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      PerceptionBiological SciencesWalkingCues
Available online xxxx PsychINFO classification: 2300 (human experimental psychology) 2320 (sensory perception) 2330 (motor processes) Keywords: Multisensory Temporal processes Auditory Haptic Movement
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePerceptionAuditory Perception
Exposing different sense modalities (like sight, hearing or touch) to repeated simultaneous but spatially discordant stimulations generally causes recalibration of localization processes in one or both of the involved modalities, which is... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePerceptionAuditory Perception
For us humans, walking is our most natural way of moving through the world. One of the major challenges in present research on navigation in virtual reality is to enable users to physically walk through virtual environments. Although... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMotion controlVirtual RealityVirtual Environment
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceVisual perceptionSpeech perception
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePlasticityAuditory Perception
Walking along a curved path requires coordinated motor actions of the entire body. Here, we investigate the relationship between head and trunk movements during walking. Previous studies have found that the head systematically turns into... more
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      WalkingOrientationYoung AdultPosture
Spatial updating during self-motion typically involves the appropriate integration of both visual and nonvisual cues, including vestibular and proprioceptive information. Here, we investigated how human observers combine these two... more
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      AdolescentSpace perceptionProprioceptionWalking
Brain-damaged patients experience difficulties in recognizing a face (prosopagnosics), but they can still recognize its expression. The dissociation between these two face-related skills has served as a keystone of models of face... more
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      Brain ImagingFace RecognitionMagnetic Resonance ImagingHousing
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceVisual perceptionVisual Processing
A great variety of interactions between senses, and between motor production and senses, have been reported in previous research. In the present study, we tested whether the mechanics of a plucked string affected how the sound it produced... more
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      PerceptionAuditory PerceptionHapticsTactile Perception
We inves gated if motor ac vity affects cross-modal perceptual temporal alignment. Fi een par cipants were presented with an auditory-tac le s mulus pair and made temporal order judgments as to which one of the two came first. For the tac... more
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Exposing different sense modalities (like sight, hearing or touch) to repeated simultaneous but spatially discordant stimulations generally causes recalibration of localization processes in one or both of the involved modalities, which is... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePerceptionAuditory Perception
Available online xxxx PsychINFO classification: 2300 (human experimental psychology) 2320 (sensory perception) 2330 (motor processes) Keywords: Multisensory Temporal processes Auditory Haptic Movement
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePerceptionAuditory Perception
A great variety of interactions between senses, and between motor production and senses, have been reported in previous research. In the present study, we tested whether the mechanics of a plucked string affected how the sound it produced... more
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      PerceptionAuditory PerceptionHapticsTactile Perception
We report two experiments investigating rotating sounds presented on a circular array of 12 speakers. Velocity thresholds were measured for three different types of stimuli (broadband noises, white noise, harmonic sounds). In the first... more
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      PsychologyPerceptionAuditory Display
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      PerceptionBiologyMedicineBiological Sciences
Three experiments are reported, which investigated the auditory velocity thresholds beyond which listeners are no longer able to perceptually resolve a smooth circular trajectory. These thresholds were measured for band-limited noises,... more
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      PhysicsAcousticsAuditory PerceptionMotion perception
In order to assist the human operator modern auditory interfaces increasingly rely on sound spatialization to display auditory information and warning signals all around the listener. However, we often operate in environments that apply... more
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We determined velocity discrimination thresholds and Weber fractions for sounds revolving around the listener at very high velocities. Sounds used were a broadband white noise and two harmonic sounds with fundamental frequencies of 330 Hz... more
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      AcousticsAuditory PerceptionMotion perceptionNoise Induced Hearing Loss