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    • Clay Tobacco Pipes
Archaeological and historical Sources show that Skjernøysund, an isolated strait along the rocky shore of Southern Norway east of Mandal, was once a strategically important port for both trade and warfare. It is possible, by applaying... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyJacques LacanAnnales school
Et personlig essay om dykking, kulturminner under vann og livet som vanndød...
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      ArkeologiKarl Ove Knausgård
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      TobaccoClay Tobacco PipesPost-Medieval Archaeology
Allegedly, there were two very similar warships in the Danish fleet from 1654-1666, both named Norske Løve and subsequently shipwrecked during the same storm outside the Norwegian coast in 1666. If this were the case, it would have been a... more
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    • Baroque art and architecture
Utviklingen av maritim teknologi i Nord-Europa skjøt fart i tidlig moderne tid, dvs. perioden mellom middelalderen og den industrielle revolusjon. I ulike sammenhenger viser samtidige kilder nye fartøytyper og generelle forbedringer og... more
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    • The Great Nordic War
Matros Trosners dagbok ble redigert og kommentert av Hans Christian Bjerg og Tor Jørgen Melien i 2017. Dagboken er nå langt mer tilgjenge-lig for folk flest. Tidligere har deler av dagboken vaert transkribert eller man måtte kunne lese... more
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    • The Great Nordic War
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    • Ship Wrecks
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    • SS Ahnenerbe
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The existing cultural heritage mapping in Norway is incomplete. Some selected areas are mapped well, while the majority of areas only contain chance discoveries, often with bad positional accuracy. The goal of this research was to develop... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyDeep LearningLiDAR for Archaeology