? ?
09 July 2010 @ 10:46 pm
Here are some pretty okay MP3 REMIXES of Do Better.
James Figurine Mix
Matt Squire LTD Mix

I say okay because that James and Matt guy didn't really mix too much of it.
You know want to download these to make yourself feel better in a funkier way.

Other than that.... Max is coming out with a shoe. Who knew?
23 April 2010 @ 07:16 pm
lol no one cares about this band anymore.
15 February 2010 @ 12:56 am
A really well put together post on Max and his current ~beef with Chad of New Found Glory.

that post was made by crazysuburban and instead of posting my own here I will just paste the link because I am really indifferent and lazy when it comes to Say Anything and Max lately soooo... yeah.

Have fun in ontd, it's funnier there. And I'm being completely serious, haha.
10 February 2010 @ 12:00 am
Open once again.

In Max's most recent tweet he said it is already about halfway sold out. So... yeah.

Personally, I think there should have been only one round of song shop songs.
Anyone here planning on getting on or already gotten one before?
24 January 2010 @ 08:41 pm
some of the duprees got married, and max was groomsman.

21 January 2010 @ 03:13 am
Whenever I listen to a band or artist I go through song phases
that I NEED TO LISTEN to the song every time I get in my car.

I haven't had any Say Anythings songs as of late though it used to be mara and me =P
but for this morning
I feel like Joel on other Planets =]

Especially the build up
that part gets me all the time 

anyone else have any song phases they go through? 
Say Anything or otherwise

Anyone else feel like I'm a little crazy =]? 
29 December 2009 @ 01:56 pm
24 December 2009 @ 05:36 pm
Does anyone else feel like Max married Sherri just for the written material?