? ?
26 October 2009 @ 09:54 pm
So ah, seeing as activity hasn't begun to sprout much yet, maybe we could all get to know each other? 
A chatroom could help. : )
So uh, matchhotel is the name if you're on AIM and want to come in.
My AIM is either paperxalchemist or papiertherapier. Feel free to add me!

 If this shouldn't be here mods, I apologize.
12 October 2009 @ 08:46 pm
Hey, I'm Gina and I'll be playing Balthier.

...I'm two days late on introducing myself because my internet decided it wanted to die for the WHOLE weekend. *SIGH*
Current Mood: bouncybouncy
11 October 2009 @ 05:41 pm
So I guess this is going to be a trend, haha.
I'm Jack, and I'm playing as Apollo Justice. : D
Nice to meet you all. I hope I can start soon! This looks like so much fun. oWo
09 October 2009 @ 03:48 pm
Hi there! My name's Nati and I'm playing Elena from FFVII.
I'm glad to be here, and looking forward to a great time rping with you all! ^^
01 October 2009 @ 04:34 pm
Hi, This looks like a really interesting roleplay idea, when are we gonna start? Oh, and a mini warning, i haven't worked with LJ or AIM before so, you know, I am still getting to know the ropes. Hopefully I shall pick up soon xD
Current Mood: optimisticoptimistic