J.B. (jlee_bly) wrote in marshall_herd,


Bit of a strange request, but I am in dire need of NCAA Football 2007 for the Playstation 2. I don't want to purchase it, however, I just need to borrow it for 30 minutes, no more. If you can oblige, please make your way to my personal journal and leave a comment so that I can get back to you -- no need clogging up the community journal. Also, those who are new to the group or are new to the campus, welcome, and please feel free to ask questions, we're more than happy to help.

  • Hi there NCAA College Fans....

    Ok, first off, I have to say, I really have NO IDEA what I am doing with this. Hopefully I can actually post and not screw this up. ;) Hi readers,…

  • (no subject)

    anyone know where the heck 1401 Forensic Science Drive, Huntington, WV is? its not even on mapquest.

  • does this group still exist?

    been doin this for 5 years now, why break tradition? M: BSC120 (yes freshman bio) 10-1050 Kovatch HS480 130-245 Martin T: PSY408 11-1215…

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