiflora L. has an immense weightage used widely for its nutritional content. Previously a research was worked upon to study the amount of Protein, Dietary Fibre and Total Fats in the seeds of Sesbania grandiflora L. Hence, the experimental results have been published for an individual content of Fats and proteins since they are of prime importance. carbohydrates, ash and a moisture content from the seeds of Sesbania grandiflora L. However, the current research aims on assessment of nutritional content such as carbohydrate, ash and moisture. The research successfully concludes a good amount of nutrients as required and prescribed by standard protocols.

Sound plays a key role in the environment from identifying to analysing. The production of sound ... more Sound plays a key role in the environment from identifying to analysing. The production of sound signifies various aspects to produce a specific effect up-to a special distance till which it travels. The friction of materials leads a release of sound waves impacting a targeted zone. However, the waves produce is determined by a unit dB (decibals). Hence, a frequency of sound if crosses the level of standard dB of prescribed sound, lead in production of Noise / Sound pollution. The current research experiment is attempted to determine the sound/noise pollution by using a Digital Sound level meter in the environmental zone at Sundernagar; located in Malad (west), Mumbai, India. The research experiment successfully concludes the sound pollution produced by the vehicle with maximum and minimum limits of dB which is statistically proven and found to be significant at 0.05 and 0.01 levels by a test of One Way-ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (ANOVA).

Strategic planning towards achieving any goal set forth is always helpful for demobilis... more ABSTRACT
Strategic planning towards achieving any goal set forth is always helpful for demobilising the issues of any forms. Sustainability is considered to be the one of the best aspect for developing solution. While dealing with an environmental and ecological parameters, sustainable cycle plays a major role.
Covid -19 been a drastic change for the complete human chain on this planet. During a critical phases of Covid-19 period a change for developing towards the mind-set of solution in-order to survive for the wellbeing of one own-self and for the environment withstand on the prior basis. During such process of disastrous conditions there is also the healing process which takes place within the community or regions in any zone.
The current research attempt is successfully completed from the surveyical study towards a strategic designed plan in developing the compost in large amount than the regular period during the lockdown phase. Due to Lockdown period many went to native place, the research study is focused on the same towards the manpower and the sustainability project developed by the local farmers of Maharashtra from Devgad. The research satisfactorily aligns with the concept of preserving and protecting the environment for its growth by boosting a scope towards organic farming which aroused during Covid-19 pandemic situation.
KEYWORDS: Environment healing process, sustainability, Covid-19.
Solanum tuberosum belonging to family Solanaceae is one of the most widely consumed vegetable foo... more Solanum tuberosum belonging to family Solanaceae is one of the most widely consumed vegetable food in the world. This special fruit vegetable is known to contain many nutritional benefits for its consumption. The fruit is commonly called to be a potato. However, in recent years the fruit is often used in many cooking receipe. Many a time the fruit is peeled off during a cooking process. While many literature surveys projects on the importance of the potato peel enriched in nutritional benefits for its consumption. The current research experiment is carried out to study the nutritional importance of the potato peel. The research experimentation carried out for assessing of nutritional elements such as Protein, carbohydrate, fats, fibres, ash and moisture gives successful results in terms of its richness beneficial for the health if consumed rather discarding it during cooking time.

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2020
Mahim Creek in Mumbai commonly called as 'Mahim chi Khadi' is known for its preservation of mini-... more Mahim Creek in Mumbai commonly called as 'Mahim chi Khadi' is known for its preservation of mini-ecosystem. This region is rich in wetland biodiversity. The River Mithi is drained thorough-out the whole space interlinked between Bandra-Kurla Complex. Mangrove is a dominant species of Mahim inlet; a tropical species grown in saline and brackish water. The current research attempt is completed to study the diversity of Mangroves facilitating a supportive system for the native population of Adivasi Koli community. Wetlands provide efficient provision for cost-effective business opportunity for the rise of economy. The statistical analysis of survey completed with a help of Adivasi community depicts this species prominence. Mangroves provide a space of clime for preservation and breeding of aquatic species. The research successfully concludes importance of mangroves for diversified environment sustaining the atmospheric balance of wetland.
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science, 2020
Wetlands are region of swamp with resourceful of infinite opportunities for the complete life cyc... more Wetlands are region of swamp with resourceful of infinite opportunities for the complete life cycle of the organisms growth. It is known mainly with innumerable applications in terms of the preservation of biodiversity. Biodiversity is usually recognized by ambient and ecological features. The sustainability of the environment purely relies on the ecosystem which provides the boon of support for biological organisms. The current research is accomplished to estimate Sulphates (SO₄²-) from the collected water samples of two locations in Maharashtra Nature Park-Wetland. The attempt made successfully concludes the importance of the Sulphates in biogeochemical cycles. Thus, useful for the safeguarding and metabolism of the biological organisms in wetland Biodiversity.

International Journal of Scientific Research , 2019
Nutritional value of plant purely depends on the methodology of cultivation. (Urmila Sarkar and S... more Nutritional value of plant purely depends on the methodology of cultivation. (Urmila Sarkar and Surendra Sawardekar) Different methods of cultivation lead to prior proficiency of plant growth in terms of germination, height, weight, nutritional factors and so on. (Urmila Sarkar and Surendra Sawardekar). A practice of 'Organic farming' for the production of quality based nutritional contents becomes an essential element. A crop such as Zea mays L. (Maize or Corn) is an important staple crop known for its wide range of nutritional component such as Carbohydrate, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, moisture, ash etc. (Urmila Sarkar and Surendra Sawardekar). The experimental research is focused on assessment of Protein content from organically grown Zea mays L. (maize/corn). The results conclude efficient amount of total protein in Zea mays L. plant material as a whole viz. root, leaf and seed.

International journal of Scientific Research , 2019
Sesbania grandiflora L. commonly known as west Indian pea is an important fodder plant in agrofor... more Sesbania grandiflora L. commonly known as west Indian pea is an important fodder plant in agroforestry. This species is enriched with full of economical and ethno-medicinal important benefits for sustaining the biodiversity of ecosystem of environment. Hence, a plant being of agricultural importance there have a wide range of opportunities for exploration of its study in terms of research and development. The current research attempt is made to study the effectivity of seeds for its nutritional importance. However, researches completed on fatty compounds for tocopherols and phytosterols compound enlightens the importance of fatty component in the seed as a prior reserve material. Attempts made for estimation of total fats from the seeds of Sesbania grandiflora L. lead a successful conclusion for consumption rate as per the requirement for an individual.

Colour is a visual perception which helps in judging the subjective quality of product. (Thorat P... more Colour is a visual perception which helps in judging the subjective quality of product. (Thorat PP, Sawate AR, Patil BM and Kshirsagar RB). Chlorophyll is a green photosynthetic pigment which helps plants to get energy from light. (Thorat PP, Sawate AR, Patil BM and Kshirsagar RB). Pigment system in plants maintains the activity of trapping electrons from a ray of light produced by the sun. These electrons of a particular spectrum are trapped and processed through a photosystem in plants. Hence, various metabolism relies on the pigment system which support plant for regulation of atmospheric balance. The quality of plant leaf and the balance of nutrient contents in plants is majorly due to a pigment system. Various research had proven the importance of the pigments. For example: Xanthophyll cycle-related thermal dissipation in the PSII antennae was enhanced significantly in senescent leaves, which may protect the photosynthetic apparatus from photoinhibitory damage in senescent leaves when exposed to high light.(Congming Lu Qingtao Lu Jianhua Zhang Tingyun Kuang). The present research attempt is made to visualize amount of plant pigments present in Cymbopogon citratus by a spectrophotometer analysis. The research concludes an ample amount of pigments such as Chlorophyll-a, Chlorophyll-b, Xanthophyll and carotene in Cymbopogon citratus (Lemon grass). The importance of a pigment system in terms of an application before its use for manufacturing of any commercial products has been concluded by an experimental research methodology.

International Journal of Science and Research, 2019
Sustainable Agricultural Practice plays integrated role by increasing the efficiency of soil. Suc... more Sustainable Agricultural Practice plays integrated role by increasing the efficiency of soil. Such agriculture practice is followed by various methodologies with the use of biodegradable organic material. This biomaterial enriches the soil by increasing the components like Carbon [C] and Nitrogen [N]. Organic rich quality farming practice ensures oneself with adequate profit causing no harm to the environment and boosting soil fertility as required for plant growth. Thus maintaining the sustainability of soil as a media to be used for a next cycle of cultivation. Use of hazardous chemicals leads to a dropdown in soil fertility with decrease in organic matter further affecting a quality of crop produce. Hence, tremendous need for biodegradable materials to increase quality farming and crop product has become an utmost necessity in the field of research and development. This research paper aims to study soil media when mixed with suitable biodegradable organic materials. An experimental study of formulation with a mixture of different organic materials in-order to prepare a suitable biomaterial. This biomaterial is treated on soil and analyzed for its pH and increase of organic matter in soil. The research concludes a potential increase in organic matter leading to the stability of soil developing a potential for growing crops under sustainable agricultural practices.

'Germination' is the emergence of radical and plumule of seed embryo, resulting in the formation ... more 'Germination' is the emergence of radical and plumule of seed embryo, resulting in the formation of seedling. A fully developed seed contains an embryo along with food reserves wrapped in a seed coat. Various aspects like water, air, temperature and light or darkness plays a control, key factor necessary for seed germination process. These essential key factors can be explored as natural parameter for seed germination study and a specific parameter utilized can prove to be efficient to break seed dormancy. The present research is focused on consideration of natural parameter of light and dark condition along with a treatment of hot water and Normal unheated water on seeds of Trigonella foenum (Fenugreek) and Beta vulgaris (Palak). Seed germination study under these parameters within the sample and in-between the sample carried by research statistical analysis gives varied results. The efficiency of parameters and treatment; provides apparent potency in breaking seed dormancy without a necessity of seed boosters application in farming practices. The experiment carried develops a useful guide for agricultural practitioner involved in cultivation and production of leafy vegetables.

International Journal of Scientific Research, 2019
Germination' is the emergence of radical and plumule of seed embryo, resulting in the formation o... more Germination' is the emergence of radical and plumule of seed embryo, resulting in the formation of seedling. (Urmila Sarkar , Surendra Sawardekar) A fully developed seed contains an embryo along with food reserves wrapped in a seed coat. (Urmila Sarkar , Surendra Sawardekar) Various parameters lead to proper germination of seed into seedling and later into productive produce. As often, seeds germinate in the dark but different treatment or condition applied also enhance the rate of seed germination. The research is focused on two leafy vegetables plant species namely Amaranthus tricolor (Red variety) and Amaranthus tricolor (Green variety) germination of seeds by an application of unheated water and hot water in light and dark condition. The rate of germination under a utilization of qualitative treatments in two different conditions gives efficient results by Analysis of Variance-ANOVA. The research concludes the productivity of specific treatment to be used: A guiding tool during farming practice to be followed by an agricultural practitioner for the above said plant species.

Nutritional value of plant purely depends on the methodology of cultivation. Different methods of... more Nutritional value of plant purely depends on the methodology of cultivation. Different methods of cultivation lead to prior proficiency of plant growth in terms of germination, height, weight, nutritional factors and so on. Among various methodologies 'Organic Cultivation' practice target precisely as a capable resource for its essential nutritional factors. A crop such as Zea mays L. (Maize or Corn) is an important staple crop known for its wide range of nutritional component such as Carbohydrate, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, moisture, ash etc. The current research attempt is made to grow Zea mays L. organically for 7 days and study for its nutritional content. Among different nutritional content this research is focused on study of nutritional aspect of 'Iron' present in Zea mays L. (maize or corn). The assessment of Iron content analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS); model: AA-7000F successfully estimate the amount of Iron in a fresh plant material used as a whole viz. roots, seed and aerial parts.
Papers by surendra sawardekar
Strategic planning towards achieving any goal set forth is always helpful for demobilising the issues of any forms. Sustainability is considered to be the one of the best aspect for developing solution. While dealing with an environmental and ecological parameters, sustainable cycle plays a major role.
Covid -19 been a drastic change for the complete human chain on this planet. During a critical phases of Covid-19 period a change for developing towards the mind-set of solution in-order to survive for the wellbeing of one own-self and for the environment withstand on the prior basis. During such process of disastrous conditions there is also the healing process which takes place within the community or regions in any zone.
The current research attempt is successfully completed from the surveyical study towards a strategic designed plan in developing the compost in large amount than the regular period during the lockdown phase. Due to Lockdown period many went to native place, the research study is focused on the same towards the manpower and the sustainability project developed by the local farmers of Maharashtra from Devgad. The research satisfactorily aligns with the concept of preserving and protecting the environment for its growth by boosting a scope towards organic farming which aroused during Covid-19 pandemic situation.
KEYWORDS: Environment healing process, sustainability, Covid-19.
Strategic planning towards achieving any goal set forth is always helpful for demobilising the issues of any forms. Sustainability is considered to be the one of the best aspect for developing solution. While dealing with an environmental and ecological parameters, sustainable cycle plays a major role.
Covid -19 been a drastic change for the complete human chain on this planet. During a critical phases of Covid-19 period a change for developing towards the mind-set of solution in-order to survive for the wellbeing of one own-self and for the environment withstand on the prior basis. During such process of disastrous conditions there is also the healing process which takes place within the community or regions in any zone.
The current research attempt is successfully completed from the surveyical study towards a strategic designed plan in developing the compost in large amount than the regular period during the lockdown phase. Due to Lockdown period many went to native place, the research study is focused on the same towards the manpower and the sustainability project developed by the local farmers of Maharashtra from Devgad. The research satisfactorily aligns with the concept of preserving and protecting the environment for its growth by boosting a scope towards organic farming which aroused during Covid-19 pandemic situation.
KEYWORDS: Environment healing process, sustainability, Covid-19.