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What is the role of archaeology in a globalized and postcolonial world? The concept of cultural hybridity is here proposed as a viable approach to reevaluate the impurity of cultural expressions within the archaeological discourse. There... more
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In 2007 e Norwegian Maritime Museum changed their method of documenting archaeological ship finds to 3D contact digitizing using a FARO-arm and Rhino software. In 2008 thirteen ship finds were uncovered at the so called Barcode site in... more
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Forsidefoto: Oversikt over hele anleggsområdet midt i anleggsprosessen. Foto: SVRØ. Forfatter: Tori Falck og Jostein Gundersen Layout: Tori Falck Der hvor rettigheter til illustrasjoner ikke er spesifi sert tilhører dette NSM. Det må ikke... more
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Underlagskart: Carte von Agershuus und der Stadt Christiania (ca 1700) (Statens Kartverk, landkartsamlingen, Kristiania nr.7). Tegninger av bartemannskrukke (x4150), krittpipe (x2162), sko (x857) og (løk)fl aske (x5890). Tegninger: Sven... more
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I 2007 endret NMM metodikken for 1:1-dokumentasjon av arkeologiske båtfunn. Etter omtrent 20 år med tegning av båtdelene på gjennomsiktig folie ved hjelp av først øyemål, via bruk av laserpenn til å sikte med, tok digitaliseringen også... more
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      Ports and HarboursDredging
In 2006, during the Immersed Tunnel Project in the harbour of Oslo, Norway, a c.9.4 m-long boat was discovered. The boat was found in the area historically known as Sørenga, and was named Sørenga 7, following six other finds in the area... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyLate Medieval ArchaeologyUnderwater Archaeology
Det er betraktelig lettere å grave ut skipsfunn på land enn under vann. Så hva gjør man når det er et skipsfunn under vann som skal undersøkes? Man tømmer bukta for vann! Det var i alle fall løsningen da Tromsø Museum ville undersøke det... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
Klima-og miljødepartementet fragmenterer forvaltningen når de vil la universitetsmuseene og Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning grave alle skipsfunn på land. Blant arkeologene finnes en liten gruppe spesialister som trives både over... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyCultural Heritage ManagementUnderwater Archaeology
In 2007 e Norwegian Maritime Museum changed their method of documenting archaeological ship finds to 3D contact digitizing using a FARO-arm and Rhino software. In 2008 thirteen ship finds were uncovered at the so called Barcode site in... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyHarbour ArchaeologyMaritime and Underwater ArchaeologyPrehistoric and historic boat and ship construction
Since 2004 the Norwegian Maritime Museum has conducted large excavations in the old harbour of Oslo, Norway. More than 60 shipwrecks have been uncovered, together with extensive wharf constructions that are the remains of Oslo’s harbour... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyDigital ArchaeologyMuseums and Exhibition Design
Debattartikkel. Svar på artikkel av Håkon Glørstad. Også svarartikler av Roger Jørgensen, Håkan Petersson, Lise Marie Bye-Johansen og Kristin Bakken. Alle artiklene i Primitive tider kan lastes ned på nettsiden... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyCultural Heritage Management
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryShipwrecksUnderwater Cultural Heritage
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