Papers by Urnika Mudhifatul Jannah

Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 2016
This study aims to determine the contribution of administrative competence achievement and implem... more This study aims to determine the contribution of administrative competence achievement and implementation of the network server prakerin against job readiness in the enterprise ISP vocational students in Malang on TKJ membership packages. Type and data analysis of this study are included in the quantitative research. The samples used as many as 205 students. The data collection for the implementation prakerin and job readiness in the enterprise ISP is done with a questionnaire, while for the variable competence network server administration skills do with documentation of the value. Data analysis included descriptive and regression. The results showed: (1) the contribution of the attainment of a network server administration skills to work in the company ISP readiness of 31.1%; (2) contribution to the implementation prakerin job readiness in the enterprise ISP amounted to 45.4%; and (3) the contribution of competency achievement network server administration skills and implementatio...
The relationships of student critical and creative thinking skills towards capability of installa... more The relationships of student critical and creative thinking skills towards capability of installation skill local area network competence of vocational student computer and network engineering program
Dalam beberapa penelitian disebutkan bahwa perusahaan atau industri telekomunikasi dan informasi ... more Dalam beberapa penelitian disebutkan bahwa perusahaan atau industri telekomunikasi dan informasi yang saat ini beroperasi masih banyak yang belum melakukan prosedur K3 pada saat proses instalasi wide area network (WAN) yang memiliki resiko tinggi. Meski begitu, di beberpa perusahaan yang telah menerapkan ISO manajemen proses instalasi wide area network (WAN) telah menerapkan prosedur K3 secara tepat.
Berikut ini materi pada mata pelajaran Komputer Terapan Jaringan TKJ SMK. Mapel ini termasuk dala... more Berikut ini materi pada mata pelajaran Komputer Terapan Jaringan TKJ SMK. Mapel ini termasuk dalam kelompok C3 dalam Kurikulum 2013. Langsung saja kita simak materinya berikut ini:
Papers by Urnika Mudhifatul Jannah