Papers by Yüsra M E S U D E Arslan, 2006
Zihnime ve kalbime ilişen binlerce ‘modern şey’ arasında içime doğru bir yolculuk yapmak... more Zihnime ve kalbime ilişen binlerce ‘modern şey’ arasında içime doğru bir yolculuk yapmak istiyor; susuzluğumu giderecek gümrah ve taze bir pınar arıyorum. Ağzımı kaynağına dayayıp kana kana su içebileceğim ve hayat bulabileceğim bir pınar… Ezeli ve ebedi açlığımı, sonsuza meyilli bünyemi iyi edebilecek ve beni insan olan yanıma dair yara-berelerimle kabul edecek birilerini ararken onunla tanışıyorum. Kırmızı kaplı bir kitabın sayfaları arasında ince ruhlu bir hekim hassasiyetiyle bana yaklaşan ve “Bende de aynı yaralardan var, gel soru(n)larımıza cevap bulalım, seninle hayatı ve kainatı okuyalım” diyen bir sese kulak veriyorum.

Kendisini ısrarcı, meraklı ve sorgulayan üslubuyla tanıdığımız Nuriye Akman çeyrek asırdır siyase... more Kendisini ısrarcı, meraklı ve sorgulayan üslubuyla tanıdığımız Nuriye Akman çeyrek asırdır siyaset, magazin, kültür, sanat, spor ve iş dünyasının ünlüleriyle yaptığı röportajları ile gündem oluşturuyor. Milliyet, Hürriyet ve Sabah gazetelerinde çalıştığı yıllarda yüzlerce röportajı gazete sayfalarına taşıdı. Daha sonra Sabah’tan Zaman’a geçti. TRT için İnci Avcısı, SkyTürk için “Empati” adlı programları hazırlayıp sundu.
Röportajlarından bir kısmını; Üzümünü Ye Bağını Sor, Mebus Burcu, Kalabalıklar, Yüzleşme, İnci Avcısı, Elli Kelime, Mayın Tarlası, Başka Sorum Yok, Gurbette Fethullah Gülen adlı kitaplarda topladı. Nefes ve Örtü adlı iki roman yazdı. Halen Zamangazetesinde yazıyor. Usta bir röportajcı olarak tanınan Akman, sorulmayanları sorarak diğerlerinden sıyrılmayı başarıyor. Ve üzümü yiyen ama bağını da soran kişiliğiyle muhatabını zorlasa ve onu terletse de sorularından vazgeçmiyor. İlginç olan da şu ki, hemen hemen görüştüğü herkes onun bütün sorularını samimiyetle cevaplıyor. Muhatabının siyasi bir lider, medya patronu, ya da göz önünde bir sanatçı olması onun gizli kalmış yanlarının açığa çıkmayacağını göstermiyor., 2007
Hayatının neredeyse tamamını okumakla geçirmiş, münevver, müşfik, mütevazı birinin evine konuk ol... more Hayatının neredeyse tamamını okumakla geçirmiş, münevver, müşfik, mütevazı birinin evine konuk olduk. Ümit Meriç’le, ‘kitap ve okumak’ eksenli yaptığımız sohbet insanların da eşine rastlanılmayan birer kitap olduğu noktasında şekillendi., 2019
Müzik, başka dilde konuşma sanatıdır. Kelimelere sığmayanın notalarla ifadesidir. Hayatımızda tek... more Müzik, başka dilde konuşma sanatıdır. Kelimelere sığmayanın notalarla ifadesidir. Hayatımızda tekrar tekrar dinlediğimiz, başa almaktan bıkmadığımız, onda kendimizi bulduğumuz bazı müzikler vardır. Ertuğrul Erkişi'nin ilahileri de benim için bir anlamda terapi sebebidir. Bu ilahileri dinlerken ruhumun koridorlarında gezintiye çıkar ve sevdiklerimi yeniden sever, özlediklerimi yeniden özlerim. Çocuklar için yaptığı albümlerle de ülkemizde önemli bir boşluğu dolduran Ertuğrul Erkişi ile ilahileri ve çocuk şarkıları hakkında konuştuk. Bu söyleşi, kendisini tanıyanlar için bir buluşma, tanımayanlar için ise bir tanışma olsun. Ben ailemde ve arkadaş çevremde sizin albümlerinizin beğeniyle dinlendiğini biliyorum. Adeta Ertuğrul Erkişi ilahilerini hayatımıza bir fon yaptık. Bu kadar çok dinlendiğinizi hissediyor musunuz Ertuğrul Bey?
Yağmur Aylık Edebiyat Dergisi, 2010
Geçtiğimiz yılın son aylarında aramızdan ayrılan merhum Prof. Dr. İbrahim Canan'ın Yağmur dergisi... more Geçtiğimiz yılın son aylarında aramızdan ayrılan merhum Prof. Dr. İbrahim Canan'ın Yağmur dergisinin sorusu üzerine "Müslümanın emekliliği ölümledir" dediği ortaya çıktı.
Kongrenin hikayesi ev sahibi üniversitede toplantı salonlarındaki bu buluşma ile bitmemiş, Kongre... more Kongrenin hikayesi ev sahibi üniversitede toplantı salonlarındaki bu buluşma ile bitmemiş, Kongre'den öğrenilenler ve elde edilen deneyimler ile yeni bir yolculuğa doğru çıkılmıştır. Her şeyden önce bir Kongre düzenlemek, birlikte düşünme, eyleme ve birbirimizi tanıma sürecidir. Akademide kolektif üretimlerin gerçekleşmesi, kolektif zekanın harekete geçirilmesi önemli bir girişimdir. Bu bağlamda Yeni Medya Çalışmaları Ulusal Kongre yolculuğuna devam edecektir. Yeni Medya Çalışmaları III. Ulusal Kongre'de akademisyenleri, hegemonik bir mücadele alanı olan yeni medya ortamları üzerine düşünmeye, eylemeye ve sözlerini politik mücadeleye evirmeye davet ediyoruz.

New Media Studies II. National Congress Book, 2015
Thanks to the new media, creating content is now possible for anyone with moderate computer knowl... more Thanks to the new media, creating content is now possible for anyone with moderate computer knowledge. In fact, the content produced by social media users in recent years has filled even traditional media content. Another important feature of social media is that it grows its own celebrities over time. Some names that stand out with the messages they wrote on many topics on social media increased the number of their followers like a snowball.
Increasingly, they are becoming the ‘authors’ of social media.
Within the scope of this study, we will analyze the messages written by famous writers on Twitter between August 1, 2014 and August 20, 2014, and analyze how they evaluated before and after the 10 August Presidential Elections. Each of the determined names represents a different audience and their writings make a sound. The scope of the article is limited to the tweets of accounts such as @esatreis, @Ladyimam, @socialwindow, whose number of followers vary between 77 thousand and 509 thousand, within the mentioned date range. While determining the sample, not the authors who are already known in the traditional media and have an account in the social media, they were chosen from the phenomena that were born in the social media. In this context, content analysis will be carried out in order to reveal how the tweets presented the agenda and the language used.

The Meric Journal, 2017
The laws which gradually increase compulsory education to 12 years, has been discussed t... more ABSTRACT
The laws which gradually increase compulsory education to 12 years, has been discussed thoroughly with every aspect including its proposal, acceptance and changes, and has constituted the long-established media’s agenda. In this process where the unknown is more than what is known, the differences of opinion among media organizations which provide information to the public about the new education system are also notable. The newspapers and the profession of journalism whose primary function is to inform people has been criticized in terms of being far away from truth and objectivity, and has lost its reliability significantly. While the same news are being presented in different newspapers or different pens with different ideological frameworks, the element of balance has been completely ignored. The purpose of this study which will examine the news and articles of Cumhuriyet and Hürriyet newspapers’ on this new education system in the context of laicism is to detect how the system is being expressed to the public who see the media as an important information and news source about this 12 years of intermittent training system, from which different perspectives the organs with different ideologies handle the same system, and what kinds of information about the system is being transferred to the public during the information process. Cumhuriyet and Hürriyet newspaper’s the news about the new education system in the context of secularism and a columnist for the purpose of this study is to examine, 12-year education system in discontinuous media that serves as an important source of information and news to the public, through the media that described how the system, with different ideologies which deal with different aspects of the same system of organs taken and in the process of informing the public about the system is to determine what type of information that is transferred.

“Gülben” As A Daytime Tv Programme In The Context Of The Role Of Television On The Lifelong Education, 2017
Women's television programmes, which are prepared mostly towards women and also called as daytime... more Women's television programmes, which are prepared mostly towards women and also called as daytime television programmes, have often been discussed in the context of their effects on family life in recent years. New kinds and formats of television have appeared with the transformation of media since 1990s. The main purpose of women's television programmes which aimed at giving practical information to women at first and mentioned about the unjust treatment against women for specific reasons later on has been to “make women heard” and to find solutions to their problems; however, these types of programmes have evolved towards a more educating, teaching and life quality-increasing content with the social change. Women's television programmes which present information regarding various areas such as health, education, religion, sexual life, marriage, fashion, food and personal care can be defined to be in the type of “common education” on the planes of type, content and discourse. The women's television programme “Gülben” which has been broadcast on Show TV during the 2013-2014 season is a current example of these types of daytime television programmes. This study aims to put forward the role of daytime television programmes on lifelong learning through the women's television programme “Gülben” which is hosted by Gülben Ergen. Firstly, the theoretical framework of the study will be presented based on the other research studies on this topic, and then the typical and discursive features of the programme “Gülben” which is preferred by women to a large extent will be evaluated by the content analysis method.

İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İstanbul Araştırmaları Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2010
The aim of our study; “A newspaper of İstanbul in the occupation years: Dersaadet” is to present ... more The aim of our study; “A newspaper of İstanbul in the occupation years: Dersaadet” is to present a special study about the occupation period of İstanbul that is the most important term of our national history and up to now everybody has made common opinions about it. The extent of our thesis for this purpose is limited to Dersaadet which was published 128 numbers in 1920.
This thesis is not only a newspaper but also a study of a specific period. All of the headlines in the newspaper are transcribed and index table, where the dates and also places of headlines in the newspaper are described, is formed. The transcriptions of news related with İstanbul included in this study. In the text part our studies the news of İstanbul and all of the headlines in the newspaper have been evaluated.
We got important informations about the political, economical,social and cultural changes in occupied İstanbul, which lived fundamental changes in its social structure. We encountered with original news about how the National Defence affected İstanbul. Moreover, by means of Dersaadet, we have found a chance to know the press life of time and also the important intellectuals who wrote in the newspaper.
Thesis, presented many information to researchers. One of the most possible trial is that Dersaadet which was claimed to support the National Defence behaved timidly when giving news about National Defence. The reason for this attitude, the term is applied to cencorship of the press can be like; struggle will be a record of success has not yet being built is on the case.
Papers by Yüsra M E S U D E Arslan
Röportajlarından bir kısmını; Üzümünü Ye Bağını Sor, Mebus Burcu, Kalabalıklar, Yüzleşme, İnci Avcısı, Elli Kelime, Mayın Tarlası, Başka Sorum Yok, Gurbette Fethullah Gülen adlı kitaplarda topladı. Nefes ve Örtü adlı iki roman yazdı. Halen Zamangazetesinde yazıyor. Usta bir röportajcı olarak tanınan Akman, sorulmayanları sorarak diğerlerinden sıyrılmayı başarıyor. Ve üzümü yiyen ama bağını da soran kişiliğiyle muhatabını zorlasa ve onu terletse de sorularından vazgeçmiyor. İlginç olan da şu ki, hemen hemen görüştüğü herkes onun bütün sorularını samimiyetle cevaplıyor. Muhatabının siyasi bir lider, medya patronu, ya da göz önünde bir sanatçı olması onun gizli kalmış yanlarının açığa çıkmayacağını göstermiyor.
Increasingly, they are becoming the ‘authors’ of social media.
Within the scope of this study, we will analyze the messages written by famous writers on Twitter between August 1, 2014 and August 20, 2014, and analyze how they evaluated before and after the 10 August Presidential Elections. Each of the determined names represents a different audience and their writings make a sound. The scope of the article is limited to the tweets of accounts such as @esatreis, @Ladyimam, @socialwindow, whose number of followers vary between 77 thousand and 509 thousand, within the mentioned date range. While determining the sample, not the authors who are already known in the traditional media and have an account in the social media, they were chosen from the phenomena that were born in the social media. In this context, content analysis will be carried out in order to reveal how the tweets presented the agenda and the language used.
The laws which gradually increase compulsory education to 12 years, has been discussed thoroughly with every aspect including its proposal, acceptance and changes, and has constituted the long-established media’s agenda. In this process where the unknown is more than what is known, the differences of opinion among media organizations which provide information to the public about the new education system are also notable. The newspapers and the profession of journalism whose primary function is to inform people has been criticized in terms of being far away from truth and objectivity, and has lost its reliability significantly. While the same news are being presented in different newspapers or different pens with different ideological frameworks, the element of balance has been completely ignored. The purpose of this study which will examine the news and articles of Cumhuriyet and Hürriyet newspapers’ on this new education system in the context of laicism is to detect how the system is being expressed to the public who see the media as an important information and news source about this 12 years of intermittent training system, from which different perspectives the organs with different ideologies handle the same system, and what kinds of information about the system is being transferred to the public during the information process. Cumhuriyet and Hürriyet newspaper’s the news about the new education system in the context of secularism and a columnist for the purpose of this study is to examine, 12-year education system in discontinuous media that serves as an important source of information and news to the public, through the media that described how the system, with different ideologies which deal with different aspects of the same system of organs taken and in the process of informing the public about the system is to determine what type of information that is transferred.
This thesis is not only a newspaper but also a study of a specific period. All of the headlines in the newspaper are transcribed and index table, where the dates and also places of headlines in the newspaper are described, is formed. The transcriptions of news related with İstanbul included in this study. In the text part our studies the news of İstanbul and all of the headlines in the newspaper have been evaluated.
We got important informations about the political, economical,social and cultural changes in occupied İstanbul, which lived fundamental changes in its social structure. We encountered with original news about how the National Defence affected İstanbul. Moreover, by means of Dersaadet, we have found a chance to know the press life of time and also the important intellectuals who wrote in the newspaper.
Thesis, presented many information to researchers. One of the most possible trial is that Dersaadet which was claimed to support the National Defence behaved timidly when giving news about National Defence. The reason for this attitude, the term is applied to cencorship of the press can be like; struggle will be a record of success has not yet being built is on the case.
Röportajlarından bir kısmını; Üzümünü Ye Bağını Sor, Mebus Burcu, Kalabalıklar, Yüzleşme, İnci Avcısı, Elli Kelime, Mayın Tarlası, Başka Sorum Yok, Gurbette Fethullah Gülen adlı kitaplarda topladı. Nefes ve Örtü adlı iki roman yazdı. Halen Zamangazetesinde yazıyor. Usta bir röportajcı olarak tanınan Akman, sorulmayanları sorarak diğerlerinden sıyrılmayı başarıyor. Ve üzümü yiyen ama bağını da soran kişiliğiyle muhatabını zorlasa ve onu terletse de sorularından vazgeçmiyor. İlginç olan da şu ki, hemen hemen görüştüğü herkes onun bütün sorularını samimiyetle cevaplıyor. Muhatabının siyasi bir lider, medya patronu, ya da göz önünde bir sanatçı olması onun gizli kalmış yanlarının açığa çıkmayacağını göstermiyor.
Increasingly, they are becoming the ‘authors’ of social media.
Within the scope of this study, we will analyze the messages written by famous writers on Twitter between August 1, 2014 and August 20, 2014, and analyze how they evaluated before and after the 10 August Presidential Elections. Each of the determined names represents a different audience and their writings make a sound. The scope of the article is limited to the tweets of accounts such as @esatreis, @Ladyimam, @socialwindow, whose number of followers vary between 77 thousand and 509 thousand, within the mentioned date range. While determining the sample, not the authors who are already known in the traditional media and have an account in the social media, they were chosen from the phenomena that were born in the social media. In this context, content analysis will be carried out in order to reveal how the tweets presented the agenda and the language used.
The laws which gradually increase compulsory education to 12 years, has been discussed thoroughly with every aspect including its proposal, acceptance and changes, and has constituted the long-established media’s agenda. In this process where the unknown is more than what is known, the differences of opinion among media organizations which provide information to the public about the new education system are also notable. The newspapers and the profession of journalism whose primary function is to inform people has been criticized in terms of being far away from truth and objectivity, and has lost its reliability significantly. While the same news are being presented in different newspapers or different pens with different ideological frameworks, the element of balance has been completely ignored. The purpose of this study which will examine the news and articles of Cumhuriyet and Hürriyet newspapers’ on this new education system in the context of laicism is to detect how the system is being expressed to the public who see the media as an important information and news source about this 12 years of intermittent training system, from which different perspectives the organs with different ideologies handle the same system, and what kinds of information about the system is being transferred to the public during the information process. Cumhuriyet and Hürriyet newspaper’s the news about the new education system in the context of secularism and a columnist for the purpose of this study is to examine, 12-year education system in discontinuous media that serves as an important source of information and news to the public, through the media that described how the system, with different ideologies which deal with different aspects of the same system of organs taken and in the process of informing the public about the system is to determine what type of information that is transferred.
This thesis is not only a newspaper but also a study of a specific period. All of the headlines in the newspaper are transcribed and index table, where the dates and also places of headlines in the newspaper are described, is formed. The transcriptions of news related with İstanbul included in this study. In the text part our studies the news of İstanbul and all of the headlines in the newspaper have been evaluated.
We got important informations about the political, economical,social and cultural changes in occupied İstanbul, which lived fundamental changes in its social structure. We encountered with original news about how the National Defence affected İstanbul. Moreover, by means of Dersaadet, we have found a chance to know the press life of time and also the important intellectuals who wrote in the newspaper.
Thesis, presented many information to researchers. One of the most possible trial is that Dersaadet which was claimed to support the National Defence behaved timidly when giving news about National Defence. The reason for this attitude, the term is applied to cencorship of the press can be like; struggle will be a record of success has not yet being built is on the case.