How MA Domain Checker Works

We’ve introduced Unique and brand new Addon name “MA Domain Checker”.  Unfortunately, there’s no Elementor Addon available in market for Domain Checking.

There are lots of small/large business’s related with Domain/Hosting. Checking Domain is the key feature of this kind of websites.

The main goal is to give all facilities related on registering Domains, Hostings in one place. 

What Domain Checker Offers?

Domain checker offers to check any kind of domains. You can check 400+ TLD’s.


How Domain Checker works?

Create a post/page with Elementor page builder. Search addon for “MA Domain Checker”. You’ll see Addon like below-

Search MA Domain Checker

General Section

This section is for controlling styles for Domain Checker.

general section

Input Placeholder: Placeholder texts for Domain Input field. You can change it as like you want. It supports multilingual. So, you’re independent for any language.

Submit Button Type: Controls variations of buttons you like – Icon or Button text.

Icon Example:

MA Domain Checker Icon Button Example 

Button Example:

MA Domain Checker Button Example

Messages Section

You may thinking about how you can control messages like – domain not found message, availability message and others.
MA Domain checker addon has multilingual supports. So, it’s obvious if you’re not native English speaker. Or, you may want to change the contents of those messages.

Success Message: Success message is for available searched domains. Default message –
Congratulations! %s is available!

Error Message: Error message will show not available for searched domains. Default message –
Sorry! %s is already taken!

Not Found: TLD extension name not found on over 400+ extensions. Default message –
WHOIS server not found for that TLD.

Not Entered Domain Name: This is for while a user will enter/press submit button without entering a Domain name. Default message –
Please Enter a Domain name.



NOTE: You must see that a  %s for Success & Error messages. This is very Important!!!
Domain name will print here dynamically for this %s. If you want to show a message dynamically based on users input, example – “Sorry! is already taken!


Affiliate Section

You can show/hide Affiliates for Domain Searches.

Affiliate Text: Enter your affiliate link Text here

Affiliate Link: Enter your affiliate link here.



What’s the benefit of using Domain Checker?
You may running a Domain Hosting business website. Or, you’re a marketer who want to earn some extra money with live Domain Checking options.
Just place input field and design your form with MA Custom CSS.

Affiliate, can I earn money from Domain Checker?
Yes, you can earn some extra cash for Affiliation offers like Bluehost Affiliate does. Simply, enable Affiliation from Affiliate section and place your affiliate link.
It will show like below –

affiliates two