Activate Things quick entry
Uses AppleScript to trigger the keyboard shortcut for the Quick Entry feature of Things on the Mac.
Simulates the keyboard shortcut to activate Spotlight or Alfred, letting you type in your workflow command.
Uses AppleScript to trigger the keyboard shortcut for the Quick Entry feature of Things on the Mac.
Uses AppleScript to press the key combination for the Special Characters palette.
Increase the text size on your device (and reset it) as needed. Includes options for “Easier,” “Monitor Stand” (my custom setup), and “Defaults.”
Opens the Amazon category page for pets like dogs, cats, and hamsters.
Asks you to enter a caption, then copies it in a Markdown image reference.
Template for shortcut that performs different steps on different platforms for a universal app.
Asks you to select a Contact Group, then creates reminders to follow up with each person in that group.
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