Maynooth University
The posthumous publication, in 2018, of Foucault's Confessions of the Flesh, volume four of The History of Sexuality, defied expectations, both by his choice of the ancient authors he studied and by his broadening of the problems he... more
Foucault famously stated in his 1966 book The Order of Things that 'man is an invention of recent date', and 'one perhaps nearing its end'. The aim of this paper is to make sense of the Foucauldian assumption that what we understand by... more
During the early days of his intellectual career, French philosopher and Historian of ideas Michel Foucault developed an interest for what we can call the 'anthropological question', or how our modernity deals with human nature from an... more
Philosophy of law is a branch of philosophy and jurisprudence that seeks to answer basic questions about law and legal systems, such as ‘What is law?’, ‘What are the criteria for legal validity?’, ‘What is the relationship between law and... more
There is so much more to be said and so much to be done. Many have proposed planetary government models, common good models and so on and so forth, but the model discussed in this short article incorporates some scientific discoveries... more
What really makes us human is the prediction machine in our heads - from daydreaming to movies - running scenarios is the most unique activity humans possess. Despite the fact that some authors like Vinge argue that science-fiction... more
This paper briefly explores the past, present and future of democracy within the context of the common good. From the direct democracy of the popular assemblies in the Greek polis to the crowd-sourcing of ideas in e-democracy - seemingly... more
In every good science fiction story there's a new, or limitless, source of energy. How would our economy adapt to that? What would the world look like?
In the final analysis, whilst Plato’s “ship metaphor” may not be exact, it certainly highlights the issue that the best citizens to guide a democratic government are not always elected to do so. Everything points towards one solution:... more
Thus the main argument in this essay is that, since democracy is in crisis, it may need adjustments in order to become non-fragile. In becoming non-fragile it will ultimately benefit from, and not be compromised by, disorder.
U bl-istess mod, jien qed naħseb dwar, ngħidu aħna, ilbioenġinerija. Xi pajjiżi jibżgħu jesperimentaw ġenetikament fuq il-bnedmin13 – mhux biżżejjed jekk pajjiż wieħed jew ftit pajjiżi biss jipprojbixxu legalment esperimenti ġenetiċi fuq... more
If suicide - (perhaps the highest form of self-harm) - goes against the basic human value of life, then correspondingly “unreasonableness” goes against the basic human and irreducible value of “practical reasonableness”, as developed by... more
During this weird dark patch in humanity’s history ‘hands’ have become protagonists. We hear over and over again phrases like: ‘wash your hands properly’, ‘use a hand rub’, ‘do not shake hands’, ‘give a helping hand to those who are... more
‘Problems cannot be solved by the level of awareness that created them!’
Hypothetical particles are
states of matter that have
‘exotic’ physical properties
that would violate the
known laws of physics, such
as a particle having a negative
states of matter that have
‘exotic’ physical properties
that would violate the
known laws of physics, such
as a particle having a negative
There is what I would call a lingering problem in theoretical physics. This problem boils down to the unification of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. The resolution for this issue would then be called a theory of... more
There appears to be a discreet throng of right leaning individuals across this island, that may be, willy-nilly, deciding its fate. I call this legion the silent right. I am a centrist, constantly, trying to reconcile my free spirit with... more
Books on political philosophy are rarely written in Maltese. The reasons can be numerous but the factual situation is that. This book is a kind of departure from that situation. It also seems that the way politics is being conducted in... more