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Game ini punya potensi, yang menurut saya cukup mengganggu adalah teka teki yang kurang ada clue dan benang merahnya sehingga sangat sulit sekali kita menyelesaikan semua endingnya tanpa melihat contekan. daripada di sediakan contekan akan lebih baik lagi jika alur cerita dan teka-teki diberikan clue yang lebih jelas sehingga kita sebagai pemain bisa tetap fokus untuk menikmati ceritanya daripada sibuk + setress mencari semua ending.

satu lagi, jika memang game memiliki beberapa ending maka sebaiknya tersedia check point dimana kita tinggal melanjutkan game dari posisi yang dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan ending lainnya. jangan seperti ini yang harus mengulang game dari awal untuk mendapatkan ending2 lainnya.

Grafik: 7/10

Gameplay: 3/10

Musik: 6/10

Tingkat Keseraman: 3/10

Alur Cerita: 1/10

Terimakasih banyak bang atas review niatnya :D

sedikit klarifikasi;
Untuk teka teki, memang jujur saya bingung mau kasih apa karena udah brain fog, biar di phase itu gak terlalu cepet. Dan untuk story, memang game ini gak difokusin ke story mengingat ini buat game jam, jadi saya planningnya sangat sedikit dan langsung bikin aja dalam 7 hari itu (jadi story tanpa plan dan langsung was wis wus). Tapi karena ini gamejam, saya lebih fokus ke keunikan dan have fun daripada story. Saya juga saat itu belum bisa bikin save system karena agak ribet buat game saya dan bisa makan waktu banyak karena emang game jam berfokus untuk memanfaatkan waktu sebaik mungkin. 

Jadi dari review abang, saya bisa tau apa yang harus di improve dan apa yang bisa saya tambahin di next game. Sekali lagi maaf dan terimakasih!


hahahaha pantesan teka-tekinya bujug buneng baaang..!!!wkwkwkw, itu main ending pertama cuman 13 menitan, mau dapetin ending 2-4 saya butuh waktu 1 jam 30 menit buat muter2 cari clue, yang akhirnya capek bin kesel putusin nyontek juga wkwkwkw. tp aselik ini game bagus sebenernya, sangat punya potensi...

kalau untuk story memang ini lebih ke selera bang, ada yang suka pake story ada yang gak juga.

yang terpenting sih menurut saya sistem check point dan alur untuk alternatif ending yang lebih ada bridgingnya (kalau memang mau ada banyak ending) dan bridging dalam alternatif ending ini bisa menjadi alternatif untuk storynya yang akhirnya jadi saling berhubungan.

keren bang, tetap semangat!


loved the game) 

Thank you!


A silly fun time with a great kick to a particular door!

Haha thank you!



Thank you!


ty helped make a funny short vid! + was fun


EXCELLENT GAME MY FRIEND!! I had so much fun playiung this! I wish there was more because i was so into it!! Awesome game!! Got some good spooks in!!! 10/10! please make more!!!

Thank you! Yes I will make more games, though I will focus on quality than quantity. And I hope I can keep up my unique gameplay!


Great dame! Thanks you!

Thank you!


can anyone help me get all the endings?

BTW great game!!

thank you!

you can take a look at Delivery Mystery all endings walkthrough on YT, or download the Ending Guide

Thank you!


Loved this game! It was quite fantastic and I can see much promise with your developing style!

Thank you! I'm still learning and experimenting with my developing style, hope to be better in the future


Is your username a Wu Tang reference by any chance

Haha nah man, it is inspired by my real name. i can't blame you tho, my name and one of their song title is the same


hope to be full time youtuber i hate my laptop bc of lag.

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Thank you for the gameplay! and good luck with that :)

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can you add a lower graphics option my potato PC can't handle it

The "Low" graphics is the lowest but still enjoyable graphics in the game. I already tried doing your request by testing the lowest graphics possible, but it's really weird (especially the lighting) and not enjoyable, + you can barely see. The game lags may caused by my poor optimization skill, and I'm still learning how to be good at it. Sorry for this bud! 

Also the Update #3 may be the last update for this game, because I'm really busy with school projects and I will spend my spare time for my next game. Thank you for understanding.



loved it

Thank you!

dear dev,

encountered an error upon launch:

Unable to parse Build/Delivery Mystery Web Play.framework.js.gz! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: gzip" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug.

(2 edits)

fixed it, but I can't test the error even with different device cuz I don't get the error from the start. can you test if it works now?


works now. thank u mr dev :)


Very good game

Props to anyone that legitimately got the burgers and code puzzle because jeez, that's impossible to do blind.


The burgers are possible to find without the walkthrough, but two endings aren't. The game lacks direction. 

My game progression is inspired by Soulsborne games (That's why I also add Bace from Burgeriax and the Burgerman is inspired by Let Me Solo Her), since its kinda hard to complete all of the endings for the first time without guide, and I want people to explore deeply into my game. But can you suggest what feature I can add to make the game experience feel better? like objective system or something? Can't add it to this game tho, but I can consider it for my next game, thanks

Cool game, but the part of the Barusadar is a bit racist.

it is an easter egg; Windah Basudara, Streamer from Indonesia. No racist intention at all.



Haha Thank you!

linux plz?

Coming on the next update



Just played this on my YouTube channel. Loved the game! Made me laugh and the jumpscares were TOO good. Great game!

Haha thank you!!



(1 edit)

Haha that's the point of Bobby's, I want to people to hate him 😂 Thank you!


it is a good game. keep up the amazing work!

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+2)

Great game!! i love the way you create all unique customer, especially Grand father Edward, the dialog was sarcastic but funny at the same time LoL. Also Barusadar Cipularang was unpredictable :D. Finding 7 seven burgers also frustating, but the ending so EPIC! I can't imagine how cool is your imagination to put in this game! Keep up your great work! 


haha of course, I put a lot of effort in thinking about the game concept, 7 days submission time really force me to be creative. Thank you for the gameplay!


I have found the most hidden ending in your game. Very good horror game even though there is a cameo of Youtuber who I have known so well...

OMG Sorry for you Joseph 😭😭 Thank you btw!


What a solid experience! Didn't manage to get all the endings and tbh idk what the last one would be Lol. Made a video on it.


haha thank you!


Delivery Mystery Walkthrough


thank you for that


Buen juego me gusto mucho



This was a great game my dude! I laughed so much at the random characters and the dialog was classic! Super fun and enjoyable, I only got the good regular night ending but found burgers to eat? I enjoyed and recommend completely! Here is my gameplay video, sub and help my channel grow everyone :)

you "take" the burgers across the map, not eat it.. but it doesn't matter, the burger function as a ending trigger, and you need to find 7 of it. and thank you! your gameplay was so funny 


Very good game, I got scared a lot

thank you!


good game

thank you!


Game was fun and a little weird but it was cool

haha yeah that's the point, thanks!

(1 edit) (+1)

nice spooky dont eat buger poison hahah

it's not eating btw, but thanks!


Nice this was really great game I like it well done keep it up!

Thank you! I'm glad you like it