Open Sounds settings
Takes you into the Sounds settings, located in Settings > Sounds and Haptics on iOS and System Settings > Sounds on macOS.
Takes you into the Sounds settings, located in Settings > Sounds and Haptics on iOS and System Settings > Sounds on macOS.
Sets the playback destination to the current device, turns off Do Not Disturb and Airplane Mode, turns on Cellular Data, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi, sets the volume to 85%, the brightness to 100%, and turns on Light mode, then turns on every option for Sound Recognition, then vibrates if run from iPhone when it’s all done.
Sets the Apple Watch to silent mode, turns on Do Not Disturb, sets the volume to 0% and vibrates if run from iPhone.
Gets the deep link into the filesystem for the Announce Message tone and plays it out loud.
Gets base64-encoded text for the Apple Pay ping sound, decodes it, and plays the sound out loud.
Gets the base64-encoded text for the iPhone boot chime, decodes it, and plays the sound out loud.
Plays a sound file of your choice. Use this as a confirmation sound for your NFC tags.
Gets the sound library from macOS, picks a random file, and plays it out loud.
Gets the base64-encoded text of the Apple start up song from their keynote, decodes it, and plays the sound out loud.
Uses base64-encoded audio from the Untitled Goose Game and decodes it, then plays the sound.
Gets the base64-encoded text for the Shame sound from Game of Thrones, decodes it, and plays it twice at 75% volume with a short break in between.
Takes three lists of Shakespearean insults and combines them into one remark, making it appear as if Siri is making fun of you using old English slang.
I built this after being inspired by a similar website, wanting to see if I could recreate it in Shortcuts. Original material: http: or or www.pangloss.com or seidel or shake_rule.html
Gets the base64-encoded text for the Charlie Brown sad walking music, decodes it, and plays it out loud.
Takes encoded audio and decodes it into a sound, then plays it. Uses embedded audio or newly-encoded audio copied to the clipboard.
Shows your Mastodon filters in Ivory, including users, keywords, and hashtags.
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