Papers by Md. Kamruzzaman

Rapping is the fastest-growing crime occurring throughout the world at an alarming rate [1-4]. Ba... more Rapping is the fastest-growing crime occurring throughout the world at an alarming rate [1-4]. Bangladesh, yet receives little helpful attention by media, educators or politicians. Rape is an act of violence which occurs when someone takes control over another by the use of physical threats or force or by exploiting another person's inability to give or withhold consent for sex [5-9]. However, in many countries there has been little research conducted on it. Although Bangladesh is not the only country where sexual violence against women has increased according to reports, countries like South Africa, Egypt, Malaysia and Mexico who also are developing have similar problems [10-14]. Since rapes are usually unreported in Bangladesh, nobody knows exactly how many actually happen each year, but estimates are that more than 23% rape occurs annually in Bangladesh [15-17]. According to the Bangladesh Mahila parishad statistics in 2014,939 women were raped. Of them, 174 were gang-raped and 99 were killed after rape. To identify the social causes of rape, feminist scholars suggested that, rape is caused in terms of gender inequalities. Feminists also focus on culture and social structures that establish and maintain male dominance [18-21]. In Bangladesh, it is said that, patriarchal system and gender inequalities are responsible for rape [16, 22, 23]. On the other hand, psychologically, these perpetrators are believed to be ill, under stress, or out of control [24-26]. They are seen as people who suffer from mental instability or childhood trauma [27-29]. The purpose of the study here is to explain rapping culture in the world through the eye of rapping in Bangladesh. 2. Methodology Qualitative research design is followed to explore the socio-psychological causes of rape in Bangladesh. In 2013, 69 cases were included as rape cases in Tangail district but among them 36 cases are becoming processed for final report. And rests among 23 cases not all are handled by the court. Among 36 rape cases we have got only 20 cases about victims of rape which are under charge sheet of the court. Among 20 cases of rape victim only 14 victims and 10 offenders were available for the interview. For this study, we interviewed 14 rape victims. From the socio demographic characteristics of the rape victim, it has been seen that 35.71% of the rape victim belong age 7-18 and 64.28% of the rape victim belong 19-25 age. Among 14 rape victims, 13 victims religion is Islam and 1 victim's religion is Hindu. One rape victim was abnormal minded. Among 14 rape victims 12 rape victims are unmarried and 3 rape victims are married. Most of the rape victims are educated. 13 of the rape victims are educated. Most of the rape victim read in the class seven or in class eight. Most of the victim's family incomes belong to the 6000-8000

The objective of the paper is to shed light on police leadership skill by interviewing the police... more The objective of the paper is to shed light on police leadership skill by interviewing the police personnel. The study is based on the cases. The case studies are plinth upon interviews with 23 police officers at Tangail district in Bangladesh. The fact is that, there was no women police leader as competent respondent in this study. The results were clear; 100% of the respondents were men. From the case study, I identify some leadership skill which should possessed by police personnel. These are, operational skill, ethical decision making, accountability, honesty, predictability, logic, supportive, approachable, higher level thinker, motivation, creative, taking responsibility, respectful, desire to influence, enthusiastic, selflessness, politically astute, good communicator, team builder and intellectual motivation. It is concluded that effective police leaders have particular relational strengths that serve to elevate levels of commitment, work satisfaction, and motivation. The paper also points out that a police leader can encourage and motivate other police within the department to achieve the goal. The findings provide important preliminary insights into the experiences and beliefs of police supervisors.
The study was conducted in Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh taking 65.7% boys and 34.3% girl... more The study was conducted in Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh taking 65.7% boys and 34.3% girls using simple random sampling method. There were observed to have 77.8% daily conflicting between their parents tends themselves into various illicit deeds like (42.6%) drug abuse, (10.2%) hijacking and (32.4%) theft. Some 34.3% respondents were involved with different crime influenced by bad peer groups and 26.9% by dint of poverty coming from joint (59.3%) as well as nuclear families (40.7%). About 43.5% respondents get frustrated due to insufficient basic needs with 66.7% stopping study for poverty while 49.1% were illiterate fellows involved in criminalities keeping company with (64.8%) bad peers, (14.8%) hijackers and (10.2%) with the drug dealers and terrorists.

Cyber crime is a buzzword all over the world. Due to the global connectivity and online activitie... more Cyber crime is a buzzword all over the world. Due to the global connectivity and online activities it has become a global concern, not a territorial one and is spreading in a terrific volume. In this regard mostly the young people are in vulnerability and being victimized by various means. The study aim was to access these states in South Asian developing countries (i.e., the demographic subdivision Bangladesh). The descriptive type of cross sectional study was carried out to assess the perception, causes and consequence of cyber crime among youth using purposive sampling method taking a sum of 118 respondents from Tangail municipality and Dhaka north City Corporation areas in Bangladesh. The study found most of respondents (46.61%) belonged to age group 19 to 21 years and 66.10% were male while 60.16% were in vulnerability of cyber crime by Internet fraud and 78.81% agreed that social media increase victimization by dissemination of false information (55.08%). It also found Maximum respondents (82.20%) were affected by virus attack, 56.78% were secondary victimized while most of them (72.03%) felt unsafe in cyber space and 61.86% said awareness can reduce victimization.

Science Publishing Group, 2024
Juvenile Recidivism is relatively new and legal term in modern world which stimulates the repetit... more Juvenile Recidivism is relatively new and legal term in modern world which stimulates the repetition of criminal behavior among the juvenile. Juvenile delinquent and juvenile recidivist activity has been increased due to the Development of technology, indiscrimination, unplanned modernization, industrialization, urbanization and over politicization. Juvenile Recidivism mostly incites the future evils younger generation due to severe and heinous effect of consequent juvenile criminal behavior among the juvenile. On the basis of this problem, juvenile recidivism in Bangladesh has been studied to explore what are main causes of juvenile recidivism in Bangladesh and also to identify which social factor is responsible for being to be juvenile recidivism as well as to justify how juvenile become a juvenile recidivist from the early stage of lives. Qualitative method has been used in the study within in-depth interviewing as well as face to face conversation. The major findings of the study is poverty, lack of parental care, bad peer group, living in slum area, engaged with unreported adult criminal, gang and political leader which are directly influence juvenile to commit the criminal activity for this reason juvenile turn into a juvenile recidivist. It had also found that sexual and drugs related offences are committed by the maximum number of juvenile recidivist in Bangladesh. Finally it had found that lack of proper treatment in Development center, inexperienced probation officer and lack of legal juvenile court or juvenile justice system is also increasing juvenile recidivist in Bangladesh.

Child labor is a common practice in developing countries. Child labor is defined as work that dep... more Child labor is a common practice in developing countries. Child labor is defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and dignity as an emerging social threat increasing at an alarming rate. The statistical secondary data analysis method was used in this study to estimate the causes and different types of victimization trend on child at workplace in Bangladesh. The authors have experienced that the child are now working in multidimensional sectors like agriculture, service sector, industry, construction, domestic work, transport etc for their hand to mouth. They are forced to perform more than one shift duty a day keeping contradiction with the ILO regulations in this connection. They are on the different kinds of workplace victimization where physical abuse, health injury, economical exploitation and sexual abuse are on the top rank. There is no headache on their educational deprivation in our ongoing society.

The conference paper focused mainly on political crime and victimization in South Asian developin... more The conference paper focused mainly on political crime and victimization in South Asian developing countries (i.e., demographic subdivision Bangladesh). The objective of this paper is drawing successful strategies to make exploitation free life on the basis of the existing laws and theories to eradicate the peril. The data was collected mainly from secondary sources. After liberation war in 1971 there was no existence of the term political crime specifically but now it is the most detrimental crime which is increasing day by day. The perceived types of political crime included genocide, espionage, extrajudicial killings, political assassination, election fraud and violence etc. The underlying causes of political violence are political-ideological issues, Secularism and religion etc. The general people are the victim in this regard. The study was recommended to take a collaborative action to all the stakeholders to create awareness to the political parties enforcing laws by government to eclipse these sorry tales.

Rapping is a heinous crime increasing day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute and second by se... more Rapping is a heinous crime increasing day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute and second by second in the world. The purpose of the study is to explore the socio-psychological etiology of rapping. The study population has been selected from the charge sheet of fourteen cases of victims and ten cases of rapist under trial in Tangail district Judge Court in a developing country Bangladesh by name. Semi structured in-depth interviewing method was used to collect data. Findings divulged that most of the victims were known to the rapist lied in the Muslim community. The identified causes were of rapping were gender inequalities, patriarchy, power, dominant behavior over women and low social status of the victims. Psychologically, the men committing this crime were mentally panicked. The government, civil societies and conscious people should take effective measures to raise consensus in this connection.
Health and nutritional horrors are in great triumph on the helm of galore public health frightin ... more Health and nutritional horrors are in great triumph on the helm of galore public health frightin Bangladesh. This situation is problematic to the Bangladeshi people and therefore the author attempts to evaluate the contribution of food and nutrition counseling for health development project in context of Bangladesh. The nutrition counseling for health development (NC4HD) is a general term to for the development of health status of samples in a population and there are many cases where the potential benefits of food and nutrition counseling (FNC) linked with the individual, community and national health plight also. So the authors argue the think tank to adopt the NC4HD in different cases for meeting healthy status of people in Bangladesh.

Restorative justice is an innovative movement in the field of victimology and criminology. The fo... more Restorative justice is an innovative movement in the field of victimology and criminology. The formal judicial system of Bangladesh is very expensive and follows a lengthy procedure for the lack of financial resources and outdated legislation pose. Majority of middle class people therefore prefer or rather have no choice but to use the traditional justice mechanisms like restorative justice. This study was an effort to find out how restorative justice could be an effective method for dispute resolution to reduce the backlog and future case loads in Bangladesh. Besides, the core challenges of successful Restorative Justice and some prevention policies to recover drawbacks of the restorative justice in Bangladesh were also studied. As the nature of the research is qualitative in nature, data and information had collected from secondary sources. This study found that, the most important challenge of restorative justice in Bangladesh is the huge backlog of cases, relative ignorance and lack of confidence and legal awareness of the service seekers and providers, lack of monitoring and supervision of the court activities, negative attitudes and perceptions towards legal institutes and absence of legal aid and support. Though the Village Courts have limitations and drawbacks but still it is playing an important role in the settlements disputes and maintaining social peace and tranquility in the rural area. This study argues for the necessary amendments of the village court act, proper monitoring and supervision of the government, resources and preparedness as well as the responsiveness of all stakeholders that can ensure effective restorative justice in Bangladesh.
The study was conducted on kids living at slums of two statistical subdivisions (i.e., Bangladesh... more The study was conducted on kids living at slums of two statistical subdivisions (i.e., Bangladeshi constitutional capital Dhaka city and commercial capital Chittagong city) in an Asian developing country.
The study was conducted at four upazilas in Dhaka city of Bangladesh taking 70.73% boys and 29.29... more The study was conducted at four upazilas in Dhaka city of Bangladesh taking 70.73% boys and 29.29% girls using convenience sampling method. About 41.46% respondents were 2501-3000 BDT, 9.75% were 1001-1500 BDT and 3001-3500 BDT earners having 82.92% respondents no link with other occupations. Some 53.66% fathers of the respondents were rickshaw pullers, 17.07% farmers and beggars as well as 46.34% mothers of respondents were housewives, 26.83% beggars and day labors in occupation. About 60.97% respondents came in begging from the slums and 63.41% respondents adopt begging due to their poverty and 34.15% were forced beggars.
The study was conducted on Tangail Sadar upazila at Tangail district in Bangladesh. There were 60... more The study was conducted on Tangail Sadar upazila at Tangail district in Bangladesh. There were 60% boys and 40% girlstaken for the study applyingconvenience sampling method. According to the study, 32.9% respondents worked in restaurant, 18.8% in industries and households. Results showed that 41.1% respondents were sexually abused, 23.55% tortured by senior co-workers and 35.25% were physically assaulted. There were 42.4% respondents to work 5-8 hours and 30.5% above 8 hours per dayviolating the ILO regulations.

The descriptive type of cross sectional study was carried out among the 35 prisoners taking purpo... more The descriptive type of cross sectional study was carried out among the 35 prisoners taking purposively from 'Tangail District Jail' of Bangladesh. Most of the respondents (82.86%) were male and (34.2%) between 26 to 30 years of age while 82.9% were married and 11.4% were Rickshaw puller, Driver and Farmer with 1200BDT to 5000BDT monthly income (62.9%). Among the prisoners 20.0% were related with theft, 22.9% with drug, 11.4% with robbery and 8.6% with murder, dacoits and hijacking while most of them (77.1%) were satisfied over the prison where 62.9% met with relatives within 7 days and 8.6% were bound to give bribe for meeting with family. It was also found 28% respondents were the victim of torture in the jail and there is a relationship between satisfactions on prisoner and recidivism. The study was recommended to take a collaborative action to all the stakeholders for the improvement of prison system ensuring human rights and security to reform the prisoners which may contribute to reduce recidivism and crime in the society.

The study was conducted to shed light on the acid crime and victims in South Asian developing cou... more The study was conducted to shed light on the acid crime and victims in South Asian developing countries (i.e., demographic subdivision Bangladesh by name). The objective of this paper is to draw thriving strategies to make exploitation free life on the basis of the existing laws eradicating the acid crime victimization in the world as a global village. The data was collected mainly from secondary sources. The perceived causes of acid violence included dowry, family dispute, property dispute, marital dispute, refusal of love etc. Subsequently, the consequences incorporated death, disfigurement, disability, chronic poverty, isolation from job, family and community, lack of security and so many concerns. The study was recommended to take a collaborative action to all the stakeholders to create awareness to the family and society enforcing laws by government to eclipse these sorry tales.
Abuses of formalin in foods have become a great concern due to grim health hazard. The aim of thi... more Abuses of formalin in foods have become a great concern due to grim health hazard. The aim of this study was to shed light on formalin crime and also the situational analysis of food adulteration in Bangladesh. The primary objective of this paper is highlighting the response of formalin users, community and government about the abuse of formalin in Bangladesh. The secondary objective of this paper is drawing successful strategies to make adulteration free food on the basis of the existing laws and strategies to curb the threading perils arranging healthy and safe life. The study was conducted mainly using data from secondary sources.

One of the important rights for human beings is freedom to marriage and religion as stipulated no... more One of the important rights for human beings is freedom to marriage and religion as stipulated not only in the United Nation Declaration of Human Rights but also in Bangladesh Constitution. However, in some cases, this right cannot work smoothly within religious traditions that since very beginning seemed to emphasize single religion-based family over family based on pluralistic religions. In some regards Islamic law forbids interreligious marriage, especially a Muslim female with a non-Muslim male and also forbidden by the Hindu religious Rites. Interreligious marriage between Muslim and Hindu is recognized under Special Marriage Act, 1872 in Bangladesh. According to Article 2 of Muslim Marriage Law, 1974, " Marriage is legitimate, if it has performed in accordance with the religion and belief of each party ". This article discusses the right of interreligious marriage with the light of human right perspective and supported by the other laws. Meanwhile, the materials used in this article are primarily based on Muslim and Hindu religious rules-regulations and Marriage laws relevance to this issue. From this perspective this article argues that prohibition of interreligious marriage is contradictory to the universal human rights that maintain every human being has a right to build a family regardless of religious consideration. Where marriage is constitute in the life of two human beings not in religions.

This epidemiological research was carried out especially on victim taking data from both primary ... more This epidemiological research was carried out especially on victim taking data from both primary and secondary sources using non-probability purposive sampling with 70 respondents from Tangail Sadar, Bangladesh. Among them 50% became victimized within last one year while 78.57% were male and 55.7% were Farmer with 65.71% married. Most of them were victimized by assault (34.28%) while 24.28% didn't lodge General Diary regarding the crime occurrence and 66.66% wanted to avoid criminal justice system for the sake of taking bribery by police (26.08%). The study also found 74.2% victimization occurred in house while 68.57% at night. Most of them were victimized for land or property dispute (31%), 11% for dowry and 9% were instinctive victimizer. Average Dark Figure of Crime was 6.25 (per thousand) while respondents (45.7%) suggested strict law enforcement, (30.0%) legislative administration and public awareness rising and (24.30%) developing relationship between public and police can reduce victimization.
A new world order came into being out of the ashes of the World War II in 1945, putting respect f... more A new world order came into being out of the ashes of the World War II in 1945, putting respect for human rights alongside peace, security and development as the primary objectives of the United Nations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaimed in 1948, provided a framework for a series of international human right conventions. Presently almost all the national legislations influenced by these conventions. It is universally recognized that Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms are the birth right of all Human being. The main objective of the study is to investigate the historical development of Human Rights and analyze the philosophical thinking. For conducting this study data was collected from several articles, books and related documents regarding Human Rights as a qualitative paper.

Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. There are multi-dimensional socio ec... more Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one's own death. There are multi-dimensional socio ecological risk factors in the occurrence of suicide, the form of non-natural death on the earth. The country Bangladesh by name, a South Asian developing country is taken on consideration to search out the factors to cause suicidal Tsunami avoiding jeering at the suicide happening. This cross sectional study revealed that 42.3% of suicidal victims belonged to the age group18 to 27years. It is found that most of them were married (74.6%) coming 74.6% from nuclear families. About 40.8% victims were up to the PSC level education achievers to contribute 38% household workers. Most of the victims (69%) were from rural areas and the study also showed that most of the incidents i.e., 21.1% occurred at midnight, 19.7% at day and 12.7% at night while maximum 46.5% victims used the process of hanging, 33.8% poisoning and 9.9% giving body under train. Most of the people (31%) committed suicide for conjugal life conflict, 16.9% for family conflicts, 14.1% for economic crisis and 9.9% for love related matter.
Papers by Md. Kamruzzaman