erdal aydin
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Papers by erdal aydin
The Security of EU and the Role of Turkey: NATO Missile Shield System
After the NATO Summit in 2018, it was shocked in the international community when US President Trump gave a two-month period to Russia by blaming it to violate the Medium-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) which was adopted in 1987 by two countries. In six months, the US declared that it would withdraw from the INF if no new treaty was signed with Russia. In contrast, Russia suspended the treaty due to of claiming that US infringes it with the NATO Missile Shield project. The Russia’s approaches as an USSR’s successor to the missile shield project representing one of the two poles in the Cold War order are extremely critical issue in respect of the EU's security. Indeed, the history of the NATO Missile Shield project was based on the US National Missile Defense System in the 1980s under Ronald Regan. International security is the main concern of the states in global politics. Since US despite of being one of the super powers cannot be enough to protect its security in the modern world transforming a village this project was subsequently revised and adopted as the EPAA (Progressive Adaptation Approach for Europe) project in the Lisbon summit of NATO. In this article fallowing analytical, critical, interpretative and comparing method based on the first resources firstly, how and why the idea of the Missile Shield Project emerged will be elaborated. Technically, basic information about what the system is and how it works will be summarized. Then it will be pointed out the efficient and results of the missile shield system in regards of Turkey’s relationship with Iran which has deep historical ties. It’ll be paid attention to Turkey’s soft power and diplomacy with Iran to realize the project which has great significance to provide security of EU. Finally, it will focus on the strategic role of Turkey with Russia in the course of Missile Shield project.
Bu araştırmamızda Hz. Peygamberin vefatından sonra ümmet arasında hilafet ya da imamet denilen dini ve siyasi otoritenin nasıl ortaya çıktığı ele alınmıştır. Dinin temel kaynakları olan ayet ve hadislerde İslam Devlet Başkanın seçilmesine dair tafsilli bir model olmadığını görmekteyiz. Sahabeler arasında bilhassa ilk dört Halifenin durumu dikkate alındığında Hz. Ebu Bekir dar bir Meclis tarafından seçilmiştir. Hz. Ömer ise Hz. Ebubekir tarafından vasiyetle gelmiştir. Hz. Ömer arkasında bir heyet bırakmıştır. Hz. Osman bu heyet tarafından seçilmiştir. Hz. Ali ise Hz. Osman’ın şehid edilmesinden sonra Hariciler tarafından oluşturulan terör ve kaos ortamının acilen bertaraf edilmesi maksadıyla bilhassa ekabirden sahabelerin telkin ve teşvikiyle Medine ahalisi tarafından seçilmiştir. Neticede ilk dört halife yapısal olarak farklı yöntemlerle başa gelmiştir. Bu şekilsel farklılıklarla beraber hilafetin ruhunu teşkil eden unsurlar dikkate alındığında demokratik bir hilafet tasavvurunun mümkün olduğuna inanmaktayız. Etnik ve mezhepsel farklılıkların temel hak ve özgürlükler kapsamında değerlendirildiği ve İslam ülkelerinin egemenlik anlayışlarına halel vermeyecek şekilde İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı İslam Siyasal Birliğine dönüştürülebilir. İşte bu makalemizde İslam devlet yönetiminin ruhunu teşkil eden Şura, Biat ve İçtihad kavramları çerçevesinde Demokratik Hilafetin yeniden tasavvuru ele alınacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hilafet, İmamet, Şura, Biat, İçtihad, Bid’a, Demokrasi, İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı.
In this study, how imamet or caliphate which is called by ummeth appearing as a authority of politics and religion after death of Prophet Muhammed has been elaborated. A model about selecting an Islamic state president cannot be confronted in the sacred resources including Quran and Hadith. Considering first four caliphates, Ebu Bekir was selected by a narrow assembly. Moreover Ömer was appointed by Ebubekir as a fact of heir to the throne. He left a committee to select a caliphate before dying. Osman was elected by the committee. After Osman assassinated by Haricii groups, Ali was elected by companions consisting of well knowns sitting in city of Medine to prevent caos and terrorist results. As a result first four caliphates came to throne with different methods. I think it is possible to consrtuct a democratic caliphate considering main elements of spirit of caliphate despite of apparently differences. By accepting ethnical and sectarian differences as basic rights and freedoms and not intervening sovereignties of Islamic countries, The Organization of Islamic Cooperation may transform Islamic political union. That is why reconstructing a democratic caliphate was analysed in this paper by reference to the consepts of Şura (council), Biat (allegiance), İçtihad (Islamic Jurisprudence) and bid’a (innovation) consisting of fundamental elements of Islamic state government.
Key Words: Caliphate, İmamet (Islamic Presidency), Şura (Council), Biat (Allegiance), İçtihad (Islamic Jurisprudence), Bid’a (Innovation), Democracy, Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
An Criticism of Bedıuzzaman Said Nursi’s Approach to Politics Abstract Bediüzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960) imagined an international university based on modern sciences and religious education with Arabic, Kurdish and Turkish languages to prevent abusing of Kurds against Ottoman State and Islamic Union due to of underdevelopment. He thought that Islamic World would release from captivity and underdevelopment by Constitutional Democracy in this era of his life called Old Said. He opposed to the plan of autonomy by jointly sovereignty of Kurd and Armenians in Kurdistan which called a region that most of inhabitants were Kurds. After autonomy, he thought that this would provoke and provide independence and occupation of neighbor borders by using Kurds as an instrument through racism. He pointed out that Kurds peace and pleasure were possible by patronage of Ottoman state which was also the f lag of caliphate. In spite of supporting National Independence he left politics when understanding a plan of secular state. He was very far from politics in this era called New Said. He preferred passion despite of exile, prison, oppressions, observation to keep union and peace of country and nation. He looked and used politics as a tool during the era of multi-party period in favour of country, nation, and Islam which may be called Third Said. He began to have contact with politicians by focusing the subjects of Medresetüzzehra, Islamic Union, thread of racism, revival of Islamic symbols and laws, reopening of Hagia Sophia and publication of Risale-i Nur by Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs. In short, in this study Nursi’s using concept of politics and approaches of positive and negative relationship of politics and religion will be elaborated in the period of sensitive relationship of religion and politics after FETÖ attempt of coup. His life will be taken as three Said periods considering his relationship with politics by searching and comparing holistically all his writings. Keywords: Religion, Politics, Positive Action, Islamic Union, Kurds, Nationality.
Books by erdal aydin
Sosyal ve siyasal mevzular tarihi bağlam içerisinde ele alınmazsa analizler sağlıklı omayacaktır. Her siyasal mevzuyu kendi şartları içinde ele almak ve tarihi dinamiklerle birlikte kapsamlı değerlendirmekle ortaya yapıcı bir yaklaşım sunmak mümkün olabilir. Onun için çalışmada öncelikle yirminci yüzyılda Avrupa’da ortaya çıkan faşist ve radikal sağ denilen ideoloji ve hareketlerin mahiyeti irdelenmiştir.
Akabinde, Avusturya’da Haider dönemi aşırı sağ parti olan Özgürlük Partisi (FPÖ) ele alınacaktır. Avusturya, AB içinde radikal sağın en canlı ve hareketli ve başarılı bir ülkesi olarak radikal sağ akımları içerisinde örnek bir model olmak hasebiyle bu çalışmada bilhassa ele alınmıştır. Avusturya sahip olduğu vasıflarla, Avrupa coğrafyasında varlığını sürdüren aşırı sağ partilerin büyük bir kısmının özelliklerini taşıması noktasından bu çalışmada tercih edilmiştir.
Haider dönemi ele alınarak Avrupadaki radikal hareketlerle benzer ve farklı yanları üzerinde durulmuştur. Haider’in iktidara ulaşmasındaki temel faktörlere işaret edilmiştir. Muhalefet ve iktidar posizyonundaki söylem ve eylemleri eleştirel ve yorumlamacı bir yöntemle analiz edilmiştir. Nihayetinde sonuç kısmında Avrupa’da radikal sağ hareketlerin geleceğine dair bir öngörüme varılmaya çalışılmıştır.
The Security of EU and the Role of Turkey: NATO Missile Shield System
After the NATO Summit in 2018, it was shocked in the international community when US President Trump gave a two-month period to Russia by blaming it to violate the Medium-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) which was adopted in 1987 by two countries. In six months, the US declared that it would withdraw from the INF if no new treaty was signed with Russia. In contrast, Russia suspended the treaty due to of claiming that US infringes it with the NATO Missile Shield project. The Russia’s approaches as an USSR’s successor to the missile shield project representing one of the two poles in the Cold War order are extremely critical issue in respect of the EU's security. Indeed, the history of the NATO Missile Shield project was based on the US National Missile Defense System in the 1980s under Ronald Regan. International security is the main concern of the states in global politics. Since US despite of being one of the super powers cannot be enough to protect its security in the modern world transforming a village this project was subsequently revised and adopted as the EPAA (Progressive Adaptation Approach for Europe) project in the Lisbon summit of NATO. In this article fallowing analytical, critical, interpretative and comparing method based on the first resources firstly, how and why the idea of the Missile Shield Project emerged will be elaborated. Technically, basic information about what the system is and how it works will be summarized. Then it will be pointed out the efficient and results of the missile shield system in regards of Turkey’s relationship with Iran which has deep historical ties. It’ll be paid attention to Turkey’s soft power and diplomacy with Iran to realize the project which has great significance to provide security of EU. Finally, it will focus on the strategic role of Turkey with Russia in the course of Missile Shield project.
Bu araştırmamızda Hz. Peygamberin vefatından sonra ümmet arasında hilafet ya da imamet denilen dini ve siyasi otoritenin nasıl ortaya çıktığı ele alınmıştır. Dinin temel kaynakları olan ayet ve hadislerde İslam Devlet Başkanın seçilmesine dair tafsilli bir model olmadığını görmekteyiz. Sahabeler arasında bilhassa ilk dört Halifenin durumu dikkate alındığında Hz. Ebu Bekir dar bir Meclis tarafından seçilmiştir. Hz. Ömer ise Hz. Ebubekir tarafından vasiyetle gelmiştir. Hz. Ömer arkasında bir heyet bırakmıştır. Hz. Osman bu heyet tarafından seçilmiştir. Hz. Ali ise Hz. Osman’ın şehid edilmesinden sonra Hariciler tarafından oluşturulan terör ve kaos ortamının acilen bertaraf edilmesi maksadıyla bilhassa ekabirden sahabelerin telkin ve teşvikiyle Medine ahalisi tarafından seçilmiştir. Neticede ilk dört halife yapısal olarak farklı yöntemlerle başa gelmiştir. Bu şekilsel farklılıklarla beraber hilafetin ruhunu teşkil eden unsurlar dikkate alındığında demokratik bir hilafet tasavvurunun mümkün olduğuna inanmaktayız. Etnik ve mezhepsel farklılıkların temel hak ve özgürlükler kapsamında değerlendirildiği ve İslam ülkelerinin egemenlik anlayışlarına halel vermeyecek şekilde İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı İslam Siyasal Birliğine dönüştürülebilir. İşte bu makalemizde İslam devlet yönetiminin ruhunu teşkil eden Şura, Biat ve İçtihad kavramları çerçevesinde Demokratik Hilafetin yeniden tasavvuru ele alınacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hilafet, İmamet, Şura, Biat, İçtihad, Bid’a, Demokrasi, İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı.
In this study, how imamet or caliphate which is called by ummeth appearing as a authority of politics and religion after death of Prophet Muhammed has been elaborated. A model about selecting an Islamic state president cannot be confronted in the sacred resources including Quran and Hadith. Considering first four caliphates, Ebu Bekir was selected by a narrow assembly. Moreover Ömer was appointed by Ebubekir as a fact of heir to the throne. He left a committee to select a caliphate before dying. Osman was elected by the committee. After Osman assassinated by Haricii groups, Ali was elected by companions consisting of well knowns sitting in city of Medine to prevent caos and terrorist results. As a result first four caliphates came to throne with different methods. I think it is possible to consrtuct a democratic caliphate considering main elements of spirit of caliphate despite of apparently differences. By accepting ethnical and sectarian differences as basic rights and freedoms and not intervening sovereignties of Islamic countries, The Organization of Islamic Cooperation may transform Islamic political union. That is why reconstructing a democratic caliphate was analysed in this paper by reference to the consepts of Şura (council), Biat (allegiance), İçtihad (Islamic Jurisprudence) and bid’a (innovation) consisting of fundamental elements of Islamic state government.
Key Words: Caliphate, İmamet (Islamic Presidency), Şura (Council), Biat (Allegiance), İçtihad (Islamic Jurisprudence), Bid’a (Innovation), Democracy, Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
An Criticism of Bedıuzzaman Said Nursi’s Approach to Politics Abstract Bediüzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960) imagined an international university based on modern sciences and religious education with Arabic, Kurdish and Turkish languages to prevent abusing of Kurds against Ottoman State and Islamic Union due to of underdevelopment. He thought that Islamic World would release from captivity and underdevelopment by Constitutional Democracy in this era of his life called Old Said. He opposed to the plan of autonomy by jointly sovereignty of Kurd and Armenians in Kurdistan which called a region that most of inhabitants were Kurds. After autonomy, he thought that this would provoke and provide independence and occupation of neighbor borders by using Kurds as an instrument through racism. He pointed out that Kurds peace and pleasure were possible by patronage of Ottoman state which was also the f lag of caliphate. In spite of supporting National Independence he left politics when understanding a plan of secular state. He was very far from politics in this era called New Said. He preferred passion despite of exile, prison, oppressions, observation to keep union and peace of country and nation. He looked and used politics as a tool during the era of multi-party period in favour of country, nation, and Islam which may be called Third Said. He began to have contact with politicians by focusing the subjects of Medresetüzzehra, Islamic Union, thread of racism, revival of Islamic symbols and laws, reopening of Hagia Sophia and publication of Risale-i Nur by Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs. In short, in this study Nursi’s using concept of politics and approaches of positive and negative relationship of politics and religion will be elaborated in the period of sensitive relationship of religion and politics after FETÖ attempt of coup. His life will be taken as three Said periods considering his relationship with politics by searching and comparing holistically all his writings. Keywords: Religion, Politics, Positive Action, Islamic Union, Kurds, Nationality.
Sosyal ve siyasal mevzular tarihi bağlam içerisinde ele alınmazsa analizler sağlıklı omayacaktır. Her siyasal mevzuyu kendi şartları içinde ele almak ve tarihi dinamiklerle birlikte kapsamlı değerlendirmekle ortaya yapıcı bir yaklaşım sunmak mümkün olabilir. Onun için çalışmada öncelikle yirminci yüzyılda Avrupa’da ortaya çıkan faşist ve radikal sağ denilen ideoloji ve hareketlerin mahiyeti irdelenmiştir.
Akabinde, Avusturya’da Haider dönemi aşırı sağ parti olan Özgürlük Partisi (FPÖ) ele alınacaktır. Avusturya, AB içinde radikal sağın en canlı ve hareketli ve başarılı bir ülkesi olarak radikal sağ akımları içerisinde örnek bir model olmak hasebiyle bu çalışmada bilhassa ele alınmıştır. Avusturya sahip olduğu vasıflarla, Avrupa coğrafyasında varlığını sürdüren aşırı sağ partilerin büyük bir kısmının özelliklerini taşıması noktasından bu çalışmada tercih edilmiştir.
Haider dönemi ele alınarak Avrupadaki radikal hareketlerle benzer ve farklı yanları üzerinde durulmuştur. Haider’in iktidara ulaşmasındaki temel faktörlere işaret edilmiştir. Muhalefet ve iktidar posizyonundaki söylem ve eylemleri eleştirel ve yorumlamacı bir yöntemle analiz edilmiştir. Nihayetinde sonuç kısmında Avrupa’da radikal sağ hareketlerin geleceğine dair bir öngörüme varılmaya çalışılmıştır.