Shortcuts Library

Welcome to my Shortcuts Library!

Check out the collection below to get started with Shortcuts — there are over 700 total across the free and members-only collections.

All shortcuts

Browse the latest shortcuts available for free or members-only.

Free shortcuts are easier to understand, solve a simple use case, or ideas that everyone should have in their collection.

Members-only shortcuts are more complex, solve specific use cases very well, and represent my unique ideas.

In general, an entire folder of shortcuts are either all free or all members-only — except the bundle shortcuts available on each page.

Members-only shortcuts

Free starter shortcuts

New Pro Search in Perplexity

Opens Perplexity to a new, blank search set to Pro mode, which acts as your conversational search guide. “Instead of quick, generic results, Pro Search engages with you, fine-tuning its answers based on your needs.”

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Folder groups

All shortcuts are collected into the same folders that I use in the Shortcuts app.

This section shows both free and members-only shortcuts together in the same lists, unless otherwise specified.

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