McGill University
Educational and Counselling Psychology
This paper presents a set of activities, which scaffolds students to succeed in the standard Physics gateway course. The set of instructional activities that were designed included four distinct components: Reflective Writing,... more
Objectives: This pilot study explored the relationship between parental therapeutic alliance, maternal attachment style and child and family functioning in a sample of families with a child aged five to twelve years receiving child... more
Objectives:This pilot study explored the relationship between parental therapeutic alliance, maternal attachment style and child and family functioning in a sample of families with a child aged five to twelve years receiving child... more
OBJECTIVES This pilot study explored the relationship between parental therapeutic alliance, maternal attachment style and child and family functioning in a sample of families with a child aged five to twelve years receiving child... more
This paper presents a set of activities, which scaffolds students to succeed in the standard Physics gateway course. The set of instructional activities that were designed included four distinct components: reflective writing,... more
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Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to... more
The current study examined whether self-esteem lability mediated the relationship between the occurrence of negative events and depressive symptoms and whether higher levels of neuroticism strengthened the association of the mediational... more
Purpose/Objectives: To provide a better understanding of the disease-specific quality-of-life (QOL) concerns of patients with nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC).
Patient autonomy is a central value in medicine and critical component of adherence to medical advice. This article reports on a validation of the 6-item version of the Health Care Climate Questionnaire (HCCQ), a measure of autonomy... more
Cutaneous melanoma is the fastest growing skin cancer, yet is highly curable when detected early. Skin self-examination is essential to melanoma followup care, as it leads to earlier detection of recurrences. Survivors of early-stage... more
This project aims to elucidate the relationships between skin self-examination (SSE), perceived physician support of SSE, and self-efficacy for SSE among melanoma patients. Methods: A longitudinal study of patients diagnosed with melanoma... more
A considerable amount of research has investigated symptoms of posttraumatic stress in cancer patients while the occurrence and correlates of secondary traumatic stress on patients' intimate partners has yet to be explored. This study... more